at DESPITE the intermixture of races, and the settlements and transactions of every hue which the LONDON: PUBLISHED BY WM. STRANGE, PATERNOSTER-ROW; MDCCCXLIV. PREFACE. THE origin of the following book may be shortly stated. Some time ago, desiring to obtain a full acquaintance with the history of Ireland subsequent to its connection with England, the author sought among the libraries and publishers for a work upon the subject. He was doomed to be disappointed; for, though he found that many books had been written about Ireland,-one (Moore's) giving its history previous to the Reformation'; another (Leland's) bringing it down to the Revolution of 1688; a third (Taylor's) detailing the history of the Civil Wars of Ireland, but hastily passing over the last and (to the present generation of readers) the most important of all-the Rebellion of 1798; a fourth (Barrington's) giving the history of the Irish Parliament during the short, bright period of its glory, commencing in the year 1781; a fifth (Madden's) giving the history of the United Irishmen at great length;-yet in none could he find a clear and connected account of the current of Irish events down to the present time, such as is so much needed at this day, when Irish questions engross so large a share of public attention. In short, it was found that a very large number of books-many of them very expensive ones-must be perused, before anything like a correct idea could be formed of Irish history. The author therefore conceived the design of writing a book which should in some measure supply the deficiency, and give the English reader, within a small compass, a history of Ireland and the Irish People under the government of England, down to the period at which we live. No time was lost in putting this design into execution, and the following book is the result. |