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and fuller sense. Rom. viii. 34. ss Who is he " that condemns? It is CHRIST that died; yea, " rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes interces"sion for So Gal. iv. 9. ss But now after " that ye have known God, or rather are known " of



(3) Another scriptural form of this Figure is, when something laid down or affirmed, is retracted by the conjunctive particle if. Gal. iii. 4. ss Have ye fuffered so many things in vain? if it * be yet in vain." " Let me recal that word," as if the Apostle had faid; you have even fus" tained real detriment and damage.” " is said to be done in vain," says BEZA upon the place, "which rewards us with no fruit of

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" That

our labour: but the Galatians, by falling off " from the truth of the gospel, not only had re"ceived no fruit for the afflictions they had fuf" fered for the sake of the gospel, but had also " sustained a great loss. And to be hurt con"veys more in its idea than not to be pro

"fited *."

§ 4. The use of this Figure may lie in the pleasing unexpected interruption it gives to the


* Nam fruftra fieri dicitur ex quo nullus percipitur fructus. At Galatæ à sana doctrina desciscentes non modò nullum fructum percepissent ex ærumnis quas antea ejus doctrinæ causâ pertulerant, fed etiam magnam jacturam fecissent. Plus est autem lædi quam non juvari. BEZA in loc.


current of our discourses, by turning the stream as it were for a moment back upon itself. This Figure also shews the attention and accuracy of the speaker, in that he appears immediately aware of objections that may be made against what he is offering, and shelters himself from their force. Let me observe further, that whoever duly examines the instances that have been given will find that the sense is enhanced by these corrections, or at least is more advantageously received; and it is certainly in fome cases wiser to raise our sense by degrees, than crowd it all at once upon our audience. As the ideas gradually open, so the mind also gradually opens by this Figure, till we have agreeably and fully imbibed, and, as it were, absorbed a speaker's whole meaning. Water bursting in an hasty flood upon the mouth of a vial will certainly be wasted; and we can only hope to fill it by a gentle and leisurely infusion. I shall add, with Mr BLACKWALL, that "the unex" pected quickness of the recollection and turn. " in this Figure pleasingly surprises the Reader, " and all of a sudden fires him with the Au"thor's own passion. The height of this Fi


gure is, when a person, having lately declared "an inclination to a thing, presently rejects it " with horror, and vows against it with impre"cations." Of this fort Mr BLACKWALL gives an instance from DIDO's speech in VIR



The Queen, deep wounded with the darts of love, Felt the swift poison rush thro' all her veins, And her whole foul imbib'd the fubtil flame. The valour of the man, his high descent, His graceful person, his attractive speech, Indelibly were stamp'd upon her heart, Fill'd all her thoughts, and murder'd her repose. When the next morning had restor'd the sun, And scatter'd from the skies the humid shades, Distracted to her sister she unfolds


The tumults, pangs, and struggles of her foul. "O my dear ANNA, my anxiety

" Has chas'd my sleep. What an uncommon gueft "Have we admitted to our regal dome !



"O what a form! How brave, how great in arms! "'Tis past conjecture; certain 'tis he fprang " From a celestial stock: his port, his looks, " His speech proclaim his origin divine. "Fear argues vulgar minds; but by what fates "Has he been tost? What wars has he describ'd? " Had not my foul immoveably resolv'd "Never to wear the nuptial bonds again, " From the first hour my dear SICHÆUS fell, " And the connubial bed and torch renounc'd, " This man might o'er my prudence so prevail "As to incline me to a second choice.

" Sifter, I own that since my husband's death, "Th' unfortunate SICHEUS, since the time " My brother's barb'rous hand with gore distain'd "The houshold Gods, this man alone has charm'd " My gazing sense, and wak'd my foul to love: "And the same paffion that SICHÆUS rais'd, " ENEAS now rekindles in my breast. "But O! may earth asunder burst, and lock

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" Me in its clofing jaws, or may the arm "Of JUPITER dart its resistless fires, " And drive me headlong to the ghosts below, "The pale wan ghosts, and dark domains of hell, " Before I trespass upon modefty,

" And with a second match disgrace the first *."

* At Regina gravi jamdudum faucia cura,
Vulnus alit venis, & cæco carpitur igni.
Multa viri virtus animo, multusque recursat
Gentis honos; hærent infixi pectore vultus.
Verbaque nec placidam membris dat cura quietem.
Postera Phœbea lustrabat lampade terras,
Humentemque Aurora polo dimoverat umbram;
Cum fic unanimam alloquitur malesana fororem.
Anna foror, quæ me suspensam insomnia terrent?
Quis novus hic noftris successit fedibus hofpes?
Quem sese ore ferens! quam forti pectore & armis !
Credo equidem, nec vana fides, genus effe Deorum.
Degeneres animos timor arguit. Heu quibus ille
Jactatus fatis! quæ bella exhausta canebat!
Si mihi non animo fixum immotumque sederet,
Ne cui me vinclo vellem sociare jugali,
Postquam primus amor deceptam morte fefellit;
Si non pertæfum thalami tædæque fuisset;
Huic uni forfan potui fuccumbere culpæ.
Anna, fatebor enim, miseri poft fata Sichæi
Conjugis, & sparsos fraterna cæde Penates;
Solus hic inflexit sensus, animumque labantem
Impulit: agnosco veteris veftigia flammæ.
Sed mihi vel tellus optem prius ima dehifcat;
Vel Pater omnipotens adigat me fulmine ad umbras
Pallentes umbras erebi, noctemque profundam;
Ante pudor quam te violo, aut tua jura resolvo.


VIRGIL. Æneid. lib. iv. ver. 1.


The APOSIOPESIS confidered.

§1. The definition of the Apofiopesis. § 2. An instance of this Figure from Bishop FLEETWOOD. § 3. Examples of it from VIRGIL, TERENCE, CICERO, and JUVENAL. § 4. Instances of this Figure in Scripture, and on what occafions. § 5. The use of the Apofiopesis.


§ 1, * is a Figure whereby a perfon, often through the power of fome passion, as anger, forrow, fear, &c. breaks off his speech without finishing the sense.

§ 2. We have a remarkable instance of this Figure in the following passage of Bishop FLEETWOOD; in which, contrasting the former and the latter years of Queen Anne's reign, he thus speaks, and then closes with a striking Apofiopefis. " Never did seven such years together pass over " the head of any English Monarch, nor cover "it with so much honour. The crown and

" fceptre seemed to be the Queen's least orna


* From αποσιωπαω, I am filent.


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