The combat deepens. On, ye brave, Few, few shall part where many meet; Shall be a soldier's sepulchre. CAMPBELL. L' Usignuolo. Offesa verginella Tutta dolente e bella, Fu cangiata da Giove in augellino, In verde colle udì con suo diletto Cantar un giorno Amor quell' augelletto, E del canto invaghito Con miracol gentil prese di Giove Ad emular le prove: Onde poi ch' ebbe udito Quel musico usignuol che sì soave Canta, gorgheggia, e stilla, Cangiollo in verginella; e questa è Lilla. FRANCESCO DI LEMENE. Ite, ite (gliscunt praelia), qveis decus Qvot praeliantum pars quota militum W. F. Luscinia. Inmeritos flentem casus vertisse puellam Κ. The Nightingale. A maiden fair in days of eld In many a forest-glade is heard : It so fell out, one summer's day, She tuned her fullest, sweetest lay, Love drank the liquid notes, and strove From that delicious hour To work, in rivalry of Jove, A deed of equal power. The bird, whose music rich and rare Entranced the listening wind, He changed into a maiden fair; And she is - JENNY LIND. С. К. Н. Auf den Selius. Du lebst nicht, wie du lehrst; dies årgert die Gemein' A. GRYPHIUS. ̓ Αηδών. Πότμον ὀδυρομένην χαλεπὸν περικαλλέα κούρην ὄρνιν ἐς ἡδυμελῆ Ζεὺς μετέθηκε πατήρ· ἡ δὲ κατ ̓ εὐκάρπους θάμνους, γλυκύφωνος ̓Αηδών, εὐθὺς τεινομέναις ταῖς πτερύγεσσι τρέχει. τὴν δ ̓ ὀπὶ θέλγουσαν λιγυρῇ πόσιν ἔν ποτε βουνοῦ χλωροκόμοις βήσσαις αὐτὸς ἄκουεν Ἔρως· αἴολα δ ̓ ἐκθαμβῶν μέλεα ζηλήμονι θυμῷ ἤθελ ̓ ὑπερβαλέειν θαύματα τοῦ πατέρος. ἐκ δ ̓ ὄρνιθος ἔθηκε πάλιν περικαλλέα κούρην, Λίνδην, Πιερίδων τὴν μελίγηρυν ὄπα. S. H. B. Discordia Concors. Qvod male cum norma concordet vita Mathonis Plebs queritur; falso: salva hominis ratio est. Nempe docent omnes et norma et vita Mathonis, Altera, qvid faciant, altera, quid fugiant. Κ. Marion. Will ye gae to the ewe-bughts, Marion, Oh, Marion's a bonnie lass, And the blythe blink's in her e'e; And fain wad I marry Marion, I've nine milch ewes, my Marion, OLD SCOTTISH SONG. The Indian Tree. They tell us of an Indian tree, Downwards again to that dear earth, Its grateful being, first had birth. E'en thus, though woo'd by flattering friends, And fed with fame (if fame it be), This heart, my own dear mother, bends With love's true instinct back to thee. |