CONTROVERSIALIST, AND LITERARY MAGAZINE: DEVOTED TO THE IMPARTIAL AND DELIBERATE DISCUSSION OF RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY, POLITICS, AND TO THE PROMOTION OF SELF-CULTURE AND GENERAL PREFACE. HOWEVER greatly polemical writers may differ in their opinions, they generally admit the importance of careful research and impartial examination. The duty of proving "all things" is now theoretically admitted by most, though still practically ignored by many. Unsatisfactory as this state of things must be, it is an advance upon that in which free inquiry was dreaded, and calm discussion was impossible. A great point is always gained when we have a duty admitted, because, with every true-hearted man, it will be followed by an effort for that duty to be discharged. Hence the intimate connection between truth in theory and truth in action; and in the majority of cases where we discern the former, we may hope, ere long, to discover the latter. It is therefore the source of no small satisfaction to us, in continuing to devote our time and attention to the arduous labours connected with the conduct of this serial, to know that we are thus not only carrying out universally admitted principles, but adopting the surest means of promoting mental enlightenment, and, with it, moral improvement. It will be perceived, on examining the contents of this, the Twelfth Volume of the BRITISH CONTROVERSIALIST, that there is no diminution in the importance of the questions which are here discussed, and no lack of ability in their treatment. In both these respects the present will, we: believe, bear favourable comparison with any previous volume. In Theology, we have a debate on a question which involves the fundamental point of difference between the two great sections of the Christian world; and this debate is sustained by bonâ fide Catholic and Protestant writers, who have brought to bear upon it deep earnestness, extensive erudition, unmistakeable talent, and an unexceptionable spirit. In Politics, the subject of the Opium Trade, in relation to the British Government, is very fully debated by men who have given much attention to it, and some of whom have formed their opinions from personal |