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Obituary.—Mrs. Hannah Webb.-Dr. John Aikin.—Mr. John Clennell. 771

der and anxious mother, a kind and sincere friend, few could equal her; and, when in tolerable health, she was never happier than in being employed in useful and benevolent works. At the head of an affectionate and united family, her life might, perhaps, have afforded her as much enjoyment as is usually met with in this transient and chequered state, had it not pleased the Divine Providence to visit her with personal affliction. During the last fifteen years of her life, her health had been extremely delicate, but more particularly so for the six years previous to her decease; within which period her complaints were frequently attended with the most excruciating pains. Yet in the midst of her sufferings, her daily and hourly prayer was, not so much

to be released from them, as to be en

dued with strength patiently to bear that which her Heavenly Father allotted her. She was thus passing away the evening of life in the practice of piety, when it pleased God to deprive her of her beloved partner.

The friend and companion of fifty years could not be resigned without a struggle too severe for her enfeebled frame, and although she still bowed in submission to the will of Heaven, yet her spirits and cheerfulness forsook her, and she waited for her summons to depart hence and be at peace, "more than they that watch for the morning."

And here it is impossible not to notice the display of God's goodness, even in the afflictive dispensation which deprived her family of a beloved parent, and which must tend powerfully to soothe their minds under the loss which they have


The near approach of the destroyer was attended with no terrors, no painful suspense, no excruciating pains, for she retired to rest in the evening at her usual hour, amidst the blessings of her children, to awake, in the morning, in the world of spirits, and to join the innumerable company of those, who, having come "out of great affliction," "will hunger no more, nor will they thirst any more; nor will the sun strike on them, or any heat. For the Lamb that is toward the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and will lead them to fountains of waters of life; and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes."

C. R.

Dec. 3, at Barrington, in Somersetshire, at the advanced age of 91, Mrs. HANNAH WEBB, relict of the late Francis Webb, Esq. (See Mon. Repos. XI. 70, 189,

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8, at Firle, near Lewes, Sussex, Mr. JOHN MARTEN, in the 70th year of his age. For many years he regularly assembled with the Unitarians in the Chapel at Southover, Lewes, and was highly esteemed and respected by Christians of various denominations. His mild and unassuming demeanour, his humility of mind and natural sweetness of temper, could not but engage the esteem and affection of all who knew him. He passed through many weeks of languor, weakness and decay, without a single murmur of impatience, and at length closed his eyes in death with hope and resignation. His remains were committed to the receptacles of mortality at Ditchling, on the following Sabbath, when the Rev. James Taplin, of Lewes, preached on the occa

sion from Heb. xiii. 14.

23, at Homerton, Mr. JOHN CLENNELL, aged 50. He was a native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where he was for a considerable period engaged in one of the manufactures of that town; but the ardour of his mind impelled him to the preference of literary pursuits, and in these and in the congenial labours of tuition, his latter years were solely employed. His thirst of knowledge was very great, nor less his desire of its diffusion for general good. (See a Letter of his on Subscription Libraries, Vol. III. p. 132.) He published many years ago an "Essay on the Disclosure of the Processes of Manufactures," first read to the Literary and Philosophical Society of his native town, of which, as of several other similar institutions in Scotland, he was a member. For some time he conducted a periodical work, devoted to his favou

rite object of making the secrets of arts and manufactures public property. He was also a contributor to several of the Cyclopædias. Natural diffidence of manner prevented him from making the most advantage of his respectable powers of mind; but he was ever forward to re

commend and prepared to assist every plan for bettering the condition of his fellow-creatures, towards all of whom, whatever were their opinions, he indulged truly friendly sentiments. His own faith as a Christian was steady, and confidence in the Divine Government was his support under all his troubles and afflictions. As his life appeared to draw to a close, he was anxious that his family should take notice that he found in the Unitarian scheme of the gospel all that fainting nature could desire. His end was calm and placid; his last thoughts and affections were Christian, and therefore happy.

Dec. 26, at his residence, Walthamstow, after a long, honourable and useful life, SAMUEL THORP, Esq., at the age of 85. He was the father of Alderman Thorp, and one of the oldest liverymen of London. He distinguished himself in the city, many years ago, as the supporter of the principles of liberty, and as the friend of the late Alderman Coomb, the only representative of London who adhered to the politics of Mr. Fox, during several successive parliaments.

Deaths Abroad.

May 27, at Malacca, the learned and respected Chinese Missionary, Dr. MILNE, four days after his return from Sincapore and Penang, which islands he had visited with the hope of recovery.

July 8, at Calcutta, T. F. MIDDLETON, D.D. F.R. S., Bishop of that Diocese. He was interred with great solemnity in St. John's Cathedral.

At Venice, Oct. 12, Antonio Canova, the great sculptor. He had arrived there from Rome on the 4th, when he was seized with the illness that terminated his life. He died with the utmost resigna. tion. In a codicil to his will, he ordered his body to be interred in his native place of Passagno, and his heart to be deposited at the Imperial Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Venice, of which he was Chief President. The funeral obsequies were very splendid. Canova is said to have devoted a great part of his fortune to benevolent uses. With the title of Marchese, the Pope conferred upon him 3000 piastres of rent, the whole of which he dedicated to the support and encouragement of poor deserving artists. He was building a church in his native village, to complete. This edifice is to be enwhich he is reported to have left funds riched and ornamented with some of his greatest works.

Lately, (Dec. 1821,) at Shires, in Persia, Dr. TAYLOR, formerly a Missionary.

Lately, in the Island of Jamaica, aged 44, Dr. SAMUEL FOTHERGILL, for many years a physician of eminence in London. He went to Jamaica for a change of climate, where he practised his profession with success for many years.

Lately, on his way to Geneva, ALEXANDER MARCETT, M. D. F. R.S., Honorary Professor of Chemistry at Geneva, and some years eminent as a physician in Russell Square.


DOMESTIC. Manchester College, York. The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the trustees of this institution was held in the Cross-Street Chapel Rooms, Manchester, on Friday the 2nd of August last, John Touchet, Esq. in the chair.

The proceedings of the Committee since the last annual meeting of the trustees were read, approved of and confirmed.

The accounts of the treasurer were laid before the meeting, duly audited by Mr. Edward Hanson and Mr. S. D. Darbishire, and were allowed.

Unanimous votes of thanks were then passed to the President, Vice-Presidents, Visitors, Committee, and other officers, for their valuable services during the past year; after which the following officers were elected for the year ensuing, viz. Joseph Strutt, Esq. of Derby, President; James Touchet; Esq. of Broomhouse,

Intelligence.-Manchester College, York.


near Manchester, Peter Martineau, Esq. son of Martineau, Esq. of Norwich, of St. Alban's, Daniel Gaskell, Esq. of entered the College at the commencement Lupsett, near Wakefield, Abraham Cromp of the present session as a student for ton, Esq. of Lune Villa, near Lancaster, the ministry on his own foundation, and the Rev. John Yates, of Toxteth Park, Mr. Arthur Tozer Cloutt, son of the Rev. near Liverpool, and the Rev. John Ken- Thomas Cloutt, of London, has been subtish, of the Woodlands, near Birmingham, sequently admitted on the foundation of Vice-Presidents; George William Wood, the Hackney Education Fund, procured Esq. of Platt, Treasurer; Thomas Ro- for him on the recommendation of the binson, Esq. of Manchester, Chairman of Rev. Thomas Belsham. Applications for the Committee; Mr. Samuel D. Darbi- admission for the session commencing in shire and the Rev. John James Tayler, September 1823, accompanied by the reof Manchester, Secretaries; and Mr. quisite testimonials, should be addressed Samuel Kay and Mr. Joseph Mason, Au- to the Secretaries before the 1st of May ditors. The office of Visitor continues to be filled by the Rev. William Turner, of Newcastle; and the trustees have much pleasure in stating, that the Rev. Lant Carpenter, LL.D. of Bristol, has accepted the office of Assistant Visitor for the current year. The Rev. Joseph Hutton, B. A. of Leeds, and the Rev. John Gooch Robbards, were appointed Public Examiners, with a request, to which they have subsequently acceded, that Mr. Hut ton should attend the Easter and Mr. Robberds the Christmas examination.


The Treasurer's report of the state of the funds was, on the whole, a satisfactory one. The difference between the discontinued and new subscriptions during the last year was stated to be 188. 6d. in favour of the College. The congregational collections during the same period have produced 1097. 6s. 8d., and the benefactions, including 247. 88. from Fellowship Funds, amount to the sum of 1237. 18s. On the general statement of the accounts there appears to be a ba lance due to the treasurer of 1177. 9s. 10d.

The Committee of the last year was re-elected, with the exception of the Rev. At this meeting, a series of resolutions William Johns, Mr. Robert Philips, Jun., was passed, in reference to the perma and Mr. James Potter, who are succeeded nent fund, which had been previously a by Mr. John Touchet, Mr. Robert H. subject of consideration with the ComGregg, the Rev. J. J. Tayler, all of Man-mittee, and had been by them strongly chester, and the Rev. Arthur Dean, of Stand.

The Deputy Treasurers were also re elected, with the exception of Alfred Estlin, Esq. of Bristol, who has resigned his office. He is succeeded by the Rev. Dr. Carpenter: and Thomas Eyre Lee, Esq. of Birmingham, and the Rev. George B. Wawne, of Bridport, are appointed Deputy Treasurers for their respective places of residence.

The divinity students in the College during the past session were fifteen in number, all on the foundation. Of these, Mr. Edmund Kell has completed his course, and entered upon the duties of his profession as a Protestant Dissenting Minister, and Mr. John Smale, the trustees regret to state, has been under the necessity of retiring from the College in consequence of ill health. Of the several candidates for admission on the foundation, three have been received into the College on probation, viz. Mr. Edward Talbot, son of Mr. John Talbot, of Leeds; Mr. Robert Brook Aspland, M. A. of the University of Glasgow, son of the Rev. Robert Aspland, of Hackney; and Mr. John Stowe of Birmingham; making the present number of students on the foundation sixteen. Mr.- Martineau,

recommended to the adoption of the trustees. These resolutions, which are given at length below, the trustees consider very important, and they are induced to believe that they will contribute much to the permanence and welfare of the College.

Resolved unanimously,

That a large proportion of the property of the College consists of buildings which are subject to a gradual decrease of value, and that the existing practice of making a regular deduction of 24 per cent. per annum from the current estimated value of the buildings in Manchester, and a regular deduction of 74 per cent. per annum from the current estimated value of the buildings in York, is judicious and proper, and ought to be continued.

That it is highly important to the permanent prosperity of the College, that the money value of its property should be maintained at its present amount, independent of such future additions as the generosity of its friends, or any other cause, may enable the trustees to make thereto.

That it is the opinion of this meeting, that an addition should be annually made to the permanent fund, out of the current

ncome of the College, the amount of which should not be less than the amount of the annual allowance made for depreciation on buildings, viz. 24 per cent. on the current estimated value of the Manchester buildings, and 7 per cent. on the current estimated value of the York buildings.

That the said addition to the permanent fund should be over and above the addition now annually made thereto of the surplus income of the long annuities. In pursuance of the above resolutions, the sum of 3261. was voted to the permanent fund, being the amount of the depreciation on the estimated value of the Manchester and York buildings since the last annual meeting.

The chair was then taken by T. B. W.
Sanderson, Esq., and the thanks of the
meeting were unanimously voted to John
Touchet, Esq. for his services as President.
. Secretaries.
Manchester, August 1822.

Unitarian Congregation, Portsmouth. THE state of the Unitarian Congregation in this town affords the most encouraging proof, that the views of Christian truth entertained by them are well adapted to the spiritual wants of mankind generally. By adopting every allowable means of exciting public attention, then laying open the pure and simple doctrines of the Gospel in a plain, earnest, and familiar manner, contrasting them with prevailing errors, avoiding abstruse discussions, and constantly appealing to the Scriptures, the place of worship which was for many years considered the gate of perdition, and frequented chiefly by a few families of the educated classes, is become the regular resort of nearly a thousand persons of all ranks and conditions, who gladly avail themselves of the instructive ministry of the venerable minister, (the Rev. Russell Scott,) and delight to bring up their families and their friends to the worship of the one living and true God.

spacious vestry to contain the Subscription Library, amounting to about 400 volumes, and a room over for the Sunday Schools. Upwards of £1100 have been expended on these objects, and they hope to defray the whole expense without appealing to other congregations for assistance; but to accomplish this, their aid must necessarily be withholden for the present from objects which have strong claims on Christian benevolence.

The proprietor of the Crown Assembly Rooms in the most liberal mauner allowed them to be used by the congregation gratuitously for several months, till the chapel was re-opened on the 27th of October. On that occasion the Rev. W. Hughes, of the Isle of Wight, and the Rev. J. Fullagar, of Chichester, (whose labours, in connexion with other ministers, at the Fortnightly Lectures established in Portsea and the suburbs, have effectually promoted the spread of Unitarianism,) preached in the morning and evening to crowded assemblies. Mr. Fullagar shewed wherein the true glory of a Christian church should consist. Mr. Hughes pointed out the advantages arising from just views of the Divine character. The gratitude due to those who erected the chapel in 1717, was well enforced; and a hope expressed that the "glory of the second house" would be greater than that of "the first." The society were congratulated on their distinguishing name being now inscribed on the front of the building; and the Divine blessing implored that it might be as a house of refuge for the disconsolate and those who are wearied with the weight of superstition; an asylum for the persecuted, and a standard for in-gathering the house of Israel.

D. B. P.

We noticed in our last the intended HOUGHTON in the ensuing month of resignation of the Rev. PEndlebury March, as one of the ministers of the congregation meeting in Paradise Street Chapel, in Liverpool. We are informed that the Rev. JOHN YATES has also signi

And we farther learn, that it is the intention of the congregation to have only one minister in future.

Under these circumstances, some anxiety was felt in the beginning of the pre-fied his desire to retire at the same time. sent year, at finding the ancient chapel so much in need of repairs, that it could no longer be used in safety. Aided by the very munificent donations of individuals and families connected with the society, although several of them non-residents, the congregation has been ena. bled to put a new roof on the building, and otherwise repair and improve it, in a manner promising safety and comfort for a century to come. They have added a

By the death of Mr. SMYTH, (son-inlaw of the late Duke of Grafton,) a vacancy was created in the representation of the University of Cambridge in Parliament. A new election took place on the 26th and 27th of November. The can

Intelligence-Elections at Universities.

didates were three in number; two who started having withdrawn, viz. the Speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. C. MANNERS SUTTON, (son of the Archbishop of Canterbury,) who found a legal impediment arising from his office in his way, and Mr. R. GRANT, brother to the late Secretary for Ireland, who gave up from finding his sentiments in favour of Catholic emancipation an obstacle to success. The three who went to the poll were Mr. BANKES, Son of Mr. Bankes, proprietor of and member for Corfe Castle, who has lately written a Roman History, which the Quarterly Review has merci lessly torn to pieces, Lord HERVEY, and Mr. SCARLETT, the Barrister. Mr. Bankes depended upon the interest of the clergy, excited in his favour by his well-known opposition to the Catholic claims; Lord Hervey seems to have relied upon family interest and upon ministerial and aristocratic support; Mr. Scarlett canvassed as a Whig. The number of votes was as follows:

Mr. Bankes Lord Hervey




Mr. Scarlett The first-named gentleman was, of course, declared duly elected, and Cambridge may vie with Oxford in its "No Popery" antipathies.

At the late election of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, the candidates were Sir WALTER SCOTT and Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH, and the liberal principles and feelings of the students were manifested by the result. The votes were nearly three to one in favour of Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH, who was accordingly elected. Mr. JEFFREY, the late Lord Rector, gave his vote for this gentleman, expressly stating that he did so upon public grounds. Only two of the Professors supported the Whig candidate, viz. Messrs. MUIRHEAD and SANDFORD. This election will convince Sir WALTER SCOTT that the finest talents and the greatest literary popularity may be nullified, even amongst the young, who are most likely to set a high value upon them, by political subserviency.

AMONGST the visitors at Verona, during the late congress of the Holy Alliance, of unholy name, was Mr. WILLIAM ALLEN, the Quaker, of London, the apostle of philanthropy. His appearance is

said to have alarmed the Austrian minister, the ever-watchful guardian of despotism, who ordered the plain Friend to quit


the city. He appealed for protection to the Emperor of Russia, who granted him a licence to remain. The Duke of Wellington is also said to have befriended him. His object was to induce the congress to agree on some measure for the effectual extirpation of the Slave Trade. He was listened to with kindness by the northern Autocrat, and permission was granted him to translate and circulate amongst the "gods on earth," and their satellites, the address on this subject which was issued by the Quakers at their last yearly meeting. The condescension of Alexander caused WILLIAM ALLEN to be bowed to by the high-born nobles attending on majesty; and the people of Verona, seeing that he received obeisances from the great in the public streets without returning them, naturally enough concluded that the immoveable broad brim was the symbol of some high ecclesiastical dignity, and that the unbending wearer was the patriarch of some religion prevailing a long way off.

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Close of the Year, 1822.

CONSIDERABLE gloom hangs over the opening year. At home, there are peace and plenty, but the depression of agriculture fills a large body of the people with apprehension and trouble, and the uncertainty of property, occasioned by a change in the value of the currency, tends to discourage commerce, and to unsettle all plans of prospective advantage. Ireland is in a feverish state. The outrages are renewed in the provinces, and in the capital a brutal assault has been made by some of the rabble of the Orange faction on the person of the Lord Lieutenant, the Marquis WELLESLEY, on account of

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