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-to create a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. If we commit ourselves to his guidance in humility and singleness of heart, he will set us free from the bondage of sin. He will enlighten our understandings, to discern the wretchedness of our natural state; the greatness of the guilt which we have contracted; the hopelessness of every attempt which we can make to atone, by our own works, for past iniquities; or to walk, by our own strength, according to the divine commandments for the time to come: and the necessity of flying for salvation to the only deliverer, the Son of God, who died for us upon the cross. The same Spirit will also exercise his transforming power over our hearts. He will change their original bent and inclinations; he will cause us to abhor evil, -to abhor it because it is evil,-to hate the sinful deeds in which we formerly delighted,-to act upon new principles,to set our affections on new objects,-to be zealous in new pursuits. For the holy Spirit of God, if we resist him not, will not leave his work imperfect;-and imperfect, indeed, would it be, if we could suppose that his influence, after it had expelled the love of sin from the heart, would stop short without planting there the love of righteousness,—after it had purified the outward conduct from positive transgression, would not lead the man forward to activity in good works. The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of holiness.' His aim, his purpose, is to make us holy. The fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness, righteousness, truth, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, temperance. [Gal. v. 22, 23. Eph. v. 9.] The wisdom from above,' which he giveth, is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.' [James iii. 17.] Remark now, while you contemplate this catalogue of the fruits of the Spirit, the ample space occupied by those duties, which belong to the class of morals. Remark that, as every immoral action is natural to man, is one of the fruits of the flesh;' so every act of morality, of real morality, of morality including the motive as well as the deed, of morality having a reference to God, is, and must be, a fruit of the Spirit.' In these fruits of Christian morality, no less than in those of piety, whosoever is sanctified by the Spirit, will strive to abound more and more. Whosoever is sanctified by the Spirit, will be earnest and diligent to glorify God by faithful obedience,

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even as wicked men are to commit sin. He will be as zealous to keep his body, and bring it into subjection, as they are to gratify every sensual desire; he will study to love his neighbour as watchfully, as they seek selfish advantages: he will labour as anxiously for the Spirit, as they labour for the flesh. Having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,having his conscience purged from dead works to serve the living God, he will work the works of God,—he will show forth the work of faith, and the labour of love, no less than the patience of hope.

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The hope of those who are governed by the Spirit, is a 'hope' which maketh not ashamed.' For what is the word of promise? If ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.' What is the life here intended? The prolongation of existence into another state of being, is com-, mon to the righteous and the wicked. In the restoration of the body from the grave, the wicked shall partake. What then does the life promised to those, who live after the Spirit, imply? It implies, in the first place, pardon of sin, deliverance from hell. There is no condemnation to them, which are in Christ Jesus; who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.' [Rom. viii. 1.] But, further, it comprises glory, honour, immortality,' as branches of eternal life.' [Rom. ii. 7.] The future life in reserve for the wicked, is a portion of the second death.' He who, in the present world, has walked in the Spirit,-he, who has had his fruits unto holiness, shall find the end to be life, even blessedness, everlasting. 'He shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.' [John v. 24.] He shall become a partaker of that kingdom, where there is no more death. In the presence of that Redeemer, who has declared, Whosever believeth in me, shall never die,' [John ix. 25, 26.]-of that Redeemer who has not only destroyed the power of death, but has passed the sentence of destruction upon death itself,-he shall live world without end. Ransomed from the grave, raised at the last day, his corruptible shall put on incorruption,-his mortal shall put on immortality. Then can he die no more; for he is made equal unto the angels; and his life shall be everlasting bliss. In the realms to which he is exalted, not only is there no death, but neither is there crying nor pain; for the former things are passed away. He stands throughout eternity before

God, in whose presence is fulness of joy, and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore.


III. But whence is it that glories, so far surpassing the imagination of man, shall be poured forth throughout endless ages, upon the spirits of just men made perfect? The Apostle explains the reason. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.' Such are the riches of the meroy of God, the Father, to all who are sanctified unto obedience by his Spirit; that he regards them as his own children,—as brethren of his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; and, for his sake, admits them to enter into the fulness of the joy of their Lord.

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They who are led by the Spirit,' are born of the Spirit.' [John iii. 5.] They who are born of the Spirit, are born of God.' [1 John iii. 1, 9.] They have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby they cry unto God, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with their spirit, that they are the children of God; and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.' [Rom. viii. 15-17.] The Lord Jesus himself is not ashamed to call them brethren.' [Heb. ii. 11.] His concluding prayer for them to his heavenly Father, before he suffered, was, Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am.' [John xvii. 24.] It is by him that every blessing which awaits them, has been purchased and prepared. It is by him that the 'enjoyment of each of those blessings will be conferred upon them. Because, having been led by his Spirit, they are adopted as his brethren, he shall put them into complete possession of that glory, which, as Lord of the universe, in his human nature, he enjoys. Not only shall they be in a state of happiness, but they shall be for ever with him.' Not only shall they be for ever with him, but they shall be like him, for they shall see him as he is.' Not only shall their vile body' be rendered incorruptible, incapable of pain, qualified for happiness beyond our present comprehension; but Christ shall 'change it so, that it shall be fashioned like unto his own glorious body,' according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself." [Philip. iii. 21.] Not only shall their souls be blessed with knowledge of God, of his ways, of his works, to an extent which is at present inconceivable, but their faculties shall be so exalted, as to resemble


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those of their glorified Redeemer. The spirits of just men made perfect, shall know, even as they are known.' [1 Cor. xiii. 12. Not only shall they be established in bliss, surpassing the most ardent hopes on which the imagination can dwell; but the height of glory to which they will be raised, shall be of the same nature with that, which belongs to the incarnate Son of the Most High. To him,' saith our Lord, that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me on my throne; even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father on his throne.' [Rev. iii. 21.] Thus eminently shall the righteous be recognised as the sons of God.

Are you desirous to learn, whether you are living to the Spirit? Examine yourself, whether you be in the faith. Prove your ownself,' whether your belief in the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ, your love, and gratitude, and humility, towards your Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, be such as become the gospel. Examine yourself, prove yourself, whether your life be moral. If it be, in any point, wilfully immoral, you are living not after the Spirit, but after the flesh. And if you persist in thus living after the flesh, you shall die. If your conduct be moral, is it from the heart? Is it from prudence, or from conscience? Is it for the sake of man, or of God? If your morality, literally accurate as it may be, is not the effect of faith, which worketh by love; it is not after the Spirit, but after the flesh. It is not Christian morality. In the sight of God, it is not morality.

Are you anxious, that the Holy Spirit should lead you to eternal life? Follow three plain directions, pressed upon you in the scriptures; and your desires shall be accomplished.

First seek for the grace of the Holy Spirit, by suitable prayer, in the name of Christ. Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Ask, and ye shall have: seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened unto you. If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.' [John xvi. 23. Matt. vii. 7. Luke xi. 13.] Observe, now, that these expressions describe earnest and persevering prayer. They do not, in any respect, accord with lukewarm or short-lived supplications. They teach you that, if you would obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit, you must first become sensible, how greatly you stand in need of it; for otherwise you will not pray for it

with fervency-and how continually you stand in need of it; for, otherwise, you will not pray for it with constancy.

Secondly strive always to act up to the measure of the grace, which you have received. To him that hath,' to him who has faithfully endeavoured to live, according to the helps with which it has pleased God to furnish him, more shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him who hath not, even that which he hath, shall be taken away.' [Matt. xxv. 29.] Cherish, then, the good desires which rise in your mind, for it is by the Holy Spirit that they are planted there. Keep steadfast to the religious resolutions, which you have formed; for it is the Holy Spirit, who has inclined you to form them. Carry them, promptly and heartily, into execution; for it is by the Holy Ghost, that you are enabled not only to will, but to do.' Study the scriptures, regularly and devoutly; for the holy men of old' who wrote them, wrote, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.' Be diligent, be sincerely pious, in attendance on all the outward ordinances of religion; for, through them, the Holy Ghost dispenses his grace. Receive with a willing mind the instructions, public or private, of the ministers of the gospel; for, at the peril of their own souls, they are to feed and to watch over the flock, over which the Holy Ghost has made them overseers.'

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Lastly: Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,' [Eph. iv. 30.] by returning to sins which you have forsaken; or by allowing yourself to proceed in any new course of iniquity. Knowingly to continue in any habit of transgression, is to forsake the Holy Ghost. It is not only to refuse to obey the influence of the good Spirit of God,-it is to follow the guidance of the evil spirit, the adversary of God, the devil. It is to provoke the Holy Ghost to depart from you; to cast you off; to abandon you to yourself, and to the dominion of the powers of darkness. Keep, then, your heart diligently, that neither wrath, nor envy, nor hatred, nor impurity, nor covetousness, nor deceit, nor discontent, nor pride, nor worldly anxiousness, nor any other unchristian disposition, may harbour there. Review, from time to time, your outward conduct, that you may discover, whether you are indulging any practice unbecoming a servant of the Lord Jesus. Endeavour, day by day, to grow in grace; to gain more and more the mastery through the Holy Spirit, over your remaining corruption. Then will he pre

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