INDEPENDENT ORDER OF HOREBITES. Ex. 17, 6. 1. COR. 10. 4. WE, the undersigned, (believing that "Water is best;" and that every attempt to improve it, by the admixture of Alcoholic, Narcotic, or Aromatic substances, only tend to injure it and those who take it ;) hereby agree to abstain from all Artificial Beverages; and in all suitable ways to discountenance their use throughout the community. This is to Certify that ОР HEALTH & LONGEVITY: OR HYDROPATHY FOR THE PEOPLE: CONSISTING OF PLAIN OBSERVATIONS ON DRUGS, DIET, WATER, AIR, EXERCISE, ETC. BY W. HORSELL, V.D. M., I.O.R., PRESIDENT OF THE NATURE'S BEVERAGE SOCIETY, OR I. O. H. His days shall be an hundred and twenty years.-GEN. vi. 3. Behold, I have given you every green herb-and every tree-to All that drink water shall be comforted.-EZEKIEL Xxxi. 16. LONDON: HOULSTON AND STONEMAN, THE AUTHOR, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. MDCCCXLV. |