Cursory Remarks on the Island Borneo. gines are rather under than over the 15 known and acknowledged by the Mussulmen Malays of Banjar Massin, that several of their princes have crusaded, or rather crescented, against the Aborigines, for the purpose of forcibly circumcising and converting them, though not hitherto with much success. The Aborigines appear to be a mild, intelligent race, and I therefore believe that such practices would easily fall before the religion of universal brotherly love. They have feasts at the beginning and end of seed-time and harvest, when they intoxicate themselves with palm wine, having mixtures of inebriating substances infused in it. Polygamy is barely suffered among them, and of course is rather rare and is not reckoned honourable. Their women enjoy considerable liberty, and are not kept in such a wretched state as is usually found to be their lot among savages. They have some confused notions of a Supreme Being, but they generally consider him as being too great to take cognizance of their ordinary actions. However, hardly any two of them agree in their tenets on this point. On asking them, How do you believe or suppose this visible world to have been first formed or produced, and continually held up as you see? They answer, How can we tell? We know nothing about it, but we would be glad to know. They have no letters, and tradition is quite faint, puerile and uncertain among them. The Malays and Javanese are Mussulmen, but little bigoted however, and extremely ignorant, even of the Koran. Little difficulty would be found in establishing the Christian religion among both classes, if its professors practised its morality, and, preached only its genuine, simple and unadulterated doctrines. The Trinitarian-Antichristian religion, which arrogates to itself alone the sacred name of Christian, will most assuredly never succeed in converting Mussulmen of any nation to its absurd tenets. Solitary individuals of an unusually mystic or benevolent turn, may here and there embrace its deformity for the sake of its beauties; but those are and will always be too few to be of any moment as to a general change. An intelligent native with whom I had some conversation on this subject, was surprised to learn that there were any Christians who asserted the proper unity of God, and thereupon observed, that since we were agreed as to the Divine object of reverence, the only difference which existed was the question, Whether Jesus Christ was the last of the prophets, the finisher of the dispensations of God to man, or merely the forerunner of Mahomet? To which I assented; and observed, that we could only come at the solution of that question by comparing their respective doctrines with the attributes of the One Universal Father of all; and that it could never be reconciled to unbounded love to all his works, that he should authorize one man to destroy another for his (God's) sake, he being abundantly able to do that himself in an instant, and by so doing avoid the evil which must be produced by authorizing man to do that for him, the execution of which must make the world a hell, and mankind devils incarnate. This reasoning appeared to startle him, and he acknowledged that it deserved consideration. I never had an opportunity of seeing him again. Several others whom I had now and then a few words with on these subjects, generally declined entering into an argument on it, assigning their reason to be, that the first question was not whether Mahomet or Jesus was the prophet of God, but whether it was lawful to worship one God, or three or more; and they looked on my assertion that I believed in one only, as a mere bait to draw them into argument, and so declined it. Upon the whole, I apprehend Borneo offers a very favourable appearance for the planting of the Christian religion, which has not yet been preached in its land under any form, except some traditionary efforts of the early Portuguese may be reckoned an exception. A missionary would probably be most useful and successful among the Aborigines; he should on his arrival among them, profess to be come among them merely for the purpose of teaching them the use of letters and the arts of life, both of which they are now anxious to acquire. They would soon inquire about religion, when I would propose that he should merely tell them what was believed, or thought to be respectively the systems held by the Mahometans and Christians, without, however, at first mentioning the names of the dif ferent religions, and I am fully con vinced that they would embrace Christianity ere they knew its name; and when once it was established in a few villages, it would rapidly spread over the country, with happiness and civilization in its train. Their present state relative to political government, has in it the rudiments of that best form which mankind have yet devised, or at least hitherto put into execution. Their villages and districts are all independent of each other, and the oldest men of the village select the chief, who frequently is so selected from the same family successively; but that forms no hereditary claim, personal abilities alone deciding the choice. These chiefs lead the warriors to battle, and exercise authority, or rather execute the law or rather custom, according to the decisions of the old men afore-mentioned. They are, in fact, such as the Highland chieftains were, previous to their contamination with the Gothic institutions of feudalism which were established among their neighbours; possessing power of life and death by the general consent of the heads of families, and not claiming any individual right over the persons, lands or property of the tribe or district, his duty being to have a proper division made, and every thing executed for the general good. On occasions of quarrels with their neighbours, they form associations of villages more or less numerous according to the nature of the attack by the enemy, or to the power of persuasion possessed by those who are more immediately attacked; and a principal object with the Mussulmen has been to prevent such associations, which would resist their persevering encroachments, or, perhaps, overwhelm them entirely. [To be concluded in the next Number.] · Birmingham, SIR, Dec. 21, 1821. HE Committee for superintending the Sunday-evening Lecture in the room belonging to the Sundayschools of the Old Meeting-house in this town, request your insertion of the following sketch of the origin of their institution. They think it not improbable that some of your readers may be placed in similar circum Tenets of William Law. stances, to whom it may suggest a plan of mutual improvement, and who may not be disinclined to make use of the experience of a society already existing, in carrying their views into effect. A Sunday-evening Lecture had been delivered at the Old Meeting 17 and plan is approved by those who publicly support the cause of virtue and religion. house during the time that the Rev. Ne Stephen Weaver Browne was minister of the congregation: when, upon his removal to Monkwell Street, London, the Lecture was suspended, a number of the young men connected with the Old and New Meeting congregations and schools, feeling that it had been attended with important religious advantages, formed a plan to continue a Sunday-evening Service until the regular Lecture in the Old Meeting-house should be resumed. The use of the large room belonging to the Old Meeting Sunday-schools having been cheerfully granted, an evening service was immediately commenced. The service, selected from the most approved liturgies and sermons, is read by one of the members of the committee, or by some friend invited by the committee to officiate; the sermon, which any member may select for his appointed evening, being submitted to the approbation of the Committee. This regulation, however, of course cannot take effect when any minister is invited to preach, and the society has already had the gratification of engaging the services of its own ministers, who have thus given their sanction to the institution. That its plan is more generally approved, the Committee are happy to infer from the increasing numbers of those who attend the service-the room, which is calculated to hold upwards of 300 persons, having been on some late evenings even inconveniently filled. The use of the room having been granted to the society, the expenses attending the service will be trifling, and a subscription of one shilling per quarter it is estimated will be adequate to the whole. A library for the use of the members has been established; and the Committee beg to add, that they shall feel grateful for any copies of Sermons that may from time to time be published, not only as forming an addition to their library, but as affording an inference that their object VOL. XVII. D GEORGE TYNDALL, Edinburgh, SIR, Nov. 7, 1821. Na note to Southey's Life of Wesley, is the following information as to the tenets held in the latter part of his life, by William Law, the excellent author of the "Serious Call." "The opinions which Law entertained in the latter part of his life were these: That all the attributes of the Almighty are only modifications of his love, and that when in Scripture his wrath, vengeance, &c., are spoken of, such expressions are only used in condescension to human weakness, by way of adapting the subject of the mysterious workings of God's providence to hu man capacities. He held, therefore, that God punishes no one. All evil, according to his creed, originates either from matter or from the free will of man; and if there be suffering, it is not that God wills it, but that he permits it for the sake of a greater overbalance of good, that could not otherwise possibly be produced, as the necessary consequence of an inert instrument like matter, and the imperfection of creatures less pure than himself. Upon his system all beings will finally be happy. He utterly rejects the doctrine of the atonement, and ridicules the idea that the offended justice of the one perfect Supreme Being required any satisfaction. He alleges that Paul, when he speaks of redemption, says, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. Now he adds, had the Almighty required an atonement, the converse of this proposition would have been the truth, and the phrase would have been, reconciling himself to the world." From this note it is probable that Law was an Universalist, and approaching to Unitarianism. This is a name of which any class of Christians may justly be proud, and a man's last sentiments should be regarded as his most mature ones, except there be reason for believing that his faculties have been impaired by age. The first sentence of the above strongly resembles an expression of Rev. Philip Holland, that Oct. 16, 1821. N the discharge of a very painful I part of the duties of the ministry, I have often been led to lament the want of a work particularly adapted to be put into the hands of Unitarian Christians under the various seasons of affliction. The four following Letters are a humble attempt to supply this want, and should they be thought likely to be acceptable to your readers, may probably be followed by two or three more on similar subjects. trust no apology will be needed to I those to whom some of them were addressed, for my endeavouring to render them more extensively useful. That your work may continue to be consolatary as well as instructive to a large class of readers, is the earnest wish of GEORGE KENRICK. The Unitarian Mourner comforted. A Letter to a Friend, on the Death of To express my sympathy with you in your late very severe loss, and to contribute towards the restoration of your health and spirits, so anxiously wished for by your friends, are my inducements in taking up my pen to address you. It is the peculiar excellence of our religion, that it is calculated to afford comfort to the mourner; and it has always appeared to me to evince the truth and value of our peculiar views of it, that they embrace all the common sources of alleviation to our griefs, and represent some of them in a light peculiarly interesting and influential. To have lost a son at so short a warning and at a period of life when a parent begins to see, in nearer prosspect, the future usefulness and respectability of his offspring, is indeed a heavy stroke. But permit me to remind you, that, considering the amiable disposition and upright conduct of your son, and with your views of the free and unpurchased " grace of God which bringeth salvation," you can scarcely entertain a doubt, that the change will for himn be greatly for the better. A parent who considered a high state of religious feeling which can be attained by few, and the application of the blood of Christ, through the influence of the Spirit, to the conscience of each individual, as essential requisites for acceptance with God, must be distressvation of his child while living, and ed with perpetual anxiety for the salmust have the utmost difficulty in persuading himself that it is well with him when he is removed. But looking to the goodness of the fruit as a and regarding religious conduct as proof of the excellence of the tree, principle, nothing can deprive you of evincing the existence of religious the hour of sorrow, that he who is the hope to which the heart clings in be re-united to you under happier cirtaken from you for a short time will cumstances, where no second separation need be dreaded. Although one has been employed only for a short time in the vineyard, and the other has borne the burthen and heat of the day, yet both may hope to obtain the same glorious reward. Many serious persons lay great stress upon death-bed repentance and faith, and the dying testimony of the Christian to the excellence of religion. But opportunity for these is seldom afforded. And in what better way can the Christian express his sense of the value of religion, than by the living testimony which he affords in the conformity of his conduct to its dictates? The best of us must be sensible of numerous imperfections in his conduct, and can claim nothing on the ground of merit at the hands of an impartial Judge; but it is not necessary to ascribe perfection to our departed friends, in order to entertain the assured hope of their being merci fully received at the throne of grace. The heart in affliction naturally turns to its Maker. And how delightful to behold a Being dressed in no terrible frowns, animated by no impla cable resentment towards his crea The Unitarian Mourner comforted. tures, but smiling with approbation upon their humble efforts to please him;-who, so far from needing to have his favour towards them purchased or his fury appeased, is ever ready to betow upon them the richest of his gifts; and whose chastisements are those of a father, intended for the highest good of his children! To be the subject of hatred to a Being seated on the throne of universal nature, must indeed be a source of dreadful forebodings. Present sufferings might then be regarded only as the prelude to more overwhelming afflictions to come. But when we remember that the Author of our sufferings is not at all more powerful than he is good, and that he that "maketh sore" also "bindeth up," and the same hand that "woundeth, maketh whole," cheerful serenity and composure take the place of gloomy despondency. Thus the character of the Deity is calculated to afford us inexhaustible sources of consolation, however varied and painful the afflictions of life may be. And in proportion as our minds are imbued with a system of religious faith, in which the mercifulness of his nature shines without a cloud or shadow, may we hope to be cheered by it in the midst of the deepest sorrow. That you may experience much of the comfort arising from these and other reflections with which your own mind will not fail to furnish you, is the earnest wish of, Dear Sir, Yours, with sentiments of respect and friendship, LETTER II. To a Friend, on the First Anniversary of the Day of his Wife's Death, and on the Loss of an Infant Daughter, aged Eleven Months. MY DEAR FRIEND, When I lately saw you, you intimated what indeed no language was necessary to inform me, that the loss of your little infant, together with the return of the day on which you sustained the heavier loss of its mother, had produced a considerable effect in depressing your spirits. I now address you in the hope that the suggestions of a friend may come in aid 19 of the efforts of your own mind to restore the tone of your spirits; an event so desirable for the sake of your own health and the comfort of your family. I must freely confess too, that I am actuated by the hope, that while I am endeavouring to administer comfort to another, I may be consoling myself. With respect to the removal of the little girl from this world of trouble, which, to allude to a phrase employed by the Jews, she seems rather to have passed by" than to have entered; it is a happy circumstance for us, that although by their innocent looks and helpless condition, our infant children endear themselves greatly to us while living, yet their loss is not felt in a degree to be at all compared to that in which we suffer on occasion of the removal of those in whose company we have tasted the rational pleasures of social life. Yet as the parental heart cannot but have formed some fond anticipations of the coming period, when the tongue suspended in silence should acquire the faculty of expressing the varied emotions of the soul, and the dormant powers of the being made a little lower than the angels, should awake to all the energy of life-sacred be the tear which is shed over the infant's bier. Let no proud philosophy censure it as vain and useless, no affected picty condemn it as impious. Let nature speak her own language. And let your grief, my friend, be only restrained within proper bounds by the reflection, that he who created the infant object of your tenderness, must at the time have willed its good; and, consequently, will assuredly provide for it some future scenes of rational existence and happiness, in which the end of its being may be answered. Whether it be now the pupil of Abraham and Moses and other ancient worthies, as the belief of some persons may lead them to imagine, or the unconscious associate of its ancestors, as others suppose, I trust there is no presumption in the hope, that the parental relation which has been painfully suspended here, In the modern Jewish Prayer-Books, mention is made of those "who have passed by the world," by which they denote children still-born. |