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to guide the pronunciation, after the manner of Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary.

The present work aspires to take the very first place, as a compendious Encyclopædia. It will be the study of its writers, to blend conciseness of manner with copiousness of matter; to be full and yet brief. Where elaborate works must be consulted, references will be given to the best on every subject. To every principal science, art, pursuit, or trade, a distinct treatise will be devoted; to which, a short separate index will be at once subjoined. Next to plenitude of information, easy and expeditious reference will be considered. Thus the arrangement will be alphabetical; the convenience of the reader will in all cases be consulted; all that is elementary will be amply provided; and where professional and complete knowledge of a science is wanted, every means of obtaining it will be pointed out. So that to all classes of students, it will afford the readiest and best method of acquiring the knowledge of which they are in pursuit; while to the traveller, the voyager, the colonial resident, the artisan, the mechanic, and the tradesman, it offers peculiar advantages.

The work will be completed in twenty volumes, royal octavo, each page containing printed matter equal to that of any preceding quarto Encyclopædia; and its'conductors stand pledged to publish the whole in a much shorter period than that in which any similar undertaking has ever appeared: thus avoiding the delays, the contradictions, the changes of plan and contributors, ever incident to works of this kind when long protracted.

The London Encyclopædia is really designated by its appellation. It originated in the Metropolis; the ample resources, both scientific and literary, from which will be derived its richest and best materials are the highest glory of the Metropolis: many of its contributors reside there, and special attention will be paid to every object which distinguishes London, not only as the seat of empire to Britain, or as the mart of commerce to the world, but as it is the emporium of mind; the scene where the stupendous labours of intellect have their noblest exhibition and their best reward. It is a national work, nurtured in the heart of the empire, and therefore deriving its name from its local associations, and its most efficient patron. Sustaining such a cognomen, and fully justifying it in its character, the LONDON ENCYCLOPÆDIA bears in its very title a passport to every portion of the globe, where the intellectual character of Britain and its metropolis is known and appreciated.

It may be added, that the whole work has been for some time under revision, and can now be confidently anticipated from its beginning to its close; that it is committed to one principal Conductor or Editor, who has been previously engaged in a similar work; and that the entire property of it is in one mercantile house

*** Communications designed for the advancement or correction of the work, in any of its departments, will be thankfully received; and are requested to be addressed to the Editor, 73, Cheapside.

J. HADDON, Printer, Castle Street, Finsbury

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Delivered at the Surry Institution.


"It is a very good office one man does another, when he tells him the
manner of his being pleased." STEELE.





Printed by T. Miller, Noble Street, Cheapside.

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