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for a resident minister. All this, at

a very large expense, he lived to accomplish; and thus, by an act of benevolence, of which there are few examples, conferred the greatest of all human benefits. What his own feelings must have been on the day of the consecration, the following extract will best describe.

"On the morning of the 12th," he says, "the principal Gentry of the neighbourhood assembled at my house, to attend the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Chapel. The day was fine. The sun shone gloriously on the extensive vale below, and brought out all the beauties of that enchanting prospect. Great crowds were assembled on the hill, and presented a most cheerful and animated scene. It was, I confess, a most joyful and gratifying day to me; and I thank


God most devoutly that He inspired me with the resolution to undertake the work, and prolonged my life to see it finished. It will, I trust, under His gracious superintendence, contribute materially to the present comfort and future happiness of some hundreds of poor ignorant people, who, from their remote, and almost inaccessible situation, and their distance from the parish church, were too often destitute of that relief, which their extreme indigence required in this life, and of that religious instruction, which was necessary to their salvation in the next. The clergyman, who will now be fixed among them, and who is bound to reside constantly in the parsonage house, will, it is hoped, by his doctrines, his exhortations, and his example, be the means of remedying these evils, and will, both in their Q 3 temporal

temporal and their spiritual concerns, be their guide, protector, benefactor and friend."


It is in my power to say, and I say with genuine satisfaction, that the excellent Minister, who, by the Bishop's own appointment, fills the situation, discharges faithfully and ably all its various duties, and has amply realized his Patron's expectations. Large congregations attend the chapel morning and afternoon; the children of the poor are instructed; and instead of all that idleness, misery and vice, by which the place was formerly distinguished, there is now the appearance of decency and comfort and industry and religion.

The Summer of this year the Bishop spent at Clifton, near Bristol, for the benefit of his health, which was then, and

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had been for some months before, in a very precarious and declining state. During his stay there, he was induced by the peculiar fineness of the season, to make several very pleasant excursions to the various places and scenes most worthy of observation, in that highly beautiful: and romantic country; and amongst other interesting visits which he paid, one of the most gratifying was to his friend Mrs. Hannah More, who resided in the neighbourhood, at a place called Barley Wood. Of the talents and virtues of this amiable and excellent Lady, he had not only long entertained, as is well known, the highest opinion, but had taken pains to express it in the strongest terms; and indeed her Writings have been so decidedly and extensively useful; their value has been so highly estimated by the public; her time

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time and thoughts have been so steadily and laboriously devoted to the cause of religion and the best interests of society; and she has done, particularly, such infinite good by her incomparable schools for the education of the poor, to whose comprehension she has most honourably to herself brought down the ample stores of her own highly cultivated and superior understanding; that it is hardly possible to speak of her in terms of adequate respect, gratitude, and admi


The Bishop derived undoubtedly considerable benefit from the clear, salubrious air of Clifton; but still, though in some degree recruited, his constitution was evidently much enfeebled and broken. In the mean time his mind retained its wonted vigour; and on his


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