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ness is not to be reckoned: in elucidating | and perhaps, the present is one of those

his text, many renowned critics have, in successive generations, applied great acuteness and unwearied industry; and what has been the result? Not simply discordance of opinion, complete, frequent and warmly expressed, but in several instances, the suggestion of three or four widely differing solutions, too often, all doubtful. Among these, the Annotator's duty has been to select that, which in his judgment seemed the most probable, the want of space precluding him from doing justice to the different arguments. On this head, therefore, it is incumbent on him to bespeak the candor and favor of better informed men, should, by chance, these Notes attract for a moment their attention. We have all our favorite opinions and hypotheses: on disputed points, on Virgil in particular, we have many of us formed conclusions, early, and not to be shaken. Even where we privately retain some doubts, it is perhaps in human nature, on these points, even to resent any attack on opinions which we favor, and believe to be well founded."

In preparing the notes, as the design, in some respects, differs from that of other annotators of school editions, a few prefatory words in explanation appear necessary. On general subjects of history or of mythology, of chronology or of geography,

these Notes are not designed to give information, or to abridge the labor of the youthful student in consulting such a dictionary as that of Dr. Lempriere. They are meant to be confined strictly to the elucidation of the text. On every occasion, without exception, where any difficulty, either of construction, or in the sense, or in the metre, seemed likely to arise, the best information has been dili

gently sought and applied; with a few grammatical or etymological remarks interspersed, which may lead the youthful student to enquire and think for himself, and may facilitate his future progress in the Latin tongue.

Hildebrand, or the History of Pope Gregory VII, and his age, by John Voight. 8vo. pp. 625, Weimar, 1815.

We suspect that among the severest strokes which could possibly be struck at the Papacy would be a true and faithful history of certain parts of its course:

the most difficult to meet with an answer from a Catholic adversary.

The first part, intitled "Hildebrand and his Age," commences with the events which followed the middle of the tenth century, at which time three Popes contended for the triple Tiara, but the whole three were set aside by the Emperor, Henry III.

The Author reports succinctly the later events of the reign of Pope Leo IX. after whose death Hildebrand was sent into Germany, to propose a new Pope; for the choice depended principally on the Emperor. Nicolas II. was raised to the Pontifical throne, during the minority of the Emperor Henry IV. After his death, Hildebrand followed to his utmost his plan of rendering the mfluence of the Emperors less predominant in electing the head of the Church; but the Court of Vienna persisted in its pretensions, and went so far as to nominate a Pope of its own choice; while the clergy of Rome nominated Alexander II.

The second part of the Volume presents "Pope Gregory VII., (Hildebrand) his character and his reign." His grand project was, to deliver the church from all dependence on temporal power, and to obtain for it a dominion over all secular powers; this is placed beyond a doubt by his own letters, of which this author has availed himself. This plan included the means of breaking the attachments of the clergy and the bishops to the States where they dwelt; to effect this he introduced the celibacy of Ecclesiastics: he abolished the rights of feudality, of investiture, and the punishments for Simony. By the superiority of his genius, he at length succeeded, and Henry II. was reduced in 1073 to the necessity of writing a supplicatory letter to him. The authenticity of this letter has been disputed; but this writer thinks it genuine.

The remainder of the Volume com

prizes the history of the troubles in Germany, of the Council held at Rome under Gregory VII. and the oppositions which bis enactments met with in foreign Countries; with other events, continued to the time of his death.

2 L2

Literary Register.

Authors, Editors, and Publishers, are particularly requested to forward to the Literary Panorama Office, post paid, the titles, prices, and other particulars of works in hand, or published, for insertion in this department of the work.



The Transactions of the Horticultural


Capt. Beaufort has a Description of the Remains of Antiquity on the South Coast of Asia Minor, with plates and charts, nearly ready for publication.

Nearly ready for publication, Part II. of The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Westminster. By E. W. Brayley; with Architectural and Graphic Illustrations; by J. P. Neale. With Engravings: To be completed in Two Volumes, Folio, to correspond with the New Edition of Dugdale's Monasticon; and in imperial and royal quartos.


Dr. Irving is preparing an enlarged ediSociety of London Part V. will be pub- tion of the Memoirs of Buchanan; with an appendix, which will contain a great number of original papers,

lished in May next.


In the course of this mouth will appear A Reprint of Morte d'Arthur. The Text of this Edition will be a faithful Transcript from the Caxton Edition, in the possession of Earl Spencer, with an latroduction and Notes, tending to elucidate the History and Bibliography of the Work; as well as the Fictions of the Round Table Chivalry in general. By Robert Southey, Esq. Poct Laureate. The impression will be strictly limited to 250 on post 4to, and 50 large paper.

At press, Witt's Recreations, refined and augmented with ingenious Conceits for the Wittie, and Merry Medicines for the Melancholic. Printed from the Edition of 1640. To which is added, some prefatory remarks and memoirs of Sir John Menues and Dr. Smith. And Wit Restor'd, in seyerall Select Poems. Also, Musarum Delica; or, the Muses Recreation, containing several Pieces of Poetique Wit. The Three Works printed in Two Volumes, with all the Cuts re-engraved by Mr. Bewick.

In the course of March will be published, Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry. Edited by E. V. Utterson, Esq. In 2 vol. post 8vo, with Wood-cut Vignettes, and to each will be prefixed a short Notice. A Glossary to the whole will be added. The impression will not exceed 250 copies at the utmost. In this Work no piece will be given which has been printed subsequent to the close of the 16th century; and as one object in view is to illustrate the literary Amusement of our ancestors, no poem can be considered as coming within the proposed arrangement, which did not, either in its subject-matter or style, arrogate to itself a claim to popularity.

At press, Annual Biography and Obituary, with Silhouette Portraits, containing, 1. Memoirs of those celebrated Men, who have died within the Year 1816. 2. Neglected Biography, with Biographical Notices and Anecdotes, and Original Letters. 3. Analyses of recent Biographical Works. 4. An Alphabetical List of Persons who have died within the British Dominions, so as to form a Work for Reference, both now and hereafter.

The 7th and 8th Volumes of Campbell's Lives of the Admirals, which complete the work, and are embellished with Portraits of Lords Howe and Nelson, are ready for delivery, price each Volume 12s. demy, and 18s. royal, extra boards.

Early in March will be published, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D. D. late Vice-provost of the College of Fort William in Bengal, By the Rev. Hugh Pearson, M. A. of St. John's College, Oxford.

Mr. Charles Dyer has in the Press an entire new work of whole length Portraits, with Biographical memoirs of illustrious Englishmen. The first part of which will appear in the course of this month.


The Rev. Dr. Symmons' translation of the Eneid of Virgil is nearly ready for publication, in a quarto volume.

Major Rennell will soon publish, in a quarto volume, Illustrations of the History of the Expedition of the Younger Cyrus, and Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, with explanatory maps.

Mr. J. M. Kinneir is preparing a journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Kurdistan, in 1813 and 1814, with remarks on the marches of Alexander, and the retreat of the Ten Thousand.

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Speedily will be published, Compositions in Outline, from Hesiod's Theogony, Works and Days, and the Days. Engrav-trations by Dr. Brewster, is printing in

ed by J. Blake, from Designs by John Flaxman, R. A. Professor of Sculpture to the Royal Academy. Folio Size, to correspond with the Outlines from Homer, &c.

Mr. Newman, of Soho-square, has in the press, an Essay on the Analogy and Harmony of Colours, with a new theory of their relations and arrangements.


Speedily will be published, The Annual Register; or, a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1808, be

ing the Eighth Volume of a New Series. In one large volume. The volume for 1797, in continuation of the former Series; will also be published about the same time, in which, among much other important Matter, will be found a more full and authentic Account than has has hitherto appeared, of French Affairs, from the Autumn of 1795 to that of 1797.

At press, an Abridgment of Universal History, commencing with the Creation,

and carried down to the Peace of Paris in

1763, in which the Descent of all Nations from their common Ancestor is traced, the Course of Colonization is marked, the Pro. gress of the Arts and Sciences noticed, and

the whole Story of Mankind is reviewed,

as connected with the moral Government

The late Prof. Robinson's System of Mechanical Philosophy, with notes and illusfour octavo volumes, with numerous plates.

At press, the Round Table, a Collection of Essays, on Literature, Men, and Manners. By William Hazlitt. In 2 Vol. 12mo.

At press, and will appear very shortly, The Correspondent, consisting of Letters, Moral, Political, and Literary, between eminent Writers in France and England. The English Articles collected and arranged by Dr. Stoddart. No. II.

In the course of this Month will appear, The Speeches of Charles Phillips, Esq. delivered at the Bar, and on various Public Occasions, in Ireland and England. In 8vo. This volume is edited by Mr. Phillips himself, and is the only publication of his Speeches authorized by him.

In a few Days will be published, neatly printed on a fine paper, in two large Volumes, a New Edition, considerably improved, and corrected to the present Time, being the Tenth, of The Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with the extinct and forfeited Peerages, a List of the Family Names, second Titles, &c. and a Translation of the Mottos. Also, a List of Knights Grand

Crosses, Knights Commanders, and Commanders Bath, alphabetically ar

of the World, and the revealed Dispensa-ranged, and of British Subjects holding Fo

fion. By the Rev. E. W. Whitaker, Rec

tor of St. Mildred's, Canterbury. In 4 vol. 4to, 81. 8s.

Mr. Charles Mills is printing, in an octave volume, the History of Mohameda

reign Orders of Knighthood. By John Debrett, Editor of the New Baronetage of England. By the same Editor, the New Baronetage of England, in two large Volumes, Price 11. 8s. in boards.

In the course of February will be pubnism, or a view of the religious, political, lished, A Description of the People of and literary annals of the disciples of the Arabian prophet.

Mr. Andrew Horn has in the press, in a quarto volume, Illustrations of the Mosaic Cosmogony and Noah's Deluge.

India; with particular Reference to their Separation into Casts; the Influence of their Civil Policy and Domestic Superintendence; their Idolatry and Religious Ceremonies; and the various Singularities At press, the Second Volume of the of Customs, Habits, and Observances, History of Brazil. By Robert Southey, which distinguish them from all other NaEsq. Poet Laureate, Member of the Royal ❘tions: taken from a diligent Observation Spanish Academy. In 4to. and Study of the People, during a Resi

dence of many Years among the various Tribes, in unrestrained intercourse and conformity with their Habits and Manner of Life. By the Abbé J. A. Dubois, Missionary in the Mysore. In 4to.

At press, Letters from the late Mrs. Elizabeth Carter to the late Mrs. Montagu, chiefly upon Literary and Moral Subjects.

A new Edition of the Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, will be shortly ready.

An Edinburgh Monthly Magazine is about to be commenced; the first number will appear early in April.


At press, The Second Volume of an In

Published from the Originals in the posses- troduction to Entomology; or, Elements of

sion of the Rev. Montagu Pennington, her Nephew and Executor. 2 vols. 8vo.

Preparing for the press, The Fables of Æsop, and Others, with Designs on Wood, by T. Bewick. To be printed on Imperial, Royal, and Demy papers, to match the Histories of Quadrupeds and British Birds.

At press, The Comforts of Old Age, with Biographical Illustrations. By Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart. The Second Edition, foolscap, 8vo.

Mr. Isaac Blackburn, ship-builder at Plymouth, has ready for the press, a Treatise on the Science of Ship-building, illustrated by more than 120 figures and tables, and will form a quarto volume.

On the 1st of March will be published, printed in Double Columns, on a fine paper, Tegg's Cheap Song Book. Price 1s. In a few weeks will be published, a new work, intituled "Boarding School Correspondence; or, a Series of Letters between Mother and her Daughter at School," being a joint production of Mrs. Taylor, author of “ Maternal rnal Solitude," "Practical Hints to Young Females," &c. and Miss Taylor, author of " Display," "Essays in Rhyme." &c.


Mr. Nicholls will publish early in March, two volumes of Illustrations of Literary History, consisting of authentic Memoirs and Original Letters of Eminent Persons; and intended as a sequel to his Literary


In the Press, A new Edition of a very choice Collection of Moral Apothegms, which first appeared in the Year 1711, under the title of The Club; in a Dialogue between Father and Son. By James Puckle: embellished with a Portrait, and a Sketch of the Author's Life. Numerous engravings on wood, in a novel and very superior style, by first rate artists, will be given; the whole are from Designs by Thurston. The size will be a royal octavo, price 17. 1s. in extra boards. A limited number will be printed on Imperial Drawing Paper; and a few copies will be taken off on Chinese Paper, printed on one side.

Mr. Allen's Translation of Dr. Outram's Valuable Dissertations on Sacrifices is expected to appear about the end of this month, or early in April.

the Natural History of Insects. By the Rev. Wm. Kirby, B. A F. L. S. Author of Monographia Apum Angliæ; and William Spence, Esq. F.L.S. Illustrated by coloured Engravings.

[blocks in formation]

to volume, An Account of the Island of | Greene, Esq. Barrister at Law. 8vo. Java, illustrated by a map and numerous 78. 6d.

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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Dr. Lettsom, with a Selection from his Correspondence with the principal Literati and Foreign Countries. By T. J. Pettigrew, F.L.S. Surgeon Extraordinary to the Dukes of Kent and Sussex, &c. &c. $ vols. 8vo. £1 16s.


The Second Number of the New and Improved Edition of Stephens' Greek Thesaurus, is just published. Price to subscribers-small paper, One Guinea-large, Two Guineas. The present number has been delayed a considerable time by a treaty with Professor Schæfer, of Leipsic, for his valuable MSS. which the Editors have at length procured; but they trust that their present arrangements will enable them to publish the future numbers regularly. The first two numbers will be found to contain about two thousand words omitted by Stephens. A few copies belonging to deceased subscribers may be had at twenty-three shillings for the small, and two pounds ten shillings for the large paper; the price will be raised hereafter from time to time.


The French Scholar's First Book, comprising a copious Vocabulary, a Collection of Familiar phrases, Reading Lessons, and a concise View of French Grammar, designed to introduce the Learner to the Compiler's Grammar. By Ph. Le Breton, A. M. late of Ex. Coll. Oxford, and Master of the Academy in Poland-street.


A Report of the Proceedings upon an Information in the Nature of a Quo Warranto, at the Suit of the King against Waller O'Grady, Esq. respecting the Right of Appointment to the Office of Clerk of the Pleas in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, tried at the Bar in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, upon the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 22d, 23d, 25th, and 26th days of November, 1816. By R. W.


An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculates. By S. F. Lacroix. Translated from the French, with an Appendix and Notes: Illustrated by Plates. 8vo, 18s.


Ethical Questions; or Speculations on the Principal Subjects in Moral Philosophy. By T. Cogan, M. D. 8vo, 10s. 6. d.


A view of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos; including a Minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their principal works. By the Rev. W. Ward, one of the Baptist Missionaries at Serampore. Now first published in London, 2 Vol. 8vó, 18s.

An Examination of the Objections made in Britain against the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. 8vo, 2s.

Armata, a Fragment, 8vo, 8s. 6d.

Lectures on the Principles and Institutions of the Roman Catholic Religion; with an Appendix, containing Historical and Critical Illustrations. By the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, M. A. royal 12mo, 9s.

A Third Volume of the Curiosities of Literature, Svo, 12s.-A New Edition (being the Sixth of Vol. 1 and 3) in 3 vol. Svo, 36s.

Eccentricities for Edinburgh; containing Poems, entitled A Lamentation to Scotch Booksellers. -Fire: or, the Sun Poker.-Mr. Champernoune. - The Luminous Historian; or, Learning in Love. -Loudon Rurality; or, Miss Bunn and Mrs. Bunt. By George Colman, the Younger. Foolscap, 8vo, 5s.


The Pastor's Fire Side, a Novel. By Miss Jane Porter. 4 Vols. 12mo, 11. 11s. 6d.


The Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Letters, a large Sheet, containing 16 pages, Price 1s. to be continued regularly every Saturday, and sent by the Newsmen, free of postage, to all parts of the Kingdom. POETRY.

The Conflagration of Moscow; a poem. By the Rev. C. Colton, A. M. Fellow of King's Coll. Cam. 8vo. 2s. 6d. sewed.

The Shades of Waterloo! a Vision, in Verse; wherein many fallen Heroes are individually celebrated; the conduct of

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