Elementary Geology

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Dayton & Saxton, 1841 - 346 pages

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Page 89 - Thus Satan, talking to his nearest mate, With head up-lift above the wave, and eyes That sparkling blazed ; his other parts besides Prone on the flood, extended long and large, Lay floating many a rood ; in bulk as huge As whom the fables name of monstrous size, Titanian, or Earth-born, that warred on Jove ; Briareos or Typhon, whom the den By ancient Tarsus held ; or that sea-beast Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim the ocean stream...
Page 91 - O'er bog or steep, through strait, rough, dense, or rare, With head, hands, wings, or feet, pursues his way, And swims, or sinks, or wades, or creeps, or flies.
Page 180 - Causican ridge, the Caspian Sea, and Tartary, on the north, the Persian and Indian Seas on the south, and the high mountain ridges which run at considerable distances, on the eastern and western flank.
Page 184 - That death therefore which God threatened to Adam, and which passed upon his posterity, is not the going out of this world, but the manner of going.
Page 180 - This region was first, by atmospheric and geological causes of previous operation under the will of the Almighty, brought into a condition of superficial ruin, or some kind of general disorder.
Page 134 - I have seen in my travels, amongst the thousands of boulders which are strewed over the great valley of the Missouri and Mississippi, from the Yellow Stone almost to the Gulf of Mexico, raises in my mind an unanswerable question, as regards the location of their native bed, and the means by which they have reached their isolated position ; like five brothers, leaning against and supporting each other, without the existence of another boulder within many miles of them.
Page 38 - But in these instances the animals undoubtedly crept into such places while young, and after being grown, could not get out. Being very tenacious of life, and probably obtaining some nourishment occasionally by seizing upon insects that might crawl into their nidus, they might sometimes continue alive even many years.
Page 171 - the violent paroxysm of the earthquake ceasing, I stood up, and, turning my eyes to look for Euphemia, saw only a frightful black cloud. We waited till it had passed away, when nothing but a dismal and putrid lake was to be seen where the city once stood.
Page 162 - Usually they are scattered in a linear manner over a great extent. Thus, on the eastern coast of New Holland, is a reef 350 miles long. Disappointment Islands and Duff's Group are connected by 500 miles of coral reefs, over which the natives can travel from one island to another.
Page 97 - Storeton quarry, where are found the tracks of the chirotherium, " the under surface of two strata at the depth of 32 or 35 feet from the top of the quarry, presents a remarkably blistered or watery appearance, being densely covered by minute hemispheres of, the same substance as the sandstone. These projections are casts in relief of indentations in the upper surface of a thin subjacent bed of clay, and due in Mr. Cunningham's opinion to drops of rain.

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