The United Empire minstrel: a selection of the best national, constitutional and loyal Orange songs and poems : with a large number of toasts and sentiments, and a chronological teble, shewing the principal innovations and apostacies of the Romish church, her persecutions of our Protestant forefathers, and the most particular events connected with the history of the United Empire and the Orange institutionHenry Rowsell, 1852 - 292 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Admiral Nelson arms Aughrim banner battle bless blood Boyne boys brave brethren Britain British Britons cardinals cause cheer Chorus Christ Christians church cried Croppies crown death deeds defend Derry Derry's Derry's wall Duke Emerald Island England Enniskillen Erin's faith fame fathers flag foes fought France French gallant gallant band glorious Revolution glory Grand Master hand heart heaven hero holy honor hurrah Ireland isle join King William land laws lero liberty Lilliburlero bullen Lord loud loyal memory merry England murder ne'er Nelson o'er Orange and Blue Orange Institution Orange Lily Orange Lodge Orangemen Papists peace pontiff Pope Popery Popish praise priests Prince Prince of Orange Protestants Purgatory Queen rebels reign Repeal Rome round Shannon shore sing sires smile song sons soul Spanish Armada Surrender sword thee thou thousand throne toast traitors true truth Twas victory vile wave William's glorious
Popular passages
Page 185 - OF Nelson and the North Sing the glorious day's renown, When to battle fierce came forth All the might of Denmark's crown, And her arms along the deep proudly shone; By each gun the lighted brand In a bold determined hand, And the Prince of all the land Led them on. Like leviathans afloat, Lay their bulwarks on the brine; While the sign of battle flew On the lofty British line : It was ten of April morn by the chime : As they drifted on their path, There was silence deep as death; And the boldest...
Page 162 - King ! Long live our noble King! God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us ! God save the King!
Page 127 - Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughtered saints, whose bones Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold; Even them who kept thy truth so pure of old, When all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones...
Page 186 - By the festal cities' blaze, Whilst the wine-cup shines in light ; And yet amidst that joy and uproar Let us think of them that sleep, Full many a fathom deep, By thy wild and stormy steep, Elsinore...
Page 186 - Again ! again ! again ! And the havoc did not slack, Till a feeble cheer the Dane To our cheering sent us back : Their shots along the deep slowly boom ; Then ceased — and all is wail, As they strike the shattered sail, Or, in conflagration pale, Light the gloom.
Page 14 - The spirits of your fathers Shall start from every wave ! — For the deck it was their field of fame, And Ocean was their grave : Where Blake and mighty Nelson fell, Your manly hearts shall glow, As ye sweep through the deep, While the stormy tempests blow ; While the battle rages loud and long, And the stormy winds do blow.
Page 65 - Ho ! maidens of Vienna ; ho ! matrons of Lucerne ; Weep, weep, and rend your hair for those who never shall return. Ho ! Philip, send, for charity, thy Mexican pistoles, That Antwerp monks may sing a mass for thy poor spearmen's souls.
Page 40 - By the struggling moonbeam's misty light And the lantern dimly burning. No useless coffin enclosed his breast, Not in sheet nor in shroud we wound him ; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. Few and short were the prayers we said, And we spoke not a word of sorrow ; But...
Page 63 - And if my standard-bearer fall, As fall full well he may, For never saw I promise yet Of such a bloody fray, Press where ye see my white plume shine, Amidst the ranks of war, And be your oriflamme to-day The helmet of Navarre.
Page 61 - THE stately Homes of England, How beautiful they stand! Amidst their tall ancestral trees, O'er all the pleasant land. The deer across their greensward bound, Through shade and sunny gleam, And the swan glides past them with the sound Of some rejoicing stream.