British and Foreign State Papers, Volume 12H.M. Stationery Office, 1846 |
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Common terms and phrases
Admiralty aforesaid agreed Article autres bâtiment bien Brig Britain British Government Buques Burmese Canning.-(Rec Captain captured cargo cent charge Chittagong Citizens Coast of Africa Colombia Colonies Commander Commerce Consul Contracting Parties Convention Copy Country Court Cuba d'Haïti declared Despatch deux Dollars droits duties Enclosure engaged Esmangart été être Excellency exported fait Faithful Majesty Flag France French George H. T. KILBEE Havannah honour Instructions Island j'ai January Joseph Planta King land Laws Letter Majesty Majesty's Commissioners Majesty's Government Majesty's Ship Majesty's Treasury Maria Marine Master ment Minister Mixed Commission Monsieur Nation navire Negroes Owen Glendower Plenipotentiaries Port Portuguese Powers present Président Provinces qu'il Rajah received Republic respect Right Rio de Janeiro sailed Schooner Secretary sera seront Shapuree Sierra Leone Slave Trade Slave Vessels Spain Spanish Territory tion tout Traité Treasury Treaty United United Kingdom United Provinces
Popular passages
Page 40 - ... north latitude, and between the 131st and 133d degree of west longitude (meridian of Greenwich), the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called Portland Channel, as far as the point of the continent where it strikes the...
Page 750 - Toutes contributions directes ou indirectes autres que celles autorisées par la présente loi, à quelque titre et sous quelque dénomination qu'elles se perçoivent, sont formellement interdites, à peine, contre les autorités qui les ordonneraient, contre les employés qui confectionneraient les rôles et tarifs...
Page 800 - ... way whatever, it is expressly stipulated that neither of the contracting parties will order or authorize any acts of reprisal nor...
Page 748 - Si donnons en mandement à nos cours et tribunaux, préfets, corps administratifs et tous autres, que les présentes ils gardent et maintiennent, fassent garder, observer et maintenir, et, pour les rendre plus notoires à tous nos sujets, ils les fassent publier et enregistrer partout où besoin sera : car tel...
Page 47 - The present convention shall be in force for the term of ten years from the date hereof; and further, until the end of twelve months after either of the high contracting parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same ; each of the high contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, at the end of the said term of ten years...
Page 664 - ... of the other, than such as are, or may be, payable on the exportation of the like article to any other foreign country...
Page 49 - En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes. Fait à Paris, le 30 mai de l'an de grâce 1814.
Page 41 - ... degree of west longitude shall prove to be at the distance of more than ten marine leagues from the ocean, the limit between the British possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Russia as above mentioned...
Page 528 - Person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, upon any information or indictment, be punished by fine and imprisonment, or either of them, at the discretion of the Court in which such Offender shall be convicted...
Page 43 - In every case of complaint on account of an infraction of the Articles of the present Convention, the Civil and Military Authorities of The High Contracting Parties, without previously acting or taking any forcible measure, shall make an exact and circumstantial Report of the matter to their respective Courts, who engage to settle the same, in a friendly manner, and according to the principles of justice.