Studies in the ZoharSUNY Press, 1993 M01 1 - 262 pages This book deals with the "Book of Splendor" (Sefer ha-Zohar), the greatest achievement of Kabbalah and one of the most influential sources of Western mysticism. This book offers a new interpretation of the Zohar, analyzing both its theoretical content and its historical context; it also brings the theory and the history together by indicating the personal and autobiographical elements in the Zohar's teachings. The author delves into the issues of the messianic elements of the Zohar, the way it was written, and its relationship to Christianity, Gnosticism, and Talmudic literature. |
The Messiah of the Zohar On R Simeon bar Yohai as a Messianic Figure | 1 |
How the Zohar Was Written | 85 |
Christian Influences on the Zohar | 139 |
Notes | 163 |
Bibliography | 245 |
Sources | 249 |
251 | |
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according Akiva alluded allusion ancient Aramaic Arikh Anpin Attika Bahya beard called Christian cited companions concealed Da'at David de-R death described devekut divine doctrine Edom female Gershom Scholem Gikatilla Gnostic Hadash Hamadan Hebrew Hokhma Holy One blessed ibid idea Idra Rabba Idra Zuta Idrot interpretation Isaac Israel Jerusalem Jesus Joseph of Hamadan Judah Judah he-Hasid Kabbala Kabbalistic Keter kings of Edom Large Countenance letter tsadi Livnat ha-Sappir Lord Lurianic male Malkhut Merkava messianic Midrash Midrash ha-Neelam mitsvot Moses de Leon mystery mystical parallel pillar rabbis refers revealed righteous sages Sanhedrin secrets Sefer ha-Gevul sefira sefira of Yesod sefirot Shekhina Sifra di-Tsni'uta Simeon Simeon bar Yohai Sitra Ahra Small Countenance soul statement supernal symbolic talmudic Tazria Tiferet Tikkun Leil Shavu'ot Tikkunei Zohar tikkunim Tishby Todros Torah tsaddik tsadi verse writings written Yesod Yohai Ze'er Anpin Zohar Zohar Hadash