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Vols. I. to XII., 1874 to 1879 (Two Vols. in each Year).

MR. THOMS has kindly contributed the following Preface: :

If there be any truth in the old proverb, "Practice makes perfect," this ought to be a capital Preface, inasmuch as it is the Fifth to an Index of a twelve-volume Series of dear old NOTES AND QUERIES which I have been called upon to write.

The first three it was my duty to prepare, as I was responsible for the several collections of literary material to which they were the keys. because to a certain extent the various articles to which it referred had been garnered under I was urged to undertake the Fourth my superintendence. But now that I have neither the responsibility nor the credit for the store of varied, useful, and amusing information here duly sorted and labelled ready for use, to be compelled by the importunity, not to say tyranny, of my successor to repeat an old story, and so expose myself to the risk of being taunted by some captious critic with the profanity of Jack Falstaff, and told "Oh, thou hast damnable iteration!" is a little hard upon an Editor who has "retired from business."

I must, however, run the risk, inasmuch as by so doing I shall put myself in a position to make an acknowledgment which I ought to have made long since. My distinguished and warm-hearted friend Lord Brougham (who, I may here say, had on more than one occasion furnished me with some interesting Replies), speaking to me of the great value and utility of this Journal, was pleased to add that "that value and utility were increased tenfold by its Lord Brougham was right; and if the critic in the Saturday Review who declared of "that little farrago of learning, oddities, absurdities, and shrewdnesses, QUERIES," that it was perhaps the only weekly newspaper that would be "consulted three hundred years hence," should also prove to be right, I do not hesitate to declare that these Indexes will have greatly contributed to that success.

capital Indexes."


my belief

What a pleasant retribution it is for one who has for years been so mercilessly quizzed and jeered for his exposure of pretended Centenarians to think that he should be credited with the merit of having called into existence a something that shall be continuing its useful existence Bome three centuries hence!

But let that pass.

the Indexes owed to the care, intelligence, and experience of their original compiler, the late have not, however, in any of these Prefaces acknowledged as I ought to have done that their existence is due to the suggestion of another highly esteemed old friend, one of the earliest contributors to " N. & Q.," Mr. William Bernard Mac Cabe, the learned author of "A Catholic History of England." It was he who, when some few volumes had appeared, urged upon me the advantage of taking stock of the information recorded in them by the publication of a General Index, and the advisability of doing so at stated intervals. The suggestion was one 20 full of common sense that I did not hesitate to adopt it. I am pleased to avail myself of the opportunity which is thus afforded me of doing justice to my old friend. Readers who share my regret at not seeing his name so frequently as they were wont in these pages may feel assured that it is from no diminished attachment to NOTES AND QUERIES, but from the fact that he is, like the original Editor, conscious of increasing years, but, unlike him, careful not to trespass too much on the good nature of the Public.

I have on more than one occasion expressed my sense of how much

Published by JOHN FRANCIS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

Every SATURDAY, of any Bookseller or News-agent,


Each Half-yearly Volume complete in itself, with Title-Page and Index.

[blocks in formation]

REVIEWS of every important New Book, English and Foreign, and every new English Novel.


AUTHENTIC ACCOUNTS of Scientific Voyages and Expeditions.

CRITICISMS on Art, Music, and the Drama.

LETTERS from Foreign Correspondents on subjects relating to Literatu Science, and Art.

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of Distinguished Men.


WEEKLY GOSSIP on Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music,

the Drama.



Is so conducted that the reader, however distant, is in respect to Literature, Science, Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, on an equality in point of information with the informed circles of the Metropolis.

OFFICE for ADVERTISEMENTS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

Published by JOHN FRANCIS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.
Printed by E. J. FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; and Published by
JOHN FRANCIS, at No. 20, Wellington Street, Strand, W.0.-Saturday, June 28, 1880,

Queries, with No. 39, July 24, 1880.




[blocks in formation]

"History is philosophy," &c., 306

A. (W. E. A.) on an erudite menu, 312

A-z on bull-baiting in England, 86

Gravestones, early, 105

Pick-Vomit, 344

Psalm, "Old Hundredth," 86

Abhba on burned in the hand, 37

Abner, his retort to Ish-bosheth, 512

Abney (Sir Thomas), Lord Mayor of London, 176

decamaravelous, its derivation, 304, 346

Ache on "

"Silverlings," Isaiah vii. 23, 222
Acton, Middlesex, its former owner, 195
Adams (H. J.) on copper coins of 1864, 36
Adder stones, 23, 478

"Adeste Fideles," 85, 141, 160, 224
Advocates' Library, its printed catalogue, 248
Affodil and Daffodil, 412

Ainscow (John), of Blackrod, his kin, 296
Aisle, its derivation and meaning, 73, 241
Albini (Nigel de), his descendants, 276
Alfred the Great, his likeness, 37, 201
Aliri, its meaning, 232, 318, 386

All ware," street cry, its meaning, 65
Allen (Edward), actor, noticed, 113

A laott (W. H.) on Milton's grandfather, 115
Allsopp family of Ashbourne, co. Derby, 416

Allsopp (A. P.) on cotton introduced into England, 320

Almanacs, Christmas, issued by tradesmen, 115, 146 Almoner, Lord High, his precedence, 136

Alpha on Brahan seer, Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche, 96 Altar in the Pyx Chamber, Westminster Abbey, 334, 379, 400, 458

Altham family and title, 36, 103, 505

Altruism, its etymology and meaning, 117, 286

Alwyn (Sir Nicholas), Lord Mayor of London, 212
Ameer, its derivation, 40, 506

American diplomatic uniforms, 256, 339

American Folk-lore, 16, 75, 234

American hymns, 376

American spelling, 16, 161, 204

Americus on American diplomatic uniforms, 339

Amicus on paintings on tea-trays, 199

Amulet, inscribed, 354, 482

An, its Lincolnshire use, 376

Ancestor, use of the word, 74, 223, 245

And, "short," 474, 500

Anders meate, a meal, 34

Andersen (Hans Christian), his "Bilderbuch ohne Bilder," 58

Andrews (Henry), almanac maker, 183

Anglo-Celt on "He that will to Cupar," &c., 265

Angus (J. K.) on the clergyman and the actor, 421 Feng-shui, its meaning, 404

Zulu pillows, 201

Anne of Cleves, her portrait by Holbein, 223
Anne (Queen), naval medal, 515
Anon. on brasses in churches, 294

Digby (Kenelm Henry), 292
Distich, old, 514
Wingfield brass, 401
Woman's tongue, 404

Anonymous pamphlets, 194

Anonymous Works:

Adventures of Naufragus, 47, 67

Æsop at the Bear Garden, a poem, 157, 202, 340
Art of Living in London, 153, 202, 305, 486
Chronicle of an Illustrious House, 115

Chronicles of the Kings of England, 126

Anonymous Works:-

City of Dreadful Night, 36, 105

Clubs of London, 77, 127

Comic English Grammar, 77

Cook and Housewife's Manual (Meg Dod's), 47
Cromwell Doolan, 77

Cromwell (Oliver), Life of, 155, 219

Curious Maid, 375, 422

Death of t'ould Squire, 196, 227

Dictionary of Writers on the Prophecies, 26

Enchanted Plants; or, Fables in Verse, 316, 367
English in India, 77

Epics of the Ton, 77

Estelle Russell, 77

Exquisites, The, a farce, 337

Five Nights of St. Albans, 77, 127, 187
Historic Certainties, 516

History of the Mutiny at Spithead, 46
Looking-Glass for the Mind, 377, 466
Love in a Balloon, 217, 246, 287
Mathematogonia, 417

Murdered Queen, 95

Not in the Programme, 297, 386

Old Bailey Experiences, 26

Poems, with a Dramatic Entertainment, 396
Power of Clothes, 275

Red Barn, a novel, 457

Robert Dalby and his World of Troubles, 471
Scripture Proofs on Pre-existence and Deity of
Christ, 178

Suicide, The, a poem, 457

Tavern Anecdotes and Reminiscences, 196, 367
Thinks I to myself, 106

Twenty Years in Retirement, 26

Two Rectors, 26

Vestiges of Creation, 325, 385, 478

Anthony, its pronunciation, 19, 123, 264, 286, 306
Anthony on the pronunciation of Anthony, 19
Antilles, the name, its etymology, 374
Antiquity, how it becomes obsolete, 174
Antonio da Ponte, his name, 76

Apis on misuse of English by French writers, 24
Apistical Relating to bees, 76

Apollo Gardens, Westminster Road, 336, 506
Apperson (G. L.) on Irishmen turned into wolves, 176
May Day in Worcestershire, 115
Toothache, Saint invoked for, 126

Apples of King John, 85, 526
Arabian Folk-lore, 311

Arbuthnot (John), his wife, 45

"Arca finalis" found at Corton, Wilts, 473
Ardglass, co. Down, epitaph at, 313

Argo-nairs, its proverbial meaning, 176, 259
Arithmetic amongst the ancients, 314, 500
Arm-in-arm, custom of walking, 134, 263
Armour, funeral, in churches, 446
Armour in 1588, 495

Arms, in Lowick Church windows, 55, 462; Nobility
Rolls, 75; right to bear, 78; bricklayers', 75, 103;
printed Rolls of, 190; Sixth Nobility Roll, 351, 370;
Foreign Colleges of, 416. See Heraldry.
Army, its trained regimental animals, 235
Army signalling, its origin, 395

Arnott (S.) on Chiswick and Turnham Green, 509
Artistic remuneration, 174, 263
"As," on a book-plate, 516

Ascendency, its spelling, 237, 323, 345
Ascension Day, superstition as to, 395
Ashbee (H. S.) on errors of authors, 490
Biographical Society, 38, 64

Rabelais (Francis), 349

Ashmole (Elias), Windsor herald, 196, 386
Asinego, its meaning and derivation, 516
Asquint, a rare word, 492

Atholl motto, 28

Attwell (H.) on Fénelon, its spelling and accentua-
tion, 134

Siddons (Mrs.), her portraits, 335

Aube, a bird's name, 41, 105, 244, 306
Auctions, early book, 206, 246
Augmentum, its liturgical use, 18
Augustan epigram, 473

"Auld Robin Gray" dramatized, 236, 445
"Aurea Legenda," edit. of 1503, 315, 485

Austin (Samuel), his "Answer to Mr. Randolph's
Poems," 457

Author, his reasons for not publishing, 233

Authors, their errors, 390, 414, 433, 490, 512
Autograph letters, their mounting, 214

Avoure: Avouries, 146

Awful, its spelling, 356, 522

Axon (W. E. A.) on "Chevy Chase," 464
Coffin-lids placed before doors, 455
Feng-shui, its meaning, 404
Fribourg legend, 193

Inventions, some English, 310
Olive (Princess), 33

Surnames, their pronunciation, 473
Tachifenografo, 38

Azeituna, Spanish word, its meaning, 215, 245, 406
Azes, coins of, 97

B. on godwit of Ionia, 296

Ink, best modern, 105

Tree of S. Maria del Tulé, 296

B. (A.) on the "Ram Jam" Inn, 414
B. (A. C.) on "Not a drum was heard," 440
B. (A. F.) on a Chinese figure, 436
B. (A. O.) on an old ballad, 397
B. (C.) on Antonio da Ponte, 76
Bell inscription, 25

English banquet in 1768, 32, 324
Ladies' clubs, 358

London v. Londres, 182
Penn (William), 143
Psychological mystery, 201
Roman banquet, 25

B. (C. W.) on Baines family, 518

B. (D. C.) on Venus's visit to Esculapius, 474
B. (E.) on merchants of first London Directory, 57
Nightmare charm, 54

B. (F. A.) on Bedford, its etymology, 461
Gipsies, 258

B. (G.) on rejected manuscripts, 33
B. (G. S.) on fir tree introduced into England, 78
Printing by electricity, 262

B. (H.) on Robert fitz Harding, 101
B. (J.) on branding the hand, 160

Brown (Dr. John), his "Bibliomania," 299
Hymn, "Praise ye Jehovah!" 195
London Topographical Society, 40
Penn (William), 157

B. (J. McC.) on "Borderland of Animal and Vegetable Bartholomew Fair collection, Dickens's, 35
Kingdoms," 523

B. (J. N.) on Matthew Buchinger, 136

B. (J. R.) on Cardinal Newman, 135

B. (P.) on "Vicar and Moses," 214

B. (P. E.) on portraits etched by Mrs. D. Turner, 357

B. (R.) on a Dane's skin, 261

Scowles, scarles Scorice? 256

B. (S.) on a treatise by Henry VIII., 255
B. (W. C.) on biographical queries, 194

Blackstone or Blakiston family, 243
Brownlow Street, Drury Lane, 153
Cole (John), of Northampton, 346
De Laune family, 46

Ferret, obsolete word, 205
Gospel Oaks, 403

Hewes or Hughes (Rev. Lewes), 345
Kennedy (James and Charles), 436
Scilly, robin in, 35

Tau, marked with, 521

Whig and Tory, 395

B. (W. E.) on 28th Regiment at Quatre Bras, 320

Spanish lady's love for an Englishman, 335

B. (W. M.) on Isaac Reed, 304

B. (Y.) on Bickley family, 416

Leicestershire funeral, 94

Bacon family, co. Somerset, 356, 406
Bacon (J. M.) on Bacon family, 356
Bacon (Roger), his family, 215, 382

Bailey (J. E.) on "Ben Jonson's Head," 432
Clenard (Nicholas), 305

"Gentle Shepherd," Vanderstop's version, 35
John (King) as Earl of Moreton, 266

Laud (Bishop) and Dr. Sibthorpe's Sermon, 203
Master of the Rolls, letter to, 74
Moxon (Joseph), 284

Stockport peerage, &c., 119

Eaily (J.) on Thomas Coleman, 359
Tau, marked with, 373

Tulchan bishops, 424

Baines family, co. Surrey, 76, 517

Baker (Samuel), Rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, 195

Balcony or Balcony, 46

Ballad quoted in "King Lear," 53

Balsic (Catherine de), first Duchess of Lennox, 55

Bamboozle, its etymology, 22

Banality, a new word, 456

Bates (W.) on "Auld Robin Gray," 445
Brown (Tom), 316, 337
Carey (Matthew), 237

Cowper (W.), riddle by, 474
Hogarth (W.) and Picart, 332
Jefferys (Nathaniel), 465
Linton (W. J.), 145

London v. Londres, 117

Merritt (Henry), 471

[ocr errors]

Quack Doctor," 496

Roman banquet: Bill of fare, 164

Sea-sickness known to the ancients, 410

"Tavern Anecdotes," 367

Turner (Mrs. Dawson), portraits by, 442
Vander Myn (F.), artist, 141

Bath and Wells diocesan registers, 215

Bath bibliography, 15

Battledores, or horn-books, 313, 421

Bayne (T.) on Tom Brown, 133

Carlyle (Thomas), his "Essay on Burns," 336
"Hoof of truth," 177

"Laird o' Cockpen," 137

"Land o' the Leal," 18

Rooky Misty, 34

Shakspeariana, 251

Washing the feet of brides, 260

Baynes (M. C.) on Cad, synonymous with Cadger, 124
Bazillis family, 115

Beak (A.) on Hautten family, 475

Regiment of Foot, 23rd, 18, 466

Beatrice on Prudent=Virtuous, 480

Beaumontague, its meaning and derivation, 256, 304
Bede (Cuthbert) on "An," its Lincolnshire use, 376
Buchinger (Matthew), 282

Clergyman and the actor, 421
Dalilah, its pronunciation, 222
Dickens family, 214

"Hare-brained," 425

Keble (J.), his pointing towers, 234

King George the best, 312
Lemon sole, 464

"Love in a Balloon," 287

Paintings on tea-trays, 159

Pianoforte, equestrian player on, 35

Royall or Ryall family, 143
Woodbine, its synonyms, 384

Baacks (John), of Sunning, his "Life of Oliver Crom- Bedford, its etymology, 173, 460

well," 155, 219

Banks (C. E.) on Edward Godfrey, 515

Royall or Ryall family, 97

Banks (Sir John), his biography, 296, 404
Banns: "God speed 'em well," 505

Banquet, Roman, 25, 46, 83; the bill of fare, 164,
225; English, in 1768, 32, 258, 334; wedding, in
1767, 134

Baptism, Christian names in, 274, 299, 397, 426
Baptismal fonts, 26; pentagonal, 215, 405
Baptismal nomenclature, scientific, 193

Bar-Point on obituary verses, 34

Barbatus (Hugo), of Domesday, 255

Barley break, a game, 108

Barnes (Richard), Bishop of Durham, 255

Penn (William) and slavery, 394

112, 490

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Bell (H.) on Paddocray, its meaning, 457

Bell (Henry Nugent), "Huntingdon Peerage Case," 66
Bellarmine (Cardinal), 294

Bells, song on, 61, 305; at Bury St. Edmunds, 193, 303
Benhall peerage, 299

Bentley (G.) on "Not a drum was heard," 254

Beppo on Chicken House Estate, 137

Bergusdicius (F.), his biography, 256, 405

Barrow (G. F.) on Rickmansworth parochial records, Berkhamsted or Berkhampstead, 513

Bermondsey Spa, views of, 336, 506

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