Early History of Western Pennsylvania: And of the West, and of Western Expeditions and Campaigns, from MDCCLIV to MDCCCXXXIII.D. W. Kauffman, 1846 - 758 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
acquainted Allegheny Allegheny river army arrived attack battle Beaver belt Bouquet Braddock brethren British brother called camp canoe Capt Captain chiefs Colonel command commenced council creek Croghan Delawares delivered desire detachment encamped enemy English expedition fire force Fort Pitt Fort Washington French friendship frontiers garrison gave George Croghan Governor hear heard honor horses hundred immediately Indians inhabitants James John killed King land Logstown Lord Dunmore miles Monongahela Monongahela river mouth murdered night officers Ohio Ohio river party peace Pennsylvania Pitt Pittsburg present prisoners province province of Pennsylvania Quesne received regiment retreat river road Sandusky savages scalped sent settlements Shawanese Shingas side Sir William Johnson Six Nations soon speech string of wampum thence thing told tomahawk took town trade treaty tribes troops Virginia wampum warriors Washington Wayne William wounded
Popular passages
Page 602 - ... the Indian tribes who have a right to those lands, are quietly to enjoy them — hunting, planting, and dwelling thereon, so long as they please, without any molestation from the United States; but when those tribes, or any of them, shall be disposed to sell their lands, or any part of them, they are to be sold only to the United States; and until such sale, the United States will protect all the said Indian tribes in the quiet enjoyment of their lands against all citizens of the United States,...
Page 679 - Indian was asked what he had to say, why sentence of death should not be pronounced upon him. This was interpreted to him, and he said that he would rather run awhile.
Page 737 - Minnesota; thence southward on said boundary to the Missouri river; thence down the main channel of said river to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby, created into a temporary government by the name of the Territory of Nebraska...
Page 400 - There was no way for getting over but on a raft, which we set about with but one poor hatchet, and finished just after sun-setting.
Page 309 - The way, and the only way, to check and to stop this evil, is for all the red men to unite in claiming a common and equal right in the land, as it was at first, and should be yet; for it never was divided, but belongs to all for the use of each. That no part has a right to sell, even to each other, much less to strangers; those who want all, and will not do with less.
Page 309 - ... Indians, because they had it first; it is theirs. They may sell, but all must join. Any sale not made by all is not valid. The late sale is bad. It was made by a part only. Part do not know how to sell. It requires all to make a bargain for all. All red men have equal rights to the unoccupied land. The right of occupancy is as good in one place as in another. There cannot be two occupations in the same place. The first excludes all others. It is not so in hunting or...
Page 94 - House approved the nomination, and provided the goods for the present, though they did not much like treating out of the provinces ; and we met the other commissioners at Albany about the middle of June. In our way thither, I projected and drew a plan for the union of all the colonies under one government, so far as might be necessary for defence and other important general purposes.
Page 392 - I will keep you at arm's length. I lay this down as a trial for both, to see which will have the greatest regard to it, and that side we will stand by, and make equal sharers with us. Our brothers, the English, have heard this, and I come now to tell it to you ; for I am not afraid to discharge you off this land.
Page 295 - We have beaten the enemy twice, under separate commanders. We cannot expect the same good fortune always to attend us. The Americans are now led by a chief who never sleeps ; the night and the day are alike to him. And during all the time that he has been marching upon our villages, notwithstanding the watchfulness of our young men, we have never been able to surprise him. Think well of it. There is something whispers me, it would be prudent to listen to his offers of peace.
Page 596 - ... upon the officers, who did every thing in their power to effect it. Neither were my own exertions wanting ; but worn down with illness, and suffering under a painful disease, unable either to mount or dismount a horse without assistance, they were not so great as they otherwise would, or perhaps ought to have been.