| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 444 pages
...? when your head dtd but ake, I knit my handkerchief about your brows ; (The beft I had, a princefs wrought it me] And I did never ask it you again ;...like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and anon chear'd up the heavy time, Saying, what lack you ? and where lyes your grief? Or what good love may... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1907 - 196 pages
...you? Hub. And I will. 40 Arth. Have you the heart? When your head did but ache, I knit my handkercher about your brows, The best I had, a princess wrought...again ; And with my hand at midnight held your head, 45 And like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and anon cheer'd up the heavy time, 34. dispiteous]... | |
| Samuel Felton - 1787 - 400 pages
...knit my handkerchief about your brows (The beft I had, a princefs wrought it me), And I did never afk it you again : And with my hand at midnight held your...anon cheer'd up the heavy time ; Saying, What lack yoo ? and, Where lies your grief ? Or, What good love may I perform for you ? Many a poor ir.an'i fan... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1806 - 432 pages
...hut ake, I knit my handkerchief ahout your hrows, (Thr hest I had, a princess wrought it me,) And 1 did never ask it you again : And with my hand at midnight...Still and anon cheer'd up the heavy time; Saying, W hat lack you ? and, VV here lies your grief? Or. VV hat good love may I perform for you? Many a poor... | |
| William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 578 pages
...When your head[40 did but ake, I knit my handkerchief about your browsr (The best 1 hwl, a princes* wrought) it me) And I did never ask it you again :....And, like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and anon-rheard up the heavy time; Saying, What lack you : and, Where lies your grief Or, V\ hat good love... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1811 - 534 pages
...your head did but ake, I knit my handkerchief about your brows, (The best I had, a princess wronght it me), And I did never ask it you again : And with...And, like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still ami anon cheer'd up the heavy time ; Saying, What lack you? «nd, Where lies your grief ? Orl What... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1813 - 942 pages
...did but ache, I knit my handkerchief about your brows, (The best I liad, a princess wrought it mej ttle life ! 1 think, die means to tangle my eyes too...hope not after it ; * 1 и not your inky brows, your cbeer'd up the heavy time ; Saying, What lack you ? and, Where lies your grief ' Or, What good love... | |
| Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 pages
...wantonness. By uiy Christendom, So I were out of prison, and kept sheep, I should be merry as the day is long Have you the heart ? when your head did but ake, I...princess wrought it me), And I did never ask it you again j And with my hand at midnight held your head ; And like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1817 - 366 pages
...hot irons burn out both mine eyes ? Arth. And will you ? Hub. Young boy,s 1 must. Hub. And I will. s 'Arth. Have you the heart ? When your head did but...and anon cheer'd up the heavy time ; Saying, What l;ick you ? and, Where lies your grief? Or, What good love may I perform for yon ? Many a poor msn's... | |
| William Hazlitt - 1817 - 392 pages
...will you ? Hubert. And I will. Hubert. Have you the heart ? When your head did bui~ ache, I knit njy handkerchief about your brows, (The best I had, a...like the watchful minutes to the hour, Still and anon chear'd up the heavy time, Saying, what lack you ? and where lies your grief? Or, what good love may... | |
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