SIR SAMUEL ROMILLY- (continued).
Slave trade; Registry of Slaves.- Bristol election; candidates;
Mr. Protheroe.-Resolution of the Independent Club, and
letter respecting it. - Mr. Protheroe; Hunt. Address to
the electors. Mr. Rider's motion, police of the metro-
polis; increase of crime. Abuses in Ecclesiastical Courts;
Sir Wm. Scott. Bristol election; letter to Mr. Edge.
Reversion Bill. Bill to repeal 39 Eliz. Transportation
to New South Wales. The Regent's determination to re-
tain the ministers; his letter to the Duke of York. Colonel
McMahon's sinecure. - Delays in the Court of Chancery;
Michael Angelo Taylor. Master in Chancery not fit mem-
ber of a committee to inquire into the delays of the court.
Expulsion of Walsh from the House of Commons. - Local Poor
Bills; Stroud. Military punishments; Brougham. - Bill to
repeal 39 Eliz.; Lord Ellenborough.- Abuses of charitable
trusts; Mr. Lockhart. Visit to Bristol, reception, speech,
second address to the electors. Military punishments.
Cobbett's attack. Committee on the delays in the
Court of Chancery. - Disqualifying laws against Catholics.
Delays in the Court of Chancery. - Tellerships of the Ex-
chequer. Reform of Parliament. Murder of Perceval;
conviction of Bellingham the murderer, Provision for Per-
ceval's family and a public monument; his character. - Pro-
jected change in the ministry. Address of the House of
Commons. Abuses in Lincoln jail. Attempts to form a
new administration; Lord Wellesley, Lord Moira, Lord Eldon,