AN ESSAY Towards the THEORY OF THE Ideal or Intelligible WORLD. Design'd for Two Parts. The First confidering it Absolutely in it PART 1. By JOHN NORRIS, Rector of Bemerton, • near Sarum. Tu cuncta. Superno Ducis ab Exemplo, pulchrum pulcherrimus ipse Boethius. 3 de Consol. Met. 9. LONDON: Printed for S. Manship, at the Ship in Cornbill, near the Royal Museum 8-6-46 56079 2. TO The Right Worshipful Sir THOMAS COOKES, Of Bently, in the County of WORSTER, Baronet. SIR, I Know no Person to whom the Address of this Work can be more due, or from whom it may expect a more Fa vourable Acceptance, than your worthy felf, whose generous Bounty to the Publick, and therefore truly Great, because Living Cha |