The Complete Book of Bible TriviaTyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1999 - 512 pages People who love the Bible and trivia will enjoy J. Stephen Lang's The Complete Book of Bible Trivia. With over 4,500 questions divided into 14 topical sections, trivia buffs will be tested on such topics as Crimes and Punishments, Military Matters, Things to Eat and Drink, and Matters of Life and Death. Answers are conveniently placed on the following page. |
A Cast of Thousands | 4 |
Kings Pharaohs and Other | |
Change of Life Change | 2 |
Notable Women and Some | |
Religious Matters | 10 |
A Herd of Prophets | 20 |
Notable Women and Some | 28 |
The Inventors | 8 |
75 | |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Genesis According to Jesus Ahab Ahab 1 Kings altar Amos angel anointed Answers apostle Assyrian Babylon Behold Bible birds brother buried Christ Chronicles church Corinthians covenant curse daughter David 2 Samuel Deuteronomy disciples Egypt Egyptian Elijah 1 Kings epistle Esther exile Exodus Ezekiel Ezra father feast Genesis Gideon Judges Gospel hath heaven Hebrews Hosea Isaiah Israel Israelites Jacob Genesis Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Jesus healed Jews Jezebel John the Baptist Jonah Joseph Genesis Joshua killed king of Israel king of Judah kissed Leviticus Lord Luke Mark married mentioned miracle Moab Moses Exodus mother murdered Nebuchadnezzar Nehemiah Noah Numbers Old Testament parable Paul Acts Peter Acts Pharaoh Philistines priest prophet Proverbs Psalm Rehoboam reign Romans Ruth Samson Judges Samuel 1 Samuel Saul servant soldiers Solomon 1 Kings Song of Solomon stone temple thee thou told unto vision voice wicked widow wife woman Zechariah