EDITED BY HOWARD C. WARREN. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY (Index) WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF MANY DISTINGUISHED PSYCHOLOGISTS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW containing original contributions only, appears bimonthly, on the first of January, March, May, July, September, and November, the six numbers comprising a volume of about 420 pages. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN containing critical reviews, notices of books and articles, psychological news and notes,university notices, announcements, and shorter discussions, appears the fifteenth of each month, the annual volume comprising about 420 pages. Special issues of the BULLETIN consist of general reviews of recent work in some department of psychology, with original contributions bearing on the same topic. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX is a compendious bibliography of books, monographs, and articles upon psychological and Annual Subscription to Review and Bulletin, $4.50 (Canada $4.65, Postal Current Numbers of the Review, 50c.; of the Bulletin, 25c. (Special issues THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS consist of longer researches or treatises or collections of laboratory studies which it is important to publish promptly and as units. THE PHILOSOPHICAL MONOGRAPHS form a separate series, containing treatises more philosophical in character. THE MONOGRAPHS appear at irregular intervals and are gathered into volumes of about 500 pages, with a uniform subscription price of $4.00. (Postal Union, $4.30.) Each series may be subscribed for separately. The price of single numbers varies according to their size (see list). Eleven volumes of THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS have been issued, and the first volume of the PHILOSOPHICAL MONOGRAPHS is in progress. LIBRARY OF GENETIC SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY A series of bound books issued as accepted for publication. The price varies according to the size of the volume. Two volumes of the Library have already appeared. Subscriptions, orders, and business communications may be sent direct to the Business Manager of the PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., or forwarded through the publishers or agents. 41 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA., AGENT G. E. STECHERT & CO., LONDON (2 Star Yard, Carey St., W. C.); |