An original draught of the primitive Church: in answer to a discourse [by P. King] entituled, An enquiry into the constitution [&c.] of the primitive Church. By a presbyter of the Church of England [J. Slater].

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Page 123 - For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee : 6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
Page 81 - And the hand of the Lord was with them ; and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.
Page 158 - We, saith he there, did so manage the business of collecting and dispensing alms, as to avoid that any man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us ; providing for honest things, not. only in the sight of the Lord, but in the sight of men.
Page 27 - Evidence, that there was but one Church to a Bishop, which will appear from this single Consideration, viz. That the ancient Diocesses are never said to contain Churches, in the Plural, but only a Church in the Singular.
Page 123 - ... ordain Elders, fyc., as I had appointed thee.) And 3rdly. That there is not the least direction, or so much as hint, or intimation, given to either of them to call in the assistance, or wait for the approbation of the people in the case, neither texts, nor contexts, if we look into them, suggesting the least idea of any such thing. The larger instructions given by St. Paul to Timothy and Titus, for the due execution of their important charge, lie dispersed in the several...
Page 172 - These and many such characters of a common Presbyter, after ordination by provincial Bishops, are frequently to be met with in the writings of the primitive Fathers, whereof not one of them was attributed to him till that time, or to any in that inferior station wherein he stood before.
Page 165 - A Person in Holy Orders, having thereby an inherent Right to perform the whole Office of a Bishop ; but being possessed of no Place or Parish, not actually discharging it, without the Permission and Consent of the Bishop of a Place or Parish.
Page 58 - Apply this plain rule to, all sorts of unities mentioned here, and see if the primitive expressions of one Church, one altar, and one Bishop, do not evidently consist with as many Churches, altars, and Bishops, as can be proved to be undeniably derived from one and the same original institutor ; the unity of whose divine power and SPIRIT, diffused at first among the chosen twelve, stamps a character of unity upon all who regularly descend from them, and upon every individual who only claims under,...
Page 2 - Church, that is, of a Company of Believers, who at one time, in one and the same place, did associate themselves together, and concur in the Participation of all the Institutions and Ordinances of Jesus Christ with their proper Pastors and Ministers.

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