CHUR THEN PASTOR OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN NORTHAMPTON; WITH AN APPENDIX BY MR. FOXCROFT. EDITION SECOND. BEHOLD NOW I HAVE OPENED MY MOUTH:-MY WORDS SHALL JOB XXX111. 2. 3. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM COKE, LEITH. Anno 1790. Confitebatur [Lutherus] dolorem fuum, quod ab ipfis reflorefcentis Evangelii Primordiis, quofvis abfque Difcrimine ad Cœnam Dominicam admififfet, quodque Difciplinam, Fratrum Difciplinc fimilem, apud fuos non conftituiffet.—Quia objiciebatur, Fratres non habere Ecclefiam apertam;-Refponium fuit, Sancta dare non Sanctis prohibuiffe Chriftum:-Errorem [in Papatu corrigi non poffe aliter quam ut certa Probatione, nec illa fubitanea, Cordium Arcana revelunter, Novitiique diu et caute tum informentur, tum explorentur. Ratio Difcipl. Fratr. Bohem. gifr Tappo 3-1932 Bert. Ess ADVERTISEMENT TO THIS EDITION. A NARRATIVE of the transactions to which the fol lowing Treatife refers, may be read in the account of the Author's Life, which was printed originally at Boston, New England, in 1765, and lately re-printed at Glafgow. The works of the Author are now very well known in this country. The world, it is apprehended, owe no fmall obligation to Dr. John Erskine, one of the minifters of this city, who first introduced them to their ac quaintance. THERE are very few perfons attentive to the fubjects on which Prefident Edwards has written, who will not acknowledge, that he has caft much light upon them. And nothing will prevent Christians from confidering the prefent Treatife as one of the most able and intereft. ing parts of his works, but prejudice and indifference about the subject of it. His own opinion of it may be feen in his Preface. It will there appear, if perfons should even be inattentive to its internal evidence, that it called forth the complete extent of his abilities, and |