Famous Fiction by the World's Greatest Authors! A CHARMING SET OF BOOKS, EMBRACING Ten of the Greatest Novels Ever Written BY TEN OF THE GREATEST AUTHORS WHO EVER LIVED! If you will study the biographies of the great authors of our day, you will observe that in most instances their reputations were made by the production of a single book. Let but one work that is really great-one masterpiece-emanate from an author's pen, and though his future efforts may be trivial in comparison, his name will live and his works be read long after the author has passed away. A well-known New York publishing house has issued in uniform and handsome style ten of the greatest and most famous novels in the English language, and we have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled to offer this handsome and valuable set of books as a premium to our subscribers upon terms which make them almost a free gift. Each one of these famous novels was its author's greatest work-his masterpiece-the great production that made his name and fame. The works comprised in this valuable set of books, which are published under the general title of "Famous Fiction by the World's Greatest Authors," are as follows: EAST LYNNE, By Mrs. Henry Wood. JANE EYRE, By Charlotte Bronte. JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN, By Miss Mulock. ADAM BEDE, By George Eliot. THE WOMAN IN WHITE, By Wilkie Collins. LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. VANITY FAIR, By W. M. Thackeray. THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, THE THREE GUARDSMEN, PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE, By Charles Reade. Each of these great and powerful works is known the world over and read in every civilized land. Each is intensely interesting, yet pure and elevating in moral tone. They are published complete, unchanged and unabridged, in ten separate volumes, with very handsome and artistic covers, all uniform, thus making a charming set of books which will be an ornament to the home. They are printed from new type, clear, bold and readable, upon paper of excellent quality. Altogether it is a delightful set of books, and we are most happy to be enabled to afford our subscribers an op portunity of obtaining such splendid books upon such terms as we can give. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER We will send a complete set of Ten Books as above described, by mail postpaid, also the Wisconsin Journal of Education for one year upon receipt of $1.35, which is but 35 cents in addition to our regular subscription price, so that you practically get these ten novels for 35 cents. Or we will send the same books and two copies of the Journal to two different persons, or two years of the Journal to one person for $2.00, so that by this means you get these ten great books for nothing. ORDER BLANK. (Erase all but one line in each place where an alternative statement is made.) WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, MADISON, WIS. $1.00 Enclosed please find $1.35 for which send to the $2.00 addresses given below, the WISCONSIN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION and also For one year For two years S The Leatherstocking Tales The Works of Charles Dickens Forty Books for Forty Cents Great Books by Famous Authors as per list of numbers given below (order by number only). A SET OF THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS, In Twelve Large Volumes, FOR ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. We offer to our patrons a Set of the Works of Charles Dickens, in Twelve Laige and H..ndsome Volumes, by mail post-paid, for only Seventy-five (ents! This great offer eclipses any ever heretofore made. Charles Dickens was the greatest Lovelist who ever lived. No author before or since his time has won the fame that he achieved, and his works are even more popular to-day than during his lifetime. They abound in wit, humor, pathos, masterly delineation of character, vivid descriptions of places and incidents, thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting. No home should be without a set of those great and remarkable works. Not to have read them is to be far behind the age in which we live. The set of Dickens' works which we offer as a premium to subscribers is handsomely, printed from new plates, with new type. The twelve volumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of which is published complete, un. changed and absolutely unabridged: DAVID COP. PERFIFLD, MAR TIN CHUZZLEWIT, NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAP RS, BARNABY RUDGE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPECTATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND THE UNCOM. MERCIAL TRAVELER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. Bear in mind that we offer, not a single volume, but the entire set of twelve volumes, as above, by mail post-paid, for only Seventy-five Cents. We prepay all postage. This is the grandest offer ever made. Up to this time the price of a set of Dickens' works has usually been $10.00 or more. The use of modern improved printing, folding and stitching machinery, the present extremely low price of white paper, and the great competition in the book trade, are the factors which make this wonderful offer possible. Tell all your friends that they can get a set of Dickens' works in twelve volumes for only seventy-five cents. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER We will send the complete set of the Works of Charles Dickens in twelve volumes as above described by mail postpaid, also the Wisconsin Journal of Education for one year upon receipt of $1.35, which is but 35 cents in addition to our regular subscription price, so that you practically get the set of Dickens' Works for only 35 cents. Or we will send the same books and two copies of the Journal to two different persons, or two years of the Journal to one person for $2.00, so that by this means you get a full set of Dickens for nothing. Though the long, frosty nights of the winter are here, Any of the above sent by mail, prepaid, at the above rates. A reduction when sent in quantities. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES EVERETT O. FISK & CO., Proprietors SEND TO ANY OF THE following addressES FOR AGENCY MANUAL, FREE: 4 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. 25 King Street, West Toronto, Can. 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. N. Y. 1242 Twelfth Street, Washington. D. C. 420 Century Building, Minneapolis, Minn. 525 Stimson Block, Los Angeles, Cal. THE HAZRAD TEACHERS' AGENCY Fifth year. 500 positions filled in Minnesota and Wisconsin alone. Solicits correspondence of Boards of Education, Superintendents, and other employing officers. Liberal terms to teachers. Registration fee merely nominal. Send for circulars and blanks free. 735 Boston Block. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. FREE TO TEACHERS-The business of a teachers' agency is to learn where vacancies are, when ceanges will be mode, give reliable information, and assist teachers to secure desirable positions. We have hundreds of vacancies in every State, and will forfeit $500 to any teacher who finds our information unreliable. We do not ask a per cent." of your salary. For FREE list of vacancies in any State, name position desired and address with stamp, Independent Teachers' Agency, Waterloo, Iowa. Jenner Medical College (Formerly Harvard.) (School recognized by State Board.) Spring and Summer Session of 1897 begins March 2, and continues six months. Announcements containing requirements for admission and obtaining degree, sent upon application. Address JENNER MEDICAL COLLEGE 385-397 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. |