THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY BOOKS (Second-Hand Exhibition Road, South Kensington, is open FREE DAILY throughout the year, excepting on Fridays, when it is entirely closed for cleaning and alterations. THE By order, GEORGE SCHARF, Keeper and Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS for insertion in the FORTHCOMING NUMBER of the above Periodical must be forwarded to the Publisher by the 10th, and BILLS by the 12th JANUARY. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. SECOND-HAND BOOK STORE, 25, LOSEBY LANE, LEICESTER. Sir James Wilford, Kt. By the Editor. (With Illustration.) The Visitation of Lincolnshire in 1562-3. The Barony of Welloughby of Parham. By W. D. Pink. Methven of that Ilk: a Doubtful Pedigree. Extracts from the Registers of Werrington. By Rev. Edw. King, B.A. F.S.A.Scot. Notices of Books-Foster's Peerage and Baronetage, by S. Tucker, Rouge Croix; Haworth Past and Present, by the Editor. The GENEALOGIST is issued Quarterly, on the 1st of January, April, July, and October. Vol. I. price 218.; Vols. 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"Replete with information concerning arms, wills, and pedigrees; we commend it as well worthy the attention of all those interested in the subject."- Westminster Chronicle. Of material aid to the genealogical student."-Cleveland Herald. The contents are varied and interesting."-Derbyshire Courier. "We can commend the work as deserving the favour of American students."-New York Record. Much that will interest American genealogists will be found in these numbers."- New England Historical Register. Published by GEORGE BELL & SONS, York Street, Covent Garden. 6TH S. No. 1. PRICE FOURPENCE. Registered as a Newspaper. MAINDERS, &c.-C. HERBERT, Fnglish and Foreign Bookseller, 60, Goswell Road. London. E C. CATALOGUE free on receipt of Two Stamps. Libraries, Old Books, and Parchment purchased. WORKS on TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c.-BookJournals, or Newspapers containing Articles on the subject, are invited to report such to the Office of COPE'S TOBACCO PLANT, 10, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool. THE MANCHESTER CITY NEWS devotes considerable space to Literature, Art, Science, Proceedings of Local Learned Societies, Notes and Queries, Original Papers. Every Saturday, price One Penny. CITY NEWS NOTES and QUERIES. Published every Saturday in the MANCHESTER CITY NEWS, a Weekly Journal of Local Intelligence, Art, Literature, and Science. Price One Penny. Yearly, by post, 68. 6d. The NOTES and QUERIES are also reprinted in Quarterly Parts, price 1s. 3d. each. Volume I. (1878), bound in cloth, 10s. City News Office, Manchester. Medium 8vo. price 128. pp. xvii-329, THE FOLK-LORE of the NORTHERN COUNTIES of ENGLAND and the BORDERS. A New Edition with many additional Notes. By WILLIAM HENDERSON, Author of My Life as an Angler." "We congratulate the Folk-Lore Society on the new edition of this excellent book."-Athenæum, September 27. "The new and enlarged edition of an old favourite, the work of 'a folk-lore student before folk-lore came into vogue as a pursuit,' cannot fail to be welcome to the large and increasing number of students who make this interesting subject their principal pursuit. We have here a mass of material, the accumulation of years of search and inquiry." Notes and Queries, October 18. Published for the Folk-Lore Society by W. SATCHELL, PEYTON & CO., 12, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, W.C. On January 15 will be published, A HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE. By JOHN HILL BURTON, D.C.L. Historiographer-Royal for Scotland, Author of a History of Scotland," &c. In Three Volumes, 8vo. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London. PARLEZ-VOUS FRANÇAIS-Many of whom this question is asked will say, I can read it and write it, but can't speak it. A neat little gilt-edged volume for the pocket has just been published by a most eminent Professor. This little book has been awarded an Honourable Mention at the Great Exhibition of Paris, 1878. All the most useful verbs as used in ordinary conversation are therein embodied, alphabetically arranged on an entirely new plan, and printed in large type in French and English; a most rapid system, indispensable to teachers and other persons teaching themselves the language. Sent post free to any address on receipt of two shillings in stamps to MONSIEUR QUERECKE, 60 Avenue de Neuilly, Paris. Fostage of letter to France, 24d. THE LINCOLN POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM, Printed on Superior Paper, the favourite oblong shape, strongly bound in cloth gilt, and gilt clasp, 88. 6d. ; post free, 98. 6d. The LINCOLN STAMP ALBUM (Fourth Edition) and CATALOGUE of FOREIGN and COLONIAL STAMPS, with Spaces for over 2,500 Stamps. Bound in cloth gilt, 28.; post free, 28. 3d. Priced CATALOGUE of POSTAGE STAMPS, post free, THREEPENCE. W. LINCOLN, 289, High Helborn, London. THE MULTIPLEX COPYING PROCESS, Price 108., gives Forty Copies of Circulars, Music, Examination Questions. Drawings, Plans, specifications. This process has been adopted by Her Majesty's Government, on the recommendation of a Treasury Commission; and the Government have paid the Inventor (Mr. Fellows) 500l. for the privilege of using it throughout all their Departments. No long preparation. No tedious washing off. Full particulars post free. CHARLES FELLOWS, 18, Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton. | Charles Lyall, Esq. G. H. Palmer, Esq. Capt. R. W. Pelly, R.N. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. THE COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. HE OLDEST and most EFFECTUAL COUGH "Dear Sir,-Having had a most distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was recommended by his lordship, the Earl of Caithness, to try your most invaluable Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties, and the first small bottle completely cured me; therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it to the million. (Signed) "W. LINZELL, H.M. Gunboat Netley." POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. COUGHS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. William Rennie, Esq. INVALUABLE for BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA, P. F. Robertson, Robert Ryrie, Esq. David P. Sellar, Esq. Col. L. Seymour. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the Fifteen Days of grace allowed for Renewal of Christmas Policies will expire on 9th January. The Directors invite Applications for Agencies for the Fire and Life Departments. Prospectuses, Copies of the Fire, Life, and Marine Accounts, and all other information, can be had on application. JOHN P. LAURENCE, Secretary. SAFETY FOR STREET DOORS. CHUBB'S PATENT DETECTOR LOCKS. CHUBB'S PATENT LATCHES. PATENT FIRE and THIEF-RESISTING SAFES. CHUBB & SON, 128, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, ST. PAUL'S, E.C.; and at 68, ST. JAMES'S STREET, S.W. Illustrated Price Lists sent Free. F. MOEDER begs to announce that the whole of for the Furniture Trade, and now form one of the most commodious Warehouses in the Metropolis. Bed-Room Suites, from 61. 68. to 50 Guineas. F. MOEDER, 248, 249, 250, Tottenham Court Road; and 19, 20, and 21, Morwell Street, W.C. Established 1862. OLD MARSALA WINE, Acknowledged to be the finest imported, free from acidity or heat, and much superior to low-priced Sherry. 21s. per dozen. Selected dry TARRAGONA, as supplied to the Public Hospitals, Asylums, &e. 208. per dozen. Rail carriage paid. W. D. WATSON, Wine Merchant, 373, Oxford Street, and 56, Berwick Street, London, W. Established 1841. Terms cash. The Rev. William Lush writes from Stixwold Vicarage, Horncastle :-" For the past twelve years I have been in the babit of using myself, giving away, and recommending your Balsam. I should not be exaggerating if I said I have never known it to fail. Whenever I have had a cough I have used it in preference to anything else, and again and again it has cured me." POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. WIL COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, COLDS, &c. ILL LOOSEN the PHLEGM immediately. The Dean of Westminster's Verger writes:"I was advised to try the Balsam of Aniseed. I did, and have found very great relief. It is most comforting in allaying irritation and giving strength to the voice." Lionel Brough, Esq., the eminent actor, writes:"I think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and sister artistes." POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. THE COUGHS, LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1880. been supplied by worthy successors, as a glance at NOTES:-Our Sixth Series-The Morosini Palace at Venice, number to which the editor may point in every 1-My Collection of Book-Plates, 2-Episcopacy in Scotland of 1699, 8-Another Old View of Covent Garden Market, 9-eminence in literature and position. Chap-Book Notes, 10-The Mystery of St. Pantaleon, or Church and Stage in 1653, 11-A Puzzle Solved-Notes on Chichester, 12-Provincial Fairs, 13-The First Draft of Cowper's Poem of "The Rose"-A Siamese Fable-"Maiden," 14-Two Welsh-English Versions of a Poem to the Virgin- The Visors of Woncot-William Jay of Bath-Joseph Hume, " QUERIES:-Matthew Carey, Philadelphia, 1819-Meyler Fitz- Heary, 16-"Princess"-Heraldic: Jocelyn Family-The History of Literary Forgery-Royalist or Cromwellite-Peer- age of Stockport-English Tobacco-Miles and Milestones, 17- Augmentum"-Wolf Jacob von Forstner(?)-" Car- cell: "Lesh Lumbert"-"The Land o' the Leal "-Church; wardens' Accounts-" Talis cum sis," &c.-Author named MacCulloch-23rd Regiment of Foot-Singing Carols in Churches-T. Phaer, 18-Morrice Dance-"Anthony"-Or- deal by Floating in Witchcraft-" A pair of organs "Prestidigitateur "-" Esopus' Prices-Col. Lascelles, &c. -"Danmonii," 19-A Latin Bible-Authors Wanted, 20. REPLIES:-The Father of Robert fitz Harding, 20-A Topo- graphical Society for London, 21-" Don Quixote "-The Oxfordshire Election, 1754-W. Mudford-" Bamboozle "- Franz Liszt, 22-Adder Stones-Walkinghame" British Curiosities in Nature and Art"-The Best Inkstand, 23 The Misuse of English by French Writers-Portrait of "Elizabeth, Countess of Derby "-Rabelais and Shakspeare -The Theatre at Parma-Octave Delepierre-Louis XIV. "The Universal Magazine"-Vandyck's "Charles I.," 24- "The rank is but the guinea's stamp"-Visitation Books, &c.-"Posy"-Sir P. Sydenham-Print by David Loggan -"Perry "-A Roman Banquet-Bull-baiting in England -A Medieval Bell, 25-Manors in England and Ireland- Trousers first Worn-Baptismal Fonts-Authors Wanted, 26. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Ashwell's "Life of Samuel Wilber- Long may my offspring occupy the position THE MOROSINI PALACE AT VENICE. It may be interesting, before the last echoes of the discussion on the church of St. Mark have died away, to give a brief account of another monument at Venice, concerning which we trust that nothing that we can say will irritate the nerves even of the most susceptible Italian. Amongst the many palaces of Venice perhaps the most interesting of all is one which is the least known. In ordinary handbooks and descriptions of Venice hardly a word is given to the palace of Francesco Morosini. It is this which, owing to the kindness of friends staying in Venice during the memorable week in last autumn when so many famous personages by an accidental coincidence It is a great compliment to an editor who has abdicated his functions to be invited, long after that event has taken place, to resume his vacated chair and, if not to "give his little senate laws," to say a few words of thanks and acknowledgments to the friends and contributors of the journal | which it was his good fortune to call into existence some thirty years ago. But the pride and grati- fication which I feel at this unexpected compli- "Still from the fount of joy's delicious springs Some bitter o'er the flowers its bubbling venom flings." And the cheerful spirit in which I would point to the success of NOTES AND QUERIES, and thank those who have contributed to such success, is naturally toned down when I look round and see how many of those who originally did so have been taken away. Many of these were dear per- sonal friends, "not of the roll of common men." Peace to their honoured memories! The interest of it consists in this. It belonged Francesco Morosini, first General and then Doge of the Venetian republic, who, in consequence of his having conquered the Peloponnesus from the Turks, was called "The Peloponnesian" or "Pelo- All that travellers have ordinarily seen of this illustrious champion of Venice have been, first, the triumphal arch erected to him in the gallery of the Ducal Palace, and, secondly, the two colossal lions which he brought from the entrance of the Piræus, and which may well be ranked amongst the fore- most historical relics of the world, not only because of their association with that renowned harbour to which in later times they gave the name of Porto Leoni, but because on the shoulders of one of them are engraved Etruscan characters of a date earlier, probably, than the Piræus itself, and Runic inscriptions which describe the conquest of the Piræus by the Norse seamen of the eleventh The impressions conveyed by these memorials, even to a passing traveller, are greatly intensified |