INTELLECTUAL SYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSE: WHEREIN ALL THE REASON AND PHILOSOPHY OF ATHEISM IS CONFUTED, AND ITS IMPOSSIBILITY DEMONSTRATED. WITH A DISCOURSE CONCERNING THE TRUE NOTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER; AND TWO SERMONS, ON 1 JOHN ii. 3, 4. and 1 Cor. xv. 57. BY RALPH CUDWORTH, D.D. A NEW EDITION; With References to the several Quotations in the Intellectual System; and an BY THOMAS BIRCH, M.A. AND F.R.S. IN FOUR VOLUMES: VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. F. DOVE, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE; THE value of the present work is so universally acknowledged, that to offer any thing here in recommendation of it, might seem equally to reflect upon your Lordship's judgment, as on the character of the excellent Author. It will be a sufficient honour and satisfaction to me, to have contributed in any measure to the improvement of the Intellectual System, and to the spreading a performance, one of the noblest of the last age, and at least as necessary to the present, for supporting the grand foundations of all religion and virtue, against ignorance, sophistry, and every pernicious effect of vice and sensuality upon the human understanding. Such a design, I persuade myself, wants |