VI. On Mrs. CORBET, Who died of a Cancer in her Breaft. ERE refts a Woman, good without pretence, Bleft with plain Reason, and with fober Sense: VII. On the Monument of the Honourable ROBERT DIGBY, and of his Sifter MARY, erected by their Father the LORD DIGBY, in the Church of Sherborne in Dorfetfhire, 1727. G O! fair Example of untainted youth, Of modeft wisdom, and pacific truth: Compos'd in fufferings, and in joy fedate, Good without noife, without pretenfion great. Juft of thy word, in every thought fincere, Who knew no wish but what the world might hear: Of fofteft manners, unaffected mind, Lover of peace, and friend of human kind: Go, Go, live! for Heaven's eternal year is thine, And thou, bleft Maid! attendant on his doom, Yet take thefe Tears, Mortality's relief, VIII. On Sir GODFREY KNELLER, KNELLER, by Heaven and not a Mafter taught, Whose Art was Nature, and whose Pictures Now for two ages having fnatch'd from Fate Living, great Nature fear'd he might outvie IX. On General HENRY WITHERS, HERE, WITHERS, reft! thou braveft, gentleft mind, For thee the hardy Veteran drops a tear, And the gay Courtier feels the figh fincere. X. On Mr. ELIJAH FENTON, At Eafthamfted in Berks, 1730. T HIS modest Stone, what few vain Marbles can, A Poet, bleft beyond the Poet's fate, Whom Heaven kept facred from the Proud and Great: Foe to loud Praife, and Friend to learned Eafe, Content with Science in the Vale of Peace, Calmly Calmly he look'd on either Life, and here OF XI. On Mr. GA Y. In Westminster-Abbey, 1732. age: F Manners gentle, of Affections mild; WE Another. ELL then! poor Gay lies under ground, So little justice here he found, "Tis ten to one he'll ne'er come back. XII. Intended for Sir ISAAC NEWTON, In Weftminster-Abbey. ISAACUS NEWTONUS: Quem Immortalem Teftantur Tempus, Natura, Cœlum: Mortalem Hoc marmor fatetur. Nature and Nature's Laws lay hid in Night: XIII. On Dr. FRANCIS ATTERBURY, Bishop of Rochefter. Who died in Exile at Paris, 1732. [His only Daughter having expired in his arms, immediately after she arrived in France to see him.] DIALOGUE. SHE. YES, we have liv'd-one pang, and then we part! May Heaven, dear Father! now have all thy Heart. Yet ah! how once we lov'd, remember still, HE. |