How jocund did they drive their team afield! The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, The paths of glory lead but to the grave. 32 36 Nor you, ye Proud! impute to these the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies raife, Where, thro' the long drawn aifle and fretted vault, The pealing anthem fwells the note of praise. Can ftoried urn or animated buft Back to it's manfion call the fleeting breath? But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page, 40 44 48 52 The little tyrant of his fields withfood, Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breaft 56 Some mute inglorious Milton, here may reft, To scatter plenty o'er a fmiling land, 64 Their lot forbade; nor circumfcrib'd alone Their growing virtues, but their crimes confin'd; 68 The ftruggling pangs of conscious Truth to hide, Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, * They kept the noifclefs tenor of their way. Some frail memorial ftill erected nigh, 72 76 With uncouth rhymes and fhapeless sculpture deck'd, Implores the paffing tribute of a figh. 80 Their name, their years, fpelt by th' unletter'd The place of fame and elegy fupply, And many a holy text around the ftrews, That teach the ruftic moralift to die. [Mufe, 84 * This part of the Elegy differs from the first copy. The following fianza was excluded with the other alterations: Hark! how the facred calm, that breathes around, For who to dumb Forgetfulness a prey This pleasing anxious being e'er refign'd, Left the warm precincts of the chearful day, Nor caft one longing ling'ring look behind? On fome fond breast the parting foul relies, Some pious drops the clofing eye requires; E'en from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, E'en in our afhest live their wonted fires. For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead, Doft in those lines their artlefs tale relate, If chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred spirit fhall enquire thy fate. Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may say, “ Oft' have we seen him, at the peep of dawn, "Brushing with hafty fieps the dews away, "To meet the fun upon the upland lawn. “There, at the foot of yonder nodding beach, "That wreathes it's old fantastic root fo high, "His liftlefs length at noon-tide would he stretch, "And pore upon the brook that babbles by. 88 92 96 100 104 "Hard by you' wood, now fmiling as in fcorn, "Mutt'ring his wayward fancies, he would rove ; "Now drooping, woful wan! like one forlorn, "Or cras'd with care, or cross'd in hopeless love. 108 "One morn I miss'd him on the cuftom'd hill, "Along the heath, and near his fav'rite tree; + Ch'i veggio nel penfier, dolce fuoco, Fredda una lingua, et due begli occhi chiufi Rimaner droppo noipien difaville. Petrarch, Son, 169, Mr. Gray forgot, when he difplaced, by the preceding flanza, his beautiful defcription of the evening haunt, the reference to it which he had here left: IIL "Another came; nor yet befide the rill, "Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood, was he: "The next, with dirges due, in fad array, "Slow thro' the churchway-path we faw him borne: "Approach, and read (for thou canft read) the lay "Grav'd on the ftone beneath yon' aged thorn."§ THE EPITAPH. HERE refts his head upon the lap of Earth, A youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown: Large was his bounty, and his foul fincere ; 120 123 He gain'd from Heav'n ('twas all he wish'd) a friend. No further feek his merits to difclofe, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, (There they alike in trembling hope repofe*) The bofom of his Father and his God. Him have we feen the greenwood fide along, 128 $ In the early editions the following lines were added, but the parenthefis was thought too long: There fcatter'd oft', the earlieft of the year, * ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ ON MRS. MARY CLARKE.† LO! where this filent marble weeps, Sits fmiling on a father's wo, Whom what awaits while yet he strays A pang, to fecret forrow dear, A figh, an unavailing tear, Till time shall ev'ry grief remove With life, with memʼry, and with love. TRANSLATION FROM STATIUS. THIRD in the labours of the difc came on, His vig'rous arm he try'd before he flung, + This lady, the wife of Dr. Clarke, physician at Epfom, died April 27th, 1757, and is buried in the church of Beckenham, Kent. |