"Work with Words" A Practical Etymology and Word Analysis. This book has an extensive use in the best schools of the country. It teaches word analysis by a pactical method. It gives the root words only, requiring the pupil to make his own derivations and to go to the dtctionary for his etymology. If you are teaching this subject, do not continue in the old way, but mention this paper, your school, and enclose forty-five cents for a sample copy for examination with a view to its introduction. Box 705. J. N. HUMPHREY, Publishers, Whitewater, Wis. Box 705. GET THE BEST WISCONSIN APR 2 1897 Journal of Education Vol. XXVII. MADISON, WIS., APRIL, 1897. EDUCATION No. 4 Here come the sunbeams and the soft, gentle showers, Taken from "A Little Folks' Calendar for 1897," by Clifford Howard, in Ladies' Home Journal. TRAINING NUMBER. MANUAL TRAINING ...PATRIOTIC BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS... JOHN FISKE'S "CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES." "The practical application of the whole to the duties of good citizenship public schools."-Wm. DeW. Hyde, President of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. make it an ideal text-book for our JOHN FISKE'S "HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR SCHOOLS." $1.00 postpaid. "It ia a grand means for preparing youths for citizenship."-E. F. Kistler, Atchison, Kansas. COL. T. A. DODGE'S “BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF OUR CIVIL WAR." $1.00 postpaid. A new and revised popular edition. Never before issued at a less list price than $3.00. "Perhaps the only single volume history of the war for the Union which can be relied on as an accurate, clear, and impartial narrative of that tremendous struggle." An excellent book for school use. THE RIVERSIDE SONG BOOK. Paper, 30 cents; boards, 40 cents, postpaid. "Well calculated to train the minds of the young into a spirit of love for one's country."-Miles J. Corse, Principal of School No. 2, Patterson, New Jersey. Chicago Office: 158 Adams Street. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. HILLSIDE HOME SCHOOL Boston Office: 4 Park Street. FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Fits for any college. Classical, Scientific, and English courses. Non-sectarian. Location on a farm, healthful and beautiful, removed from the distractions of the city. Buildings large and commodious; excellent sanitary conditions; waterworks and steam heat. School rooms and laboratory well equipped. A large corps of efficient teachers. Circulars sent on application. The MISSES LLOYD JONES, Hillside, Wis. Principals. MILWAUKEE AND DOWNER COLLEGES These two institutions for the higher education of young women, having recently been consolidated, will open in Milwaukee, Sept. 18. Address ELLEN C. SABIN, President, New York Office; 11 East 17th Street. Kindergarten Training School GRAND RAPIDS COLLEGE OF COMMERCE PRINCIPAL MICH. AND NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL (Organized 1892; Incorporated 1896.) Five Schools in one: Teachers' Preparatory, Pen Art, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, Telegraphy. Good board and furnished room with private family, $2.50 to $2.75 a week; self-board, including room, about $1.50 per week. Books rented. An able faculty. Students may enter at any time No entrance examinations. Graduates of this school are called to the highest positions. A beautiful and cultured city. Write for circulars. Address H. A. STORY, President, Standard of the U. S. Supreme Court, of all the State Supreme Courts, of the U. S. Government Printing Office, and of nearly all the Schoolbooks. Warmly commended by State Superintendents of Schools and other Educators almost without number. Public School Journal, Bloomington, Ill., says: -Webster's International Dictionary is an honor to the American people. For conciseness and accuracy of definitions it is superior. For artistic arrangement of the page there is nothing equal to it. It is the acknowledged standard in all schools, and among most scholars. It was never so popular as at the present time, and more copies are sold each succeeding year than the year before.-November, 1895. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass. None Better. The HAZARD TEACHERS' AGENCY. Established 1892. The best Teachers, Superintendents and Boards patronize this Agency and recommend it. 732-4 Boston Block. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. Notices of Circulars Free. New School Books And other educational announcements of interest, which may be issued from time to time by Messrs. Harper & Brothers will be sent by them to any instructor who will forward his name for that purpose. The following important text-books have been published recently: "Elements of Geometry," by Professors Phillips and Fisher; "Shakespeare the Full information concerning these books may be had from the publishers on request. HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, NEW YORK, N.Y. W. S. RUSSELL, Agent for the Introduction of Harper & Brothers' Educational Publications, 162 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. |