| John FISHER (A.M., Vicar of St. Lawrence, Exeter.) - 1741 - 358 pages
...expfefs'd, there is always implied an Ability of doing them : It being required of every Man in thofe Cafes, according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not. And therefore, tho' we are not to withhold Good from them to whohl it is due, yet this Precept is fo... | |
| John Fisher - 1741 - 352 pages
...expfefs'd, there is always implied an Ability of doing them : It being required of every Man in thofe Cafes, according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not. And therefore, tho' we are not to withhold Good from them to whorn it is due, yet this Precept is fo... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 434 pages
...Reafon, who either totally or in great meafure want That natural Faculty. Every man fhali be accepted according to what he Hath, and not according to what he hath not, 2 Cor. viii. i2. God therefore willeth all men to be faved ; ( juft in the fame manner as he willeth... | |
| John Jortin - 1752 - 320 pages
...prejudice and partiality, and not willing that any fhould perifh; that every one fhall be accepted according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not; that to every one is given a light to guide him, and a law, either written or unwritten, either revelation... | |
| 1774 - 510 pages
...live fo long, as to be able to fhew forth this effect in his future obedience, he fliall be accepted according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not. Some men are called away forthwith, upon the change of mind that is wrought in them, before any opportunity... | |
| 1779 - 372 pages
...: are the latter therefore .exempted from being as ufeful as they can, ? God requireth of every man according to what he hath, .and not according to what he hath not *. Will it be a good apojogy for the fervant who receives one talent, to fay, ' Becaufe I re.-. •... | |
| Richard Watson (bp. of Llandaff) - 1785 - 534 pages
...thought or belief concerning him ? To this I anfwer, That God will require of every man, " ao" cording to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not." He will not expedí ten talents where he gave but one ; nor require any one fhould believe a promife,... | |
| Edward Tatham - 1790 - 340 pages
...calling, however ignorant and uninformed his head may be, if his heart be good, will be accepted " according to what he " hath, and not according to what he hath " not 9 ." Since the inhabitants of every age and nation could not poflibly enjoy the evidence of eye-witnefles,... | |
| Edward Tatham (D.D.) - 1790 - 728 pages
...calling, however ignorant and uninformed his head may be, if his heart be ga6d, will be accepted '* according to what he " hath, and not according to what he hath Since the inhabitants of every age and n ation could not pofiibly enjoy the evidence of eye-witneffes,... | |
| Richard Watson - 1791 - 502 pages
...And the anfwer to this queftion, as far as it concerns man to know, is, that God will require of him according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not. If what is is neceflan neceflary for all to know, is knowable by all } thofe men upon whom God hath pleafed... | |
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