7 Breviarium Chronologicum. OR A TREATISE Describing the TERMS and Moft Celebrated C HA- CHRONOLOGY. By Giles Strauchius, D.D. and Publick Pro- Now done into English from the Third The Second Edition, Correaed And Enlarged with all the usefullest things LONDON: Printed for A. BOSVILE at the Dial and Street. 1704. TO THE READER. Reader, I Here prefent thee with the Tranflation of an Author who has never yet appeared in an English Dress; one fo famous for that fort of Learning he treats of, that I thought it might prove no ungrateful Work to the Publick to make him speak our Language, which has hitherto been fo great a Stranger to Chronology, the Subject which our Author here fo learnedly handles. In it thou wilt find that Accuracy, Method, and Exactness, that it may justly be efteemed the most useful Book of this kind that has ever yet appear ed abroad in the World, and withail fo fully written, that it contains all that is neceffary to be taught a young Gentleman concerning Chronology. The Ufefulness of this Study I cannot better recommend to thee, than in the Words of the Ingenious and Learned Mr. Lock; who thus expreffes himself upon this Occafion in his Extraordinary Thoughts concerning Education (p. 327.) With Geography (Jays he) Chronology ought to go Hand in Hand |