: 29 Behold, there come feven Years of great Plenty, throughout all the Land of Egypt. 30 And there fhall arife after them feven Years of Famine, and all the Plenty fhall be forgotten in the Land of Egypt and the Famine fhall confume the Land. 31 And the Plenty fhall not be known in the Land, by reafon of that Famine following: for it fhall be very grie vous. 32 And for that the Dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the Thing is eftablished by GoD, and GOD will fhortly bring it to pass. 33 Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a Man discreet and wife, and fet him over the Land of Egypt. 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint Officers over the Land, and take up the fifth Part of the Land of Egypt in the feven plenteous Years. 35 And let them gather all the Food of thofe good Years that come, and lay up Corn under the Hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep Food in the Cities. 36 And that Food fhall be for Store to the Land, against the feven Years of Famine, which fhall be in the Land of Egypt; that the Land perifh not through the Famine. 37 And the Thing was good in the Eyes of Pharaoh, and in the Eyes of all his Servants. 38 And Pharaoh faid unto his Servants, Can we find fuch a one as this is, a Man in whom the Spirit of GOD is? 39 And Pharaoh faid unto JOSEPH, forafmuch as GoD hath fhewed thee all this, there is none fo discreet and wife as thou art. : 40 g Thou shalt be over my House, and according unto thy Word fhall all my People be ruled only in the Throne will I be greater than thou. 41 And Paraoh faid unto JOSEPH, See, I have fet thee over all the Land of Egypt. 42 And Pharaoh took off his Ring from his Hand, and put it upon Jofeph's Hand, and arayed him in Veftures of Chain about his Neck. 8 Pfal. cv. 17 He fent a Man befor a Servant. fore them, even JOSEPH who was fold 18 Whose FEET they hurt with FET TERS: he was laid in IRON. 19 Until the Time that his WORD came the WORD of the LORD TRIED him. 20 The King fent and loofed him : even the Ruler of the People, and let him go free. 21 He made him LORD of his House, and RULER of all his Subftance. 23 Ifrael alfo came into Egypt: and Jacob fojourned in the Land of Ham. fine Linen, and put a Gold 43 And he made him to ride in the fecond Chariot which he had; and they cried before him, Bow the Knee and he made him Ruler over all the Land of Egypt. 44 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no Man lift up his Hand or Foot in all the Land of Egypt. 45 And Pharaoh called Jofeph's Name Zaphnath-paaneah; and he gave him to Wife Afenath the Daughter of Poti-pherah Priest of On: and Jofeph went out over all the Land of Egypt. 46 And Jofeph was thirty Years old when he ftood before Pharaoh King of Egypt: And Jofeph went out from the Prefence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the Land of Egypt. 47 And in the feven plenteous Years the Earth brought forth by Handfuls. 48 And he gathered up all the Food of the feven Years, which were in the Land of Egypt, and laid up the Food in the Cities: the Food of the Field which was round about every City, laid he up in the fame. 49 And Jofeph gathered Corn as the Sand of the Sea, very much, until he left numbring: for it was without Number. 50 And unto Jofeph were born two Sons, before the Years of Famine came: which Afenath the Daughter of Potipherah Priest of On bare unto him, 51 And Jofeph called the Name of the firft-born Manaffeh: for GOD, faid he, hath made me forget all my Toil, and all my Father's House. 52 And the Name of the fecond called he Ephraim for GOD hath caufed me to be fruitful in the Land of my Affiction. 53 And the feven Years of Plenteousness that was in the Land of Egypt were ended. 54 And the feven Years of Dearth began to come, according as Jofeph had faid: and the Dearth was in all Lands; but in all the Land of Egypt there was Bread. 55 And when all the Land of Egypt was famished, the People cried to Pharaoh for Bread and Pharaoh faid unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Jofeph; what he faith to you, do. 56 And the Famine was over all the Face of the Earth: and Jofeph opened all the Storehouses, and fold unto the Egyp K 2 Egyptians; and the Famine waxed fore in the Land of Egypt. 57 And all Countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy Corn; because that the Famine was fo fore in all Lands. CHA P. XLII. 1 Jacob fendeth his ten Sons to buy Corn in Egypt: 6 They are imprisoned by Jofeph for Spies: 18 They are fet at Liberty, on Condition to bring Benjamin: 21 They have Remorfe for Jofeph. 24 Simeon is kept for a Pledge. 25 They return with Corn and their Money 29 Their Relation to Jacob. 38 Jacob refufeth to fend Benjamin. CHA P. XLIII. Facob is hardly perfwaded to fend Benjamin. 15 Jofeph extertaineth his Brethren: 31 He maketh them a Feast. Ver. 1 ND the Famine was fore in the Land. AN 2 And it came to pafs when they had eaten up the Corn which they had brought out of Egypt, their Father faid unto them, Go again, buy us a little Food. 3 Judah fpake unto him, faying, The Man did folemnly proteft unto us, faying, Ye fhall not fee my Face, except your Brother be with you. 4 If thou wilt fend our Brother with us, we will go down and buy thee Food. 5 But if thou wilt not fend him, we will not go down : for the Man faid unto us, Ye fhall not fee my Face, except your Brother be with you. 6 And Ifrael faid, Wherefore dealt ye fo ill with me, as to tell the Man whether ye had yet a Brother? 7 And they faid, The Man asked us ftraitly of our State, and of our Kindred, faying, Is your Father yet alive? have ye another Brother? and we told him according to the Tenor of thefe Words: could we certainly know that he would fay, Bring your Brother down? 8 And Judah faid unto Ifrael his Father, Send the Lad with me, and we will arife and go; that we may live and not dic, both we, and thou, and alfo our little ones. 9 I will be Surety for him; of my Hands fhalt thou require him: If I bring him not unto thee, and fet him before thee, then let me bear the Blame for ever. 10 For except we had lingred, furely now we had returned this fecond Time. II And their Father Ifrael faid unto them, If it must be fo now, do this; take of the beft Fruits of the Land in your Veffels, and carry down the Man a Prefent, a little Balm, a little Honey, Spices, and Myrrhe, Nuts, and Almonds.. 12 And take double Money in your Hand: and the Money that was brought again in the Mouth of your Sacks, carry it again in your Hands; peradventure it was an Overfight. 13 Take also your Brother, and arife, go again unto the Man. 14 And GOD ALMIGHTY give you Mercy before the Man, that he may fend away your other Brother, and Benjamin: if I be bereaved of my CHILDREN, I am bereaved. 15 And the Men took that Prefent, and they took double Money in their Hand, and Benjamin; and rofe up, and went down to Egypt, and stood before Jofeph. 16 And when Jofeph faw Benjamin with them, he said to the Ruler of his Houfe, Bring these Men home, and flay, and make ready for thefe Men fhall dine with me at Noon. 17 And the Man did as Jofeph bade: and the Man brought the Men into Jofeph's House. 18 And the Men were afraid, because they were brought into Jofeph's House, and they faid, Because of the Money that was returned in our Sacks at the first Time, are we brought in; that he may feek Occafion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for Bond-men, and our Affes. 19 And they came near to the Steward of Jofeph's House, and they communed with him at the Door of the House, 20 And faid, O Sir, we came indeed down at the first Time to buy Food. 21 And it came to pass when we came to the Inn, that we opened our Sacks, and behold, every Man's Money was in the Mouth of the Sack, our Money in full Weight: and we have brought it again in our Hand. 22 And other Money have we brought down in our Hands to buy Food: we cannot tell who put our Money in our Sacks. 23 And 23 And he faid, Peace be to you, fear not your GOD and the GOD of your Father hath given you Treasure in your Sacks I had your Money. And he brought Simeon out unto them. 24 And the Man brought the Men into Jofeph's House, and gave them Water, and they washed their Feet, and he gave their Affes Provender. 25 And they made ready the Prefent against Joseph came at Noon for they heard that they should eat Bread there. 26 And when Jofeph came home, they brought him the Prefent which was in their Hand into the Houfe, and bowed themselves to him to the Earth. 27 And he asked them of their Welfare, and faid, Is your Father well, the old Man of whom ye fpake? is he yet alive? 28 And they answered, Thy Servant our Father is in good Health, he is yet alive: and they bowed down their Heads, and made Obeifance. 29 And he lifted up his Eyes, and faw his Brother Benjamin, his Mother's Son, and faid, Is this your younger Brother, of whom ye fpake unto me? And he said, GoD be gracious unto thee, my Son. 30 And Jofeph made hafte? for his Bowels did yern upon his Brother: and he fought where to weep, and he entred into his Chamber, and wept there. 31 And he washed his Face, and went out, and refrained himself, and faid, Set on Bread. 32 And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat Bread with the Hebrews; for that is an Abomination to the Egyptians. 33 And they fat before him, the First-born according to his Birth-right, and the youngest according to his Youth: and the Men marvelled one at another. 34 And he took and fent Meffes unto them from before him but Benjamin's Mefs was five times fo much as any of theirs. And they drank, and were merry with him. СНАР. |