Michael Angelo, considered as a philosophic poet, with translations

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Saunders and Otley, 1840 - 139 pages

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Page 8 - has something divine in it, because it raises the mind and hurries it into sublimity, by conforming the shows of things to the desires of the soul, instead of subjecting the soul to external things, as reason and history do...
Page 59 - ... la gloriosa donna della mia mente, la quale fu chiamata da molti Beatrice, i quali non sapeano che si chiamare.
Page 15 - So dear to heaven is saintly Chastity, That, when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried Angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt ; And, in clear dream and solemn vision, Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear; Till oft converse with heavenly habitants Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal...
Page 60 - E se anche vogli considerare lo primo nome suo, tanto è quanto dire - prima verrà, - però che lo suo nome Giovanna è da quello Giovanni lo quale precedette la verace luce, dicendo : — Ego vox " clamantis in deserto: parate viam Domini.
Page 89 - IF it be true that any beauteous thing Raises the pure and just desire of man From earth to God, the eternal fount of all, Such I believe my love : for as in her So fair, in whom I all besides forget, I view the gentle work of her Creator, I have no care for any other thing Whilst thus I love. Nor is it marvellous, Since the effect is not of my own power, If the soul doth by nature, tempted forth...
Page 30 - I am bound to you the more gratefully, inasmuch as an exile rarely finds a friend. But after mature consideration I must, by my answer, disappoint the wishes of some little minds; and I confide in the judgment to which your impartiality and prudence will lead you. Your nephew and mine has written to me, what indeed had been mentioned by many other friends, that by a decree concerning...
Page 59 - Appresso questo sonetto apparve a me una mirabile visione, ne la quale io vidi cose che mi fecero proporre di non dire più di questa benedetta infino a tanto che io potesse più degnamente trattare di lei. E di venire a ciò io studio quanto posso, sì com'ella sae veracemente.
Page 61 - Convito * nominata e vo' che sia, più virilmente si trattasse che nella Vita Nuova, non intendo però a quella in parte alcuna derogare, ma maggiormente giovare per questa quella ; veggendo siccome ragionevolmente quella fervida e passionata, questa temperata e virile essere conviene.
Page 31 - I not every where enjoy the sight of the sun and stars ? and may I not seek and contemplate, in every corner of the earth under the canopy of heaven, consoling and delightful truth, without...
Page 13 - The sublime in Painting, as in Poetry, so overpowers, and takes such a possession of the whole mind, that no room is left for attention to minute criticism. The little elegancies of art in the presence of these great ideas thus greatly expressed, lose all their value, and are, for the instant at least, felt to be unworthy of our notice.

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