GERTRUDE OF WYOMING. I. ON Susquehana's side, fair Wyoming! Although the wild-flower on thy ruin'd wall And roofless homes, a sad remembrance bring Yet thou wert once the loveliest land of all That see the Atlantic wave their morn restore. Sweet land! may I thy lost delights recall, And paint thy Gertrude in her bowers of yore, Whose beauty was the love of Pennsylvania's shore! II. Delightful Wyoming! beneath thy skies, Or skim perchance thy lake with light canoe, Would echo flagelet from some romantic town. L III. Then, where of Indian hills the daylight takes And playful squirrel on his nut-grown tree: And ev'ry sound of life was full of glee, From merry mock-bird's song, or hum of men; While heark'ning, fearing nought their revelry, The wild deer arch'd his neck from glades, and then Unhunted, sought his woods and wilderness again. IV. And scarce had Wyoming of war or crime For here the exile met from ev'ry clime, And happy where no Rhenish trumpet sung, On plains no sieging mine's volcano shook, [hook. The blue-ey'd German chang'd his sword to pruning V. Nor far some Andalusian saraband Would sound to many a native roundelay But who is he that yet a dearer land Remembers, over hills and far away? Green Albyn!' what though he no more survey Thy pellochs rolling from the mountain bay, Thy lone sepulchral cairn upon the moor, And distant isles that hear the loud Corbrechtan roar! 3 VI. Alas! poor Caledonia's mountaineer, That want's stern edict e'er, and feudal grief, Yet found he here a home, and glad relief, 1 Scotland. • The Gaelic appellation for the porpoise. The great whirlpool of the Western Hebrides, And plied the beverage from his own fair sheaf, That fir'd his Highland blood with mickle glee: And England sent her men, of men the chief, Who taught those sires of Empire yet to be, To plant the tree of life-, to plant fair freedom's tree! VII. Here was not mingled in the city's pomp Suffic'd where innocence was yet in bloom, |