A COMPANION FOR THE Feflivals and Fafts OF THE CHURCH of England: WITH COLLECTS and PRAYERS For each SOLEMNITY. By ROBERT NELSON, Efq. The Twenty-firft Edition. The Righteous fhall be in everlafting Remembrance. Pf. cxii. 6. Deo, Beneficiorum ejus, folemnitatibus feftis & diebus S. Auguft. de Civit. Dei, lib. x. c. 4. S. Hieron. ad Eufioch. de Caft. Virg. LONDON, Printed for C. HITCH and L. HAWES, J. HODGES, E. D. R OBERT NELSON, Efquire, the pious Author of this excellent Book, was born the 22d of June 1656, being the Son of Mr. John Nelson, a confiderable Turkey Merchant of London, and Delicia his Wife, Sifter to Sir Gabriel Roberts, a Turkey Merchant alfo of the fame City. His Father dying when he was young, he was left to the Care of his Mother, and her Brother Sir Gabriel, who being made his Guardian, was very careful of the Education of this his Nephew, who was indeed beloved by every one, being a moft beautiful Youth, and of fine natural Parts. He was for fome time at St. Paul's School in London; but the principal Part of his Education was under a private Tutor in his Mother'sHoufe, from whence he went to Trinity College in Cambridge, where he was entered Fellow Commoner. He married the Lady Theophila Lucy, Relict of Sir Kingsman Lucy, and Daughter of John late Earl of Berkeley. His Lady enjoyed but an ill State of Health; for the Recovery, it he paffed over with her into France, and went to Aix la Chapelle, where he continued fome Time, and afterwards proceeded on his Travels thro' France, Italy, and Germany. Never was any Englishman known to be more careffed in all the foreign Courts which he vifited, as the many Letters written to him from Princes, Minifters of State, and Perfons of Diftinction, do abundantly teftify. Nor was he lefs efteemed in England, his Acquaintance being generally among fuch as were moft remarkable for Piety and Learning, of whom the good Mr. Kettlewell was one; I here particularly mention him, because to him we owe Mr. Nelfon's firft engaging in this useful Work: Which whofoever reads, will find it no A 2 fmall fmall Addition to the Pleafure and Advantage he fhall reap by it, to confider that it is the Work of a fine Gentleman, and one who never entered into holy Orders; because this will fhew what Injuftice thofe Men do to our most Holy Religion, who reprefent it as a morofe, narrow fpirited Inftitution, fit only to be practifed by Hermits and Reclufes. Mr. Nelfon's other Qualifications, of a comely Perfonage, a genteel Deportment, and a fair Fortune, were fo far from being inconfiftent with that genuine Spirit of Piety which always fhewed itfelf in him, that they were no fmall Ornaments to it: Thofe external Endowments of Nature and Fortune ferved to fet off, and make his Virtue the more amiable and captivating; as his Virtue made those which are by themfelves unworthy to be esteemed, appear as real Accomplishments. His Corpfe was depofited in the New Burying Ground, in Lambs-Conduit Fields, then firft confecrated on that Occafion. A fquare Monument was afterwards erected over him, containing, on the four Sides of it, the following Inscription drawn up by George Smaldrige Lord Bishop of Bristol. II. S. E. ROBERTUS NELSON, Armiger, Qui, Patre ortus Johanne Cive Londinenfi, Ex Societate Mercatorum cum Turcis commercium Habentium, Matre Deliciis Sorore Gabrielis Roberts Equitis aurati, ex eadem Civitate & eodem Sodalitio, uxorem habuit Honoratiffimam Dominam Theophilam Lucy, Kingfmanni Lucy Baronetti viduam, Prænobilis Johannis Comitis de BERKLEY Filiam, quam Aquifgranum ufque valetudinis Recuperandæ caufa proficifcentem lubenter Comi Comitatus, ac extremum vitæ terminum Quas partim in Schola Paulina, Ad Theologiæ ftudium animum præcipuè appulit : Beneficiis auxit, Vitâ exornavit, Scriptis defendit, Filius ipfius obfequentiffimus, Et propugnator imprimis ftrenuus. Aut ad augendam utilitatem publicam, |