many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. 18. Behold lírael after the flefh: are not they which eat of the facrifices partakers of the altar? 19. What fay I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in facrifice to idols is any thing? 20. But Ifay, that the things which the Gentiles facrifice, they facrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye fhould have fellowship with devils. 21. * Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the 'cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lords table, and of the table of devils. 22. Do we m provoke the Lord to jealoufie? are we "ftronger than he? 23. All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edifie not. 24. P Let no man feek but every man anothers wealth. his own: A 4 18. 3 Lev. 7. 15. The Flefh of his Sacrifice of his Peace-offerings for Thanksgiving fhall be eaten the fame Day that it is offered. h 19. Cor. 8. 4. See on Acts 14. 15. 1 25. Whatfoever rock in whom they trufted, · which did eat the Fat of their Sacrifices, and drank the Wine of their Drink-offerings? let them 5 rife up and help you, and be your Protection. 10 111 22. † Deut. 32. 21. They have moved me to jealoufie with that which is not God, they have pro voked me to Anger with their Vani ties. 20. it Lev. 17. 7. They fhall no more offer their Sacrifices unto Devils. Deut. 32. 17. They Sacrificed unto Devils, and not to God; to gods whom they knew n 2 Chron. 20. 6. In thine not.- 2 Chron. 11. 15. He or Hand is there not Power and Might, dained him Priefts for the High- fo that none is able to withstand places, and for the Devils, and for 15 thee? Job 9. 19. If I speak of the Calves which he had made. Strength, lo, he is Strong- Job Pfal. 106. 37. Yea, they facri37. 23. Touching the Almighty, ficed their Sons and their Daughwe cannot find him out: he is exters unto Devils. + Rev. 9. 20, 21. cellent in Power, and in Judgment, The reft of the Men which were 20 and in plenty of Juftice. Ifa. 1. not killed by thefe Plagues, yet 24. Therefore faith the Lord, the repented not of the Works of Lord of Hofts, the mighty One of their Hands, that they should not Ifrael, Ah, I will eafe me of mine worship Devils, and Idols of Gold. Adverfaries, and avenge me of Neither repented they of their mine Enemies. † Ezek. 22. 14. Murders, nor of their Sorceries, nor Can thine Heart endure, or can of their Fornication, nor of their thine Hands be ftrong in the Days Thefrs. that I fhall deal with thee? I the Lord have fpoken it, and will do it. 21. 2, 25 * 2 Cor. 6. 15, 16. What Concord hath Chrift with. Belial? And what Agreement hath the ३० Temple of God with Idols? Deut. 32. 37, 38. He shall fay, Where are their gods, their 23. • See on 1 Cor. 6. 12, See on foever is fold in the fhambles, that eat, asking no que ftion for confcience fake. 26. For the earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof. 27. If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be difpofed to go; whatfoever is fet before you, eat, asking no queftion for confcience fake. 28. But if any man fay unto you, This is offered in facrifice unto idols, eat not," for his fake that fhewed it, and for confcience fake. For the earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof. 29. Confcience I fay, not thine own, but of the others: for why is my liberty judged of another mans confcience? 30. For, if I by grace [Or, thanksgiving] be a partaker, why am I evil fpoken of for that for which I give thanks? 31. Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 26. Exod. 9. 29. Mofes faid, I will spread abroad my Hands unto the Lord, and the Thunder fhall ceafe, that thou mayft know how the Earth is the Lord's. † Ex. 19. 5. If ye will obey my Voice in- 10 deed, and keep my Covenant, then ye fhall be a peculiar People unto me above all People for all the Earth is mine. * Deut. 10. 14. Be * d a See on Ver. 26. b C 32. 29. Rom. 14. 16. Let not then your Good be evil spoken of. 30. 1 Tim. 4. 3, 4. Forbid ding to marry, and commanding to abstain from Meats, which God hath created to be received with Thanksgiving, of them that believe and know the Truth. For every Creature of God is good, and nothing to be refufed, if it be receiv ed with Thanksgiving... d 31. Mat. 5. 16. Let your Light fo fhine before Men, that hold, the Heaven, and the Heaven 15 they may fee your good Works, of Heavens is the Lords thy God, the Earth alfo, with all that there in is. *Pfal. 24. 1. The Earth is the Lord's, and the Fulnefs thereof Pfal. 50. 12. The whole 20 World is mine, and the Fulnefs thereof. 27. s+ Luk. 10. 7. In the fame House remain, cating and drinking fuch things as they give. Heaven. Joh. 15. 8. Herein is my and glorifie your Father which is in Father glorified, that ye bear much Fruit, fo fhall ye be my Difciples. Rom. 14. 8. Whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lords. Eph. 1. 12, 14. That 25 we fhould be to the Praife of his Glory, who first trufted in Chrift. Unto the Praife of his Glory. Phil. 1. 11. Being filled with the Fruits of Righteoufnefs, which are by Je fus Chrift, unto the Glory and Praise of God. Col. 3. 17. What foever ye do in Word or Deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jefus, giving Thanks to God and the Fa 28. Cor. 8. 10, 12. If any Man fee thee which haft knowledge fit at Meat in the Idols Temple, fhall not the Confcience of him which is weak be emboldened 30 to eat thofe things which are of fered to Idols? When ye fin fo against the Brethren, and wound their weak Conftience, ye fin against Chrift. 35 ther 32. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the * Gentiles [Or, Greeks], nor to the Church of God: 33. Even as I f please all men in (1) all things, not feeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be faved. BE СНА Р. XI. E ye followers of me, even as I alfo am of Chrift. 2. Now I praife you, brethren, that you bremember me in all things, and keep the ordinances [Or, traditions], as I delivered them to you. 3. But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Chrift; and the e head of the is the man; and the ther by him. woman, I Thef. 5. 18. In every thing give thanks. 1 Pet. 4. 11.-That God in all things may be glorified through Jefus Chrift.32.2 Cor.6.3.See onRom.14.13. 33. ft Rom. 15. 2. ti Cor. 9. 19, 22. See on Rom. 14. 1, 19. CHA P. XI. a 1 Cor. 4. 17. For this Caufe have I fent unto you Timo5theus, who is my beloved Son, and faithful in the Lord, who fhall bring you into remembrance of my Ways which be in Chrift, as I teach every where in every Church. 15 1. a† 1 Cor. 4. 16. Be ye followers of me. † Eph. 5.1. Beye there- 10 fore followers of God as dear Children, 7 Phil.3.17. Brethren, be followers together of me,and mark them which walk fo,as ye have us for an Example.Phil. 4.9. Those things which ye have both learned and received, and heard and feen in me, do: and the God of Peace fhall be with you. 1 Thef. 1.6 And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the Word in much Affliction, with joy of the holy Ghoft. 2 Thef 3. 9. Not becaufe we have not Power, but to make our felves an enfample unto you 25 to follow us. 1 Pet. 5. 3. Neither as being Lords óver God's heri 20 I Cor. 7. 17. As God hath diftributed to every Man, as the Lord hath called every one, fo let him walk and fo ordain I in all Churches. 3. d Rom. 14. 9, 11. To this end Chrift both died, and rofe, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the Dead and Living. It is written, As I live, faith the Lord, every knee hall bow to me, and every Tongue fhall confefs to God. Eph. 1. 10. That he might gather together in one, all things in Christ e Gen. 3. 16. -Thy defire fhall be to thy Husband, and he fhall (1) The Things the Apoftle fpeaks of as pleafing Men in, were doubtlefs fuch as were lawful; that is, things not forbidden by any Law, and confequently indifferent. For if the Apoftle had complied with the n in any other, if he had fuited his Doctrine to their corrupt Humours, and allowed and indulged them in their Sins, this would not have been for their profit, nor would he thereby have promoted their Salvation, but the contrary. Had he pleafed Men in this Senfe, he fould not have been the Servant of Christ, Gal. 1. 10. head of Chrift, is God. 4. Every man praying or prophefying, having his head covered, difhonoureth his head. 5. But every woman that prayeth, or (1) prophefiéth with her head uncoverd, difhonoureth her head for that own Husbands, that the Word of God be not blafphemed. 1 Pet. 3. 1,6. Likewife ye Wives, be in fubjection to your own Husbands, that 5 if any obey not the Word, they alfo may without the Word be won by the Converfation of the Wives. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord: whofe Daughters ye are as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any Amazement. fhall rule over thee. I Cor. 14.34. ft Joh. 14. 28. -If ye loved me ye would rejoice, because I faid, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. 1 Cor. 3. 23. Ye are Chrifts; and Christ is Gods. Cor. 15. 27, 28. He hath put all things under his Feet: But when all things are put under him, it is manifeft that he is ex cepted which did put all things un der him. And when all things hall be fubdued unto him, then fhall the Son alfo himfelf be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. of (1) The Word Prophecy is used to fignifie feveral things. As First, The foretelling of things to come, a Gift beftowed on Women as well as Men in the Apoftles Times. See on Acts 11. 27, 28. Secondly, The Gift Preaching, and an Ability to expound, and apply both the Prophecies in the Old-Teftament, and the Revelations made to infpired Perfons in the primitive Times, which was frequently done by Infpiration. Rom. 12 6. 1 Cor. 14. 1. And this may probably be the Reafon, why the ordinary Preaching, and Teaching, and Expounding the Word of God, is called Prophefying, particularly, 1 Thef. 5. 20. Defpife not Prophecyings; that is, highly efteem and value the Preaching of the Word of God. But this does not feem to be the Senfe here; because the Apostle, 1 Cor. 14.34. and 1 Tim. 2. 11, 12. exprefly difallows the Teaching of Women publickly in the Church. Thirdly, Prophecying fometimes fignifies Praifing God by in fpired Hymns and Pfalms, which I take to be the Meaning of that Word in this Place. Fourthly, It is put for praying to God by inspired Prayers, which was a miraculous Gift beftowed on fome in the Apostles Time. Of fuch Prayer,I conceive thefe Words are to be understood. The Spirit, I ΟΙ h that is even all one as if he were fhaven, 6. For if the woman be not covered, let her alfo be fhorn: but if it be a fhame for a woman to be fhorn or fhaven, let her be covered. 7. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. 9. 1 Neither was the man created for the woman: but the woman for the man. 10. For this caufe ought the woman to have (1) Power on her head, n because of the (2) angels. Neverthelefs, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man in the Lord. 12. For as the woman is of the man, even fo is the man alfo by the woman: but all things of God. 5. 5. Deut. 21. 12. Then thou fhalt bring her [the Captive] home to thine Houfe, and the fhall have her Head 22.10 6, Numb. 5.18. The Prieft fhall fet the Woman before the Lord, and uncover the Womans Head, and put the Offering of Memorial in her Hands, which is the Jealoufie Offering, Deut. 22. 10 5. The Woman fhall not wear that which pertaineth unto a Man, neither fhall a Man put on a Womans Garment: for all that do fo are abomination to the Lord. 15 7. Gen. 1. 26, 27. God faid, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeness- So God created Man in his own Image, in the Image of God created he him. 8. k + Gen.2. 22. The Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man, 20 II. 13. Judge in your felves: 13. Judge is made he a Woman, and brought her unto the Man. 1 9. † Gen. 2, 18, 21, 23.— I will make him an help meet for him. 5 And the Lord God caufed a deep Sleep to fall upon Adam, and he flept and he took one of his Ribs, and clofed up the Flefh instead thereof. And Adam faid, This is now Bone of my Bones, and Flesh of my Fleth: the fhall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 10. m Gen. 24. 65. —What Man is this that walketh in the Field to meet us? And the Servant had faid, it is my Mafter : therefore the took a Vail and covered her felf. "Eccl. 5. 6. Neither fay thou before the Angel, it was an Error. or the Gift of the Spirit, helpeth our Infirmities. The Spirit, or spiritual or infpired Perfon, maketh interceffion with groaning that cannot be uttered. See the reverend and judicious Mr. Jofeph Mede's Difcourfe on 1 Cor. 11. 5. Allo Dr. Hicks's Difcourfe on 1 Cor. 12. 4. (1) That is, a Covering, in Sign that he is under the Power of her Husband. (2) Some think that by Angels here, are meant the Bishops and Paftors of the Church, because they are fo ftyled, Rev. 1. 20. and Rev. 2.1, 8. But I rather incline to think, that by Angels are meant thofe excellent Being, which are properly fo cal.d Of this Opinion is the learned and Pious Mr. Jefeth Mede. See his Difcourfe on Ecclef. 5. 1. Concerni ig the Reverence of God's House. |