The rather, that you give his offspring life, Lew. A noble boy! Who would not do thee right? Aust. Upon thy cheek lay I this zealeus kiss, As seal to this indenture of my love; That to my home I will no more return, Till Angiers, and the right thou hast in France, Together with that pale, that white-fac'd shore, Whose foot spurns back the ocean's roaring tides, And coops from other lands her islanders, Even till that England, hedg'd in with the main, That water-walled bulwark, still secure And confident from foreign purposes, Even till that utmost corner of the west Salute thee for her king: till then, fair boy, Will I not think of home, but follow arms. Const. O, take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength, To make a more requital to your love. Aust. The peace of heaven is theirs, that lift their swords In such a just and charitable war. K. Phi. Well then, to work; our cannon shall be bent Against the brows of this resisting town.- To cull the plots of best advantages :" We'll lay before this town our royal bones, To cull the plots of best advantages:] i. e. to mark such sta tions as might over-awe the town. VOL. V. C Wade to the market-place in Frenchmen's blood, But we will make it subject to this boy. Const. Stay for an answer to your embassy, Lest unadvis'd you stain your swords with blood : My lord Chatillon may from England bring That right in peace, which here we urge in war; And then we shall repent each drop of blood, That hot rash haste so indirectly shed. Enter CHATILLON. K. Phi. A wonder, lady!-lo, upon thy wish, Chat. Then turn your forces from this paltry siegė, And stir them up against a mightier task. 8- expedient - Immediate, expeditious. Did never float upon the swelling tide, [Drums beat. Cuts off more circumstance: they are at hand, K. Phi. How much unlook'd for is this expedition! Aust. By how much unexpected, by so much Let them be welcome then, we are prepar'd. Enter King John, ELINOR, BLANCH, the Bastard, PEMBROKE, and Forces. K. John. Peace be to France; if France in peace permit Our just and lineal entrance to our own! heaven. K. Phi. Peace be to England; if that war re turn From France to England, there to live in peace! Outfaced infant state, and done a rape Look here upon thy brother Geffrey's face ; 9 1 scath-] Destruction, harm. under-wrought-] i. e. underworked, undermined. These eyes, these brows, were moulded out of his : K. John. From whom hast thou this great com- To draw my answer from thy articles? K. Phi. From that supernal judge, that stirs good thoughts In any breast of strong authority, K. John. Alack, thou dost usurp authority. son. Eli. Out, insolent! thy bastard shall be king; That thou may'st be a queen, and check the world! Const. My bed was ever to thy son as true, My boy a bastard! By my soul, I think, 2 scription. this brief-] A brief is a short writing, abstract, or de His father never was so true begot; It cannot be, an if thou wert his mother.3 Eli. There's a good mother, boy, that blots thy father. Const. There's a good grandam, boy, that would blot thee. Aust. Peace! Bast. Hear the crier. Aust. What the devil art thou ? Bast. One that will play the devil, sir, with. you, An 'a may catch your hide and you alone.* Blanch. O, well did he become that lion's robe, That did disrobe the lion of that robe ! Bast. It lies as sightly on the back of him, As great Alcides' shoes upon an ass:But, ass, I'll take that burden from your back; Or lay on that, shall make your shoulders crack. Aust. What cracker is this same, that deafs our ears With this abundance of superfluous breath? 3 K. Phi. Lewis, determine what we shall do straight. an if thou wert his mother.] Constance alludes to Elinor's infidelity to her husband, Lewis the Seventh, when they were in the Holy Land; on account of which he was divorced from her. She afterwards (1151) married our King Henry II. * One that will play the devil, sir, with you, An'a may catch your hide and you alone.] The story is, that Austria, who killed King Richard Cœur-de-lion, wore, as the spoil of that prince, a lion's hide, which had belonged to. him. |