pleasing death of, prefers the Psalms to Pindar and Horace, Adolphus, Gustavus, spent much time in prayer, Africa, inhabitants of, - Aikins's favourable account of the Methodists, - Alexander, Dr. Disney, conversion of, - - Alfred, King, great diligence and devotion of, Altamont, affecting death of, - America, example of, on religious liberty, inhabitants of, Anatomy, sketch of, - - Animals, amphibious, species of, Anonymous, author, quotations from, - gentleman, affecting death of, - - - - _gentleman, wickedness, conversion, and death of, deist, conversion of, Antitheus, unhappy death of, - - Antiphanes, an ancient author, on a future state, Apostacy, antichristian, - Archdeacons, number of, - Arguments, four main, for the truth of scripture, 196 - 277 332 333 182, 183 280 - Atheist, Atheist, shocking death of an, royal and noble, since the conquest, B. Babylon, prophecies concerning, conclusive, - - some account of, - declaration of, on the gospel, 107, 108 86 Ibid. 243 Bankrupts, seldom afterwards pay their credit, - *on the French clergy, 228 Bath, Earl of, devoted his leisure to prayer and the bible, 248 Beauties, of scripture, where found, 262 Beattie, Dr. on the causes of infidelity, 303 - a fine quotation from, Beings, human, number of, Belisarius, began the 1260 years of scripture, Belgium, unhappy condition of, Bernard, St. hymn of, on the name Jesus, Bible, shall be coexistent with time, confirmed by all other books and discoveries, account of one who burnt, and another who roasted it, 281 a chief means of the present learning and liberty, should be read in classical schools for its beauties, books of, how classed as compositions, Bingham, on the ancient Christians love to the bible, Birmingham, some account of, Bishops, conduct of, a main cause of infidelity, 75 income of, 1 and clergy of Europe, a main cause of its misery, 83 should preach boldly and faithfully, conduct of, one main cause of the increase of Sectarists, 87 - English, names of, very pompous, Bolingbroke, Lord, speaks favourably of the gospel, egregiously mistaken, an immoral man, died a deist, - Bonnet of Geneva, on the facts of the New Testament, Books, in favour of the Jewish and Christian religions, 105, 106 to promote the spirit of religion, recommended, number of, published in Germany, 291 322 Bounty, Queen Ann's, 76 Boyle, Hon. Robert, entertained an awful sense of God, on the unreasonableness of deists, Brandt, Count, conversion of, from infidelity, Brown, Sir Thomas, a firm believer, Thomas, lived laughing, but died groaning, Rev. John, on the prophecies, Bruno, burnt for an atheist, - Bryant, Jacob, Esq. quotation from, - treatise of, on the Christian religion, observations of, on the plagues of Egypt, Ibid. - 43 - 236 155, 156 Bucer, wished for farther reformation, Aa2 146 Buck- Page Buckingham, Duke of, reproved by Waller, pathetic letter from, Burnet, Bishop, obtained the bounty from Queen Ann, 252, 253 47,49 76 great diligence of, - 90,91 opinion of, concerning the clergy, attempted a reformation, 147 considers subscription as an imposition, 153 travels of, - 168 Canons, oath of obedience to the, extremely wrong, 154 not a bishop in England complies with the whole, 162 Capel, Lord, eminent for devotion, 2 Carrier, and his accomplices, murdered 40,000 persons, Chatham, Lord, considered our liturgy as popish, China, empire of, said to contain 333 millions of souls, Chillingworth, solemn declaration of, on the bible, 143, 148 Page Christianity, said not to admit of establishment, 70 mysterious doctrines of, no just objection to it, 197, 198 Christians, corruption of, much owing to the clergy, 79 knavery of, no valid objection to Christianity, 99, 100, 197 animosities of, causes of infidelity, - 97,98 277 Church, of Christ, supposed incapable of a temporal head, 149 of England, income of, defects of the, pointed out by Burnet, 112 preferments of the, by money or interest, 158. objections to, Church-livings, monopoly of, a curse to the country, Clarke, Dr. book of, on Christianity, recommended, an eighteenth part of the, enjoy all the best preferments, 78,238 superior, extremely to blame, 79, 239, 240 the 18,000, might do wonders, 330 negligence of the, main cause of the increase of sects, 91 Clergy and people of Ireland, in a low state, of France, horribly cruel under Lewis XIV. Clowes, Rev. Mr. sermon of, recommended, Colchester, Sir Duncomb, conversion of, Conscience, power of, |