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unsuspicious master for a person of blunt honesty and fidelity, without any vice that could bias him from the execution of justice. His Highness, prepossessed to his advantage, upon the decease of the governor of his chief town of Zealand, gave Rhynsault that command. He was not long seated in that government, before he cast his eyes upon Sapphira, a woman of exquisite beauty, the wife of Paul Danvelt, a wealthy merchant of the city, under his protection and government. Rhynsault was a man of a warm constitution, and violent inclination to women, and not unskilled in the soft arts which win their fa vor. He knew what it was to enjoy the satisfactions which are reaped from the possession of beauty, but was an utter stranger to the decencies, honors, and delicacies, that attend the passion towards them in elegant minds. However, he had so much of the world, that he had a great share of the language which usually prevails upon the weaker part of that sex, and he could with his tongue utter a passion with which his heart was wholly untouched. He was one of those brutal minds which can be gratified with the violation of innocence and beauty, without the least pity, passion, or love to that with which they are so much delighted. Ingratitude is a vice inse parable from a lustful man; and the possession of a woman by him who has no thought but allaying a passion painful to himself, is necessarily followed by distaste and aversion. Rhynsault being resolved to accomplish his will on the wife of Danvelt, left no arts untried to get into a familiarity at her house; but she knew his character and disposition too well, not to shun all occasions that might ensnare her into his conversation. The Governor despairing of sucVOL. VIII

cess by ordinary means, apprehended and imprisoned her husband, under pretence of an information that he was guilty of a correspondence with the enemies of the Duke to betray the town into their possession. This design had its desired effect; and the wife of the unfortunate Danvelt, the day before that which was appointed for his execution, presented herself in the hall of the Governor's house, and as he passed through the apartment, threw herself at his feet, and holding his knees, beseeched his mercy. Rhynsault beheld her with a dissembled satisfaction, and, assuming an air of thought and authority, he bid her arise, and told her she must follow him to his closet; and asking her whether she knew the hand of the letter he pulled out of his pocket, went from her leaving this admonition aloud, "If you will save your. husband, you must give me an account of all you know, without prevarication; for every body is satisfied he was too fond of you to be able to hide from you. the names of the rest of the conspirators, or any other particulars whatsoever." He went to his clo set, and soon after the lady was sent for to an audiThe servant knew his distance when matters of state were to be debated; and the Governor laying aside the air with which he had appeared in public, began to be the supplicant, to rally an affliction which it was in her power easily to remove, and relieve an innocent man from his imprisonment. She easily perceived his intention, and bathed in tears, began to deprecate so wicked a design. Lust, like ambition, takes all the faculties of the mind and body into its service and subjection. Her becoming tears, her honest anguish, the wringing of her hands, and the many changes of her posture and figure in the vehe


mence of speaking, were but so many attitudes in which he beheld her beauty, and farther incentives of his desire. All humanity was lost in that one appetite, and he signified to her in so many plain terms, that he was unhappy till he had possessed her, and nothing less should be the price of her husband's life, and she must before the following noon pronounce the death or enlargement of Danvelt. After this notification, when he saw Sapphira enough again distracted to make the subject of their discourse to common eyes appear different from what it was, he called servants to conduct her to the gate. Loaded with unsupportable affliction, she immediately repairs to her. Ausband, and having signified to his goalers, that she had a proposal to make to her husband from the Governor, she was left alone with him, revealed to him all that had passed, and represented the endless conflict she was in between love to his person, and fidelity to his bed. It is easy to imagine the sharp affliction this honest pair was in upon such an incident, in lives not used to any but ordinary occurrences. The man was bridled by shame from speaking what his fear prompted, upon so near an approach of death; but let fall words that signified to her, he should not think her polluted, though she had not yet confessed to him that the Governor had violated her person, since he knew her will had no part in the action. She parted from him with this oblique permission to save a life he had not resolution enough to resign for the safety of his honor.

The next morning the unhappy Sapphira attended the Governor, and being led into a remote apartment, submitted to his desires. Rhynsault commended her charms, claimed a familiarity after what had passed between them, and with an air of gaiety, in the

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language of a gallant, bid her return, and take her husband out of prison; but, continued he, my fair one must not be offended that I have taken care he should not be an interruption to our future assignations. These last words foreboded what she found when she came to the goal, her husband executed by the order of Rhynsault.

"It was remarkable that the woman, who was full of tears and lamentations during the whole course of her affliction, uttered neither sigh nor complaint, but stood fixed with grief at this consummation of her misfortunes. She betook herself to her abode, and, after having in solitude paid her devotions to Him who is the avenger of innocence, she repaired pri vately to court. Her person, and a certain grandeur of sorrow negligent of forms, gained her passage into the presence of the Duke, her Sovereign. As soon as she came into the presence, she broke forth into the following words; "Behold, O mighty Charles a wretch weary of life, though it has always been spent with innocence and virtue. It is not in your power to redress my injuries, but it is. to avenge them. And if the protection of the distressed, and the punishment of oppressors, is a task worthy a Prince, I bring the Duke of Burgundy ample matter for doing honor to his own great name, and wiping infamy off from mine.”

When she had spoken this, she delivered the Duke a paper reciting her story. He read it with all the emotions that indignation and pity could raise in a Prince jealous of his honor in the behavior of his of-. ficers, and prosperity of his subjects.

Upon an appointed day, Rhynsault was sent for to court, and, in the presence of a few of the council, confronted by Sapphira; the Prince asking, "Do you

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know that lady?" Rhynsault, as soon as he could recover his surprise, told the Duke he would marry her, if his Highness would please to think that a reparation. The Duke seemed contented with this answer, and stood by during the immediate solemnization of the ceremony. At the conclusion of it he told Rhynsault, "Thus far you have done, as constrained by my authority: I shall not be satisfied of your kind usage of her, without you sign a gift of your whole estate to her after your decease.' To the performance of this also the Duke was a witness. When these two acts were executed, the Duke turned to the lady, and told her, "It now remains for me to put you in quiet possession of what your husband has so bountifully bestowed on you;" and ordered the immediate execution of Rhynsault.

No. 492. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1713.


Quicquid est boni moris levitate extinguitur.


Levity of behavior is the bane of all that is good and


Tunbridge, September 18, 1712.


AM a young woman of eighteen years of age,
and I do assure you a maid of unspotted reputation,
founded upon a very careful carriage in all my looks,
words, and actions. At the same time I must own to
you, that it is with much constraint to flesh and blood

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