sailors: and that a certain conscious feelings creeps over the frame, that the same force which has done this on one side of the Mediterranean, could do as much in another quarter, were it so directed. A question occurs, how far Turkey will be pleased with this justice done on her servant, which she ought to have done herself. We have more than oncecautioned the Divan to be wary: we expect with some impatience the accounts of this treatment of the crescent, and true believers, as understood, and digested at Constantino Commercial Chronicle. STATE OF TRADE. Lloyd's Coffee House, Sept. 20, 1816. The general spirit of Trade is improv. ing; that is to say, the merchants feel greater confidence in each other, in their customers, and in general circumstances, than they did some time ago. It should ple A history of it in genuine Arabic, will appear, that the stocks of English goods on be a curiosity, -especially if faithfully trans lated by Ali Bey Emir-el-Abassi. When the Empress of Russia, Catherine, caused a regiment of horse to enter Constantino the Continent, are sensibly diminished : hence further orders will follow, as a matter of course. It is certain, that from the high course of Exchange in favour of this ple with their swords drawn, in attendance country, the Continental Merchants find on her ambassador, the Turks felt the degradation by land: will they not now feel a degradation by sea? Fanaticism is not coufined to Algiers. In another part of the Mediterranean, report announces the intention of the New World to obtain a footing in the Old World. This is reversing the order of things; an inverted Pyramid! America has demanded from Naples compensation for the ships confiscated by Murat. Why does she not much rather demand from France, compensation for the ships confiscated by Buonaparte? And, why not accompany this with a civil suggestion, that if it be inconvenient to pay in cash, she will accept a port or two in the Mediter ranean? We have called this a report, for the proceeding is so disgraced by meanness that we doubt much whether it could ori ginate (as stated) in any regular government under the sun. it to their advantage to send over Ballion; and Bullion to a great amount, actually reaches this island every week. In the meanwhile, it is equally certain, that the manufactories abroad are gra dually getting into employment; for, unless this were so, why draw such immense quantities of materials for manufacture, from this and other countries? It passes for certain, that some of our people are jealous of the amount of cotton yarn exported; they conclude that if the foreigners who purchase this did not work it up into piece goods, they themselves should have that occupation. There is some truth, in this; but not all they contend for; those foreigners would contrive to spin at least a portion of that yarn for their own use; and thus they would feel their inde. pendence. It is remarkable also, that Commodities of most kinds-meaning the principalhave been gradually settling towards very different prices from what they fetched some months ago: some which had been depressed too low, have risen considerably, others have slowly sunk in price, till they became fair objects for speculation. This has to a certain degree supported them; and probably, they need not greatly fear any considerable fluctuations of the mar It is understood that Russia and Prussia are decreasing their armies; this augurs well for the duration of peace; the King of France has given notice that his body guard is complete; and his army is nearly as strong as he wants it; this too looks well. The north is quiet: the South, Spain, has enough on her hands abroad; and is not overwell pleased at home. In short, we hope, that by every man mind-kets. ing his own business, the world will once more return to its old state, and go on again, much as usual; which is saying a great deal, after the heavy troubles and turmoils which have been witnessed and endured by the present generation. We ought not to close this article without observing that the King of France has put the loyalty of his people to the test, by dissolving the chambers, and demanding from his people a new Election Reports keep up on a similar subject in Britain. Perhaps, it will be thought rather singular, that we should include among symptoms of returning Commerce, the slow depreciation of the stocks; but, this may not be so wide of the mark as it appears at first sight, if it be the consequence of sales made by order of Merchants who want that money to make good commercial engagements, either already entered into, or in contemplation. Undoubtedly, there has been a great pressure among men in busi ness: undoubtedly, it continues, and will continue some time longer, yet; but, there are always some men whose property secures them from feeling such pressures,or from feeling them, much-and these are the most likely to be first getting into motion; they foresee a more profitable employment of their money, than the stocks now afford; and they gradually prepare, by selling out, those sums, which they are likely to want. The Corn Trade, which was so deeply and unreasonably depressed, has progressive'y risen, till it exceeds for the time, the Act of Parliament Importation price. This has not been the case long enough to jus tify opening the ports for foreign coru; but, it shews that the late distresses of the agriculturai, interest, it may reasonably he hoped, have in a great measure abated, and will altogether close, in a time not very distant. In the meanwhile, it is earnestly to be hoped, that the ensuing harvest will be plentiful-of which there is every appearan e-as foreign parts report their in abi ity to justify our depending on them, for a supply. What signifies our ports being open to the importation of Canada wheat, if Canada has no wheat to send us? If the United States have barely a supply for themselves, how can they furnish cargoes for Europe? The general consequence, we presuine, will be, that the Agriculture of each country will speedily' find its level; and after a while it will accommodate itself to the demand, by price and profit. The Home Trade will follow the estab lishment of the Agricultural level; and though certain classes of workmen will have quitted their old labours, yet, we hope and trust, that they will have obtained engagements in new labours, and again return to life and comfort. We continue to receive from various parts of the country complaints of present sufferings. The labours o harvest, with the beautiful weather at length granted by Providence to our supplications, will, we trust, dissipate into thin air, the gloomy forebodings, which accompany those complaints. The realities we regret exceedingly: the predictions we leave to Time, whose scythe may cut them up by the roots, as he is in the habit of doing, by those of all men ;-each in his turn. We now direct our observations to the leading articles in the Commercial Market. COTTON finds purchasers; and will continue to find them, while the export demand for yarn, is so extensive. A moderate slack, is, however, to be expected; as the shipments for the Baltic must close, by the regular return of the season; there is no standing against frost, snow and ice. Some report that the weavers in some places want work: we have no such ipformation generally though we believe that all do not receive the highest price for their goods. Cotions, in the piece, are declined in price, and will probably so continue; the power of production is fully equal to the demand, SUGAR has had its turn: the reduction of the import duty to 27s. was foreseen and calculated on: the Order for that purpose, has, therefore, had little or no effect on the market. The East India Company has lately brought forward great quantities of course, something lower than the last, for sale: 5610 bags in one sale: the prices, say 2 or Ss. There have been several sales of COFFEE containing in the whole a considerable quantity: a decline, has, in consequence, taken place, speaking of the whole, say 1s. to 2s per cwt. nevertheless, some particular kinds have fetched prices above the currency, and have sold freely at a small advance! The Export Duty on East India Coffee is, at present, 5s. per cwt. An application has lately been made to the Lords of the Treasury for the removal of the duty; and a favourable answer has been returned. The duty cannot, indeed, be taken off without the sanction of Parliament; but the Lords Commissioners have agreed to recommend that step to Parliament; and in the mean while they suffer the article to be exported, taking bond of the Merchant to the amount, to be paid, if called for; which, it is thought, will never take place. fluctuation in the article BRANDY; which The Spirit Trade has experienced much on the report of a vintage in France, better than had been expected, declined from the 161] price to which it had been raised: not that | Hackett J. Breedon, Leicester, lime-dealer. it is down to its proper level; but that the TOBACCO, is thought of chiefly for exportation. The stock on hand for home consumption was low; and little anxiety to increase it. The knowledge of this, however, did keep up the price, effectually, til a somewhat sudden arrival of 2,000 hhds. of Virginia, within a few days, rendered all prices nominal. Since that time, business in that article is suspended; but Marylauds, being more limited in quautity, fully support their prices. NAVAL STORES are declined to a low rate. The demand for Whale Oil has been so extensive for exportation that the stocks are greatly reduced. The exports from Hull are stated at not less than 2,000 tons. This naturally assists other oils; and Cod and Seal oil are on the advance. Whatever extent the Gas-lights anticipate; and they seem to be spreading fast and widely, this channel of Commerce, exportation, will, nevertheless, remain open though such is the ardour of speculation, that, were it possible, the pipes would be carried under the sea, and foreign cities be supplied daily, with gas distilled in London. Bankrupts and Certificates in the order of their dates, with the Attonies. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED, July 30. Jent T. Piccadilly, chinaman. BANKRUPTS. Bentley W. Denton Holme Head, Carlisle, and Ireland Joshua, Carlisle, merchants. Sol. Hodgsou, Bucklersbury. er. Brown E. W. late of the Saracen's Head Inu, Collyer J. late of China-walk, Chelsea, dealer Collman G Stourbridge, Worcester, grocer. Jewry. Cornfoot G. late of North Shields, ship-owner. Sols. Mitchell and Co. Tower-street. Sols. Baxter and Co. Furnival's Inn. Hetherington F. late of Lonning, Cumberland, Huband J. Evesham, timber merchant. Sol. Olroyd W. Blackman-street, Surry, bookseller. street. Pearson J. Wombwell, York, miller. Sols. Ex- Chilton, Exchequer Office, Lincoln's Inn. Power R. W late of Birmingham, but now or late of Northfield, candlestick-maker. Sol. Platt, New Boswell-court, Carey-street Rosevear J. Culloden, Cornwall, spirit merchant Sols. Sandy's and Co. Crane Court. Simpson W. Spilsby, Lincoln, corn merchant. Sols. Walker and Co. Chancery Lane. Turner J. late of Bury Mill, near Heinel Vickery J. Virginstow, Devon, linen and wool. len draper. Sol. Buckle, Size Lane, Bucklersbury. CERTIFICATES, August 20. W. Jones, Chester, iunkeeper. C. Mellon, Birmingham, victualler. R. Hoshin, Croydon, Surry, linen draper. J Steven, now or late of Cheltenham, Gloucester, victualler. G Smith, of Tansley, Derby, dyer. J. Bishop, jun Shadwell, Middlesex. J. Cooke, Manchester, hat manufacturer. T. Mercer, I te of Tunbridge, Kent, bauker. W. Andrews, Minories, London, ship and iusurance broker. W. C. Hill, of Bristol, carver and gilder. J. Horrocks, of Bolton-le-Moors, Lancaster, manufacturer. M. Earnshaw, Burnley, Lancaster, victualler. BANKRUPTS, August 3, Briscall R. Liverpool, draper. Sol. Umney Cogan M. T. B. Paget, and E. Matthews, Drake J. Bath, grocer. Sol. Mayhew, Hol- | Hallowell J. North Shields, Northumberland, born Court, Gray's Inn. Gibson W Liverpool, merchant. Sols. Avi son and Co Liverpool. Handley J. Coton, Staffordshire, miller. Sol. Barber, Fetter Lane. Hird J. Liverpool, ship builder. Sols. Grif fith and Co. Liverpool. Isherwood, Manchester, dealer. Sol. Makinsơn, Temple. Jacobs S. Manchester, warehouseman. Sol. Reilly Clement's Inn. Jones W. Plymouth, haberdasher. Sols. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. Lythgoe P. Liverpool, timber merchant. Sols. Avison and Co Liverpool. Lambell P. East Stonehouse, Devonshire, merchant. Sul. Makinson, Temple. Milligan A. Wellington, Shropshire, draper. Sols. Clarke and Co Chancery Lane. Parsons J. Whitechapel, victualler. Sol. Boswell, Austin Friars. Richards T Liverpool, merchant. Sols. Avison and Co, Liverpool. Rogers N. Rowhedge, Essex, oyster-dredger. Sols. Bridger and Co. Angel Court, Throgmorton Street. Swales W. C. Somerset Street, Portman Square, dress maker. Sol. Bull, Holles Street, Ox ford Street. Wood J. Great Yarmouth, victualler. Sols. Clarke and Co Chancery Lane. CERTIFICATES, August 24. W. J. C. Wood, Liverpool, merchant. Hodgson, Playhouse Yard, Whitecross Street, paper stainers. J. Foot, Southampton, wine merchant. J. Masson, Bourne, Lincolnshire, draper. J. Donne, Old Street Road, auctioneer. D. Cornish, Frome Selwood, Somersetshire, clothier. J Nobes, Old Bond Street, patent whalebone carriage manufacturer. J. Barlow, Tunbridge, Kent, banker. J. Smyth, Maidstone, brewer. W Visick, Midhurst, Sussex, draper. W. M'Quoid, Leadenhall Street, merchant. R. Gibbins, jun. Level Ironworks, Staffordshire, ironmasters. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED, August 6. Herbert W. the elder, Llanidloes, Montgomery, bankers. Oakley W. Stroud, Gloucester, trow owner. BANKRUPTS. Beckett R. Dorking, Surry, grocer. Sol Lindsay. St. Thomas Street, Southwark. Barnard J. J. late of Boston and Skirbeck Quarter, Lincoln, banker. Sols. Exley and Co. Furnival's Inn. Barnett C. L. Nottingham, Upholsterer. Sols. Alsopp and Co Nottingham. Beckley S. W. Bilston, Stafford, dealer iu iron. Sols. Price and Co. Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. Field J. and J. Woolley, late of Gibraltar, and now residing in London, merchants. Sols. Richardson and Co. Bury Street, St. James's. Hall J Nuneaton, Warwick, ribbon manufacturer. Sol. Constable, Symond's Inn. ship owner. Sol. Watt, Cushion Court, Broad Street. Kershaw S. Oldham, Lancaster, draper. Sols. Milne and Co. Temple Lane T. North Audley Steret, Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, upholsterer. Sol. Pearse, Salisbury Square. Little R. and J. H. Blair, Birmingham, gun makers. Sols. Swaine and Co. Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. Munro W. and H. Munro, Upper Thames Street, London, merchants. Sols. Blund and Co. Old Bethlem Sambell P. East Stonehouse, Devon, merchant Smith R. Tipton, Stafford, iron master Sols. Sharp B, J. Queen Street, Cheapside, London, warehouseman Sols. Lowe and Co. Southampton Buildings CERTIFICATES, August 27 J. H. Allen, Oxford, druggist. R. Horner, Newbury, Berks, barge master. J. Mathias, BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED, August 10. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. Kay W. Barnard Castle, Durham, woollen draper. Shepley A. Heaton Norris, Lancaster, cotton spinner Sols. Longdill and Co Gray's Inn Square Walton J. E. Walton, and T. Walton, Bread Street, factors. Sol. Walton, Warnford Court Willcox J. now or late of Aldmondsbury, Gloucester, dealer and chapman. Sol. King, Serjeant's Inn Whitehouse T. St. Albans, Hertford, Staffordshire ware dealer. Sol. Downes, New Inn Wilson J. Brompton, York, linen manufactu. Sol. Hodgson, Bucklersbury Watts J. Manchester, draper. Sols. Clarke and Co. Chancery Lane rer. BANKRUPTS. Bodill J. and W. Liverpool, hosiers. Sols. Blackshaw J. Nelson, Leicestershire, butcher. Bibby G. Chorley, Lancashire, muslin manu- Evans H. Fishguard, Pembroke, shopkeeper. Ellison R. Great Surrey-street, Blackfriars-road, Edwards T. and T Bradford, Wiltshire, clo- Strand. Gray H. R. Black Raven-court, Seething-lane, Heaton L. Heaton, Lancashire, cotton manu- Sol. King, Hands A. Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, Miles J. Fairford, Gloucester, innholder. Sol, Moreton W. Manchester, umbrella manu- Row. Ongley E. Sandhurst, Kent, grocer. Sol. Routlidge J. Camomile-street, carpenter. Sol. Storr J. Devonshire-street, Queen-square, mer- Taylor J. Walsall, Staffordshire, saddler's ironmonger. Sol. Meredith, Lincoln's Inn. Watts W. and J. Rigby, Manchester, linen drapers. Sols. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. CERTIFICATES, August 31. R. V. Labrow, St. John-street, West Smithfield, druggist. J. Settle, Liverpool, merchant. L Frost, Liverpool, merchant. J. Meacock, Liverpool, merchant. J. Heskin, Liverpool, A. Read, Lower straw hat manufacturer. Grosvenor-street, wine merchant. W. Pritchard, Hereford, scrivener. J. Vaux and J. W. Bullock, Cullum-street, merchants. S. M. Farmworth, Old Broad.street, merchant. Rooke, Halifax, York, merchant. J. Dunn, White Lion-court, Birchin-lane, merchant. J. White, Old Broad-street, insurance broker. M. Fortune, Tower, London, victualler. F. White, Mark-lane, merchant. J. Hampton, Stow bridge, grocer. J. Stackard, Whitechapelroad, leather cutter. J. Dickinson, Guildhallpassage, warehouseman. W. Moore, SalisburyFleet-street, victualler. J. Thomson, C. Osborne, and I. Westmorland, Billiter-square, insurance brokers. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED, August 13. Fay J. late of Upper George-street, Portmansquare, child bed linen manufacturer. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED. Bayliss W. C. Birmingham, merchant. BANKRUPTS. Boville R. and T. Boville, Swainby, York, merchants. Sols. Morton and Co. Gsay's Inn. Frost L. Macclesfield, Chester, J. Ashton, Liverpool, and M. Ashton, Liverpool, timber merchants. Sols. Avison and Co. Liverpool. Hunt E. Liverpool, merchant. Sols. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. merchant. Sols. Rooke and Co. ColemanHorneman F. H. Queen-street, Cheapside, street. Lock H. Bedminster, Somerset, baker. Sol. Lewis R. late of Trefnanney, Montgomery, White R. J. late of Newport Pagnell, Bucks, CERTIFICATES, Sept. 3. W. Hamilton and, M Agar, Riches-court, BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED, August 17. BANKRUPTS Sols. Buckingham W. Ipswich, upholder. Cooper R. Cambridge, grocer. Sol. Dalton, Downer H Fleet-street, ironmonger. Sol. Demain J. Menwith-hill, York, linen manufac- Jones J Liverpool, innkeeper. Sols. Davie House. Blackstock and Temple. Page J. jun. Liverpool, iron merchant. Sols. Smith B. and N. Redhead, Penrith, Cumberland, bankers. Sol. Young, Charlotte Row, Mansion House. Smith J. Thirsk, Yorkshire, grocer. Sols. Bell Taylor J. New Sarum, saddler, Sol. Collins, Sol. Allen, Carlisle-street, Soho. |