HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Written in FRENCH by M. RAPIN DE THOYRAS. Translated into ENGLISH, with Additional Notes, by Rector of ALVERSTOKE, in HAMPSHIRE, and ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS, GENEALOGICAL TABLES, and the HEADS The FIFTH EDITION, corrected. VOL. X. LONDON: Printed, by Affignment from Mr. KNAPTON, for T. OSBORNE, H. WoodFall, W. STRAHAN, J. RIVING- MDCCLX. THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. BOOK ΧΧΙ. Containing the third and last part of the reign of diftruft ITHERTO we have seen how the breach be- Extreme tween the king and the parliament daily grew betruft the wider. The diftruft was so great on both fides, king and that it was hardly possible they should come to an parliament, agreement. The king could not doubt, there was a defign to deprive him of great part of his authority; and the parliament perceiving the king was not ignorant of this design, could scarce question, he would privately take all poffible meafures to prevent the execution thereof. But this was not all. The parliament had also reason to fear, the king would not confine himself to the defenfive, but under colour of standing upon his guard, would put himself in a condition to attack. Before the accufation of the members of parliament, whilst the resolution of depriving the king of his power was not absolutely taken, and many members were yet wavering, it would not perhaps have been impoffible to find expedients for a peace. But by this fatal accufation, and his coming to the house of commons, the king VOL. X. A gave 216702 |