The Rudiments of Faith and Religion. Junior. (a) 2 KINGS; (b) GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN; (c) CHURCH CATECHISM; (d) MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES; LITANY. (a) 1. What commercial enterprises, undertaken by any of the kings of Israel or Judah, are recorded in this book? Give a short account of them. 2. Narrate the history of the siege of Samaria in the reign of Jehoram. 3. Where are Jezreel, Megiddo, Tirzah, Jair, Bethshemesh; and what events happened in connection with each of them? (b) 4. Mention any topographical details, given by St. John in his Gospel, which lead to the inference that he was personally acquainted with the scenes in which the events which he narrates took place. 5. Who was Nathanael? What reasons are there for identifying him with the Apostle Bartholomew? Do you consider them conclusive? What appears to be the view taken by the Church of England on this point, as evidenced by the services for St. Bartholomew's Day? 6. Give an account of the conversation of our Lord with the woman of Samaria, mentioning the circumstances under which it took place. (c) 7. What three things did your godfathers and godmothers promise for you in your Baptism? Explain their meaning. 8. Take the explanation given in the Catechism of your duty to God, and say which clauses in it refer to each of the Commandments which relate to that duty. How is that duty summed up by our Lord ? (d) 9. Explain the following words, with reference to the context in which they occur in these services;-" trespasses,"-" remission," -"hell," "endue,"-" curates,"" provocation." 10. What different classes of sins are mentioned in the general Confession? Distinguish between them. (e) 11. Distinguish between "sins, negligences, and ignorances." How far does this classification agree with that, above referred to, in the general Confession? 12. Whence is the expression "Lamb of God" taken, and what is its significance ? H The Rudiments of Faith and Religion. Senior. (a) 2 KINGS; (b) GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN; (c) ACTS OF THE APOSTLES; (d) CHURCH CATECHISM; (e) MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES; (f) LITANY; (9) HISTORY OF THE PRAYER BOOK. (a) 1. Enumerate, in order of time, the most formidable foreign enemies of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah of whom we read in this book. Describe-by a map if possible-the position of their countries. How far were any of them successful? 2. Comment on the following passages, stating in what connection they occur:— (i.) "Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given to thy servant two mules' burden of earth? (ii.) “The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, saying, Give thy daughter to my son to wife; and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon, and trode down the thistle." 3. Junior Paper, No. 1. 4. Junior Paper, No. 3. (b) 5. What miracles are recorded by St. John? Can you trace any plan on which these are selected from amongst the many which must have been known to the Evangelist ? 6. In what peculiar sense does St. John use the term "the Jews"? What words are employed by the other Evangelists to convey the same idea? Give instances. 7. Explain the following passages, mentioning in what connection they occur. (i.) "My father worketh hitherto, and I work." ii.) Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?" (iii.) "He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit." 10. Where are the different countries situated whose inhabitants were present in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, as recorded in ch. ii.? At what time of the year was this? In what sense do you understand the expression "Every man heard them speak in his own language"? 11. In what did the sin of Ananias and Sapphira consist? What proof of the divinity of the Holy Ghost is given in their story? 12. Explain the following words, as used in the Acts :-" sect," -"wot,"—" suborn,"-" vanities,"-" proselyte,"-" quaternion." (d) 13. If the worship of a plurality of gods and of graven images is unknown in Christian countries, in what sense can the first and second Commandments be still considered as binding upon Christians? 14. Explain the answer to the question, "How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in His Church?" with especial reference to the words "Two only," and "generally necessary." (e) 15. What do you understand by a Canticle? Which of the Christian songs, introduced into the Morning or Evening Service, bears this title? What is its source, and who were the persons whose names are mentioned in it? 16. Explain the following phrases : (i.) "Because there is none other that fighteth for us." (iii.) "In knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life.” (f) 17. Distinguish between the Invocations, Deprecations, Obsecrations, and Supplications, in the Litany. 18. What is the meaning of these expressions— (i.) "To strengthen such as do stand"; (ii.) "To raise up them that fall"? (9) 19. What is meant by the "Sarum Use"? Where did it prevail; and what is its connection with the present Prayer Book? 20. How did the first English Prayer Book chiefly differ from the Latin Services from which it was compiled? English Grammar and Composition. Junior. Every Candidate is required to satisfy the Examiners in this paper. Special attention will be paid to the Parsing. 1. Analyse and parse : I come, I come, ye have called me long; 2. Give the meaning of the following suffixes:-trustee, twenty, fourth, supper, logic, pomposity, jest, unique, verbose, dramatist. 3. Learn The Deserted Village from "Thus to relieve the wretched was his pride," to "Shall kiss the cup to pass it to the Give a short sketch of "the Village Preacher " in your own words." 4. Mention some adjectives that do not admit of comparison. 5. Who is applied to persons; which to things. (a) Compare the busy and the idle in the societies with which they mingle; and remark, which of them discover most cheerfulness and gaiety, which possess the most regular flow of spirits. (b) The Court of Queen Elizabeth, who was but another name for prudence and economy. Explain why (a) is correct, why (b) is incorrect. 6. Write a composition on any of the following subjects :(i.) How far the description of The Deserted Village may be regarded as exaggeration. (ii.) On the choice of a profession, giving reasons for the choice. (iii.) Why education should be, to some extent, compulsory. 7. When should such be followed by as? When by that? Is it allowable to use every before a plural noun? Give examples. 8. When may the adverbs yon and yonder be used as demonstrative pronouns ? |