Nineveh, prophecies concerning, conclusive, mortifying declaration of a, O. Objections to the scriptures, with answers, Page 108 50, 54 187, 204 161 306, 307 Oliver, Dr. conversion and death of, Oxford, Earl of, an infidel and hypocrite, Orleans, Duke of, declares in favour of piety, Ostervald, attributes great blame to the clergy, 68, 69, 205, 305 340 142 persuasion of, that he was right, no proof, Parishes in England and Wales, challenged to produce morals equal to the New Testa- ment, a man of some natural talents, an ignorant and malignant person, insolently attacks the clergy on their learning, 37 objections of, to the scripture, answered, specimens of the insolence of, jests of Solomon recommended to, Paley, Rev. William, on subscription, account of the Methodists by, Parsons, of all descriptions, too papistical, 305 152 205 Ibid. 206 205, 213 214, 215 262, 263 273, 274 345 Addenda. 75 87 Patric, Bishop, endeavoured at a reformation, Paul, St. triumphant death of, Father, a great student in the scriptures, 150 158, 159 147 22 298 Persecution, Persecution, a sure mark of Antichrist, Peter, St. curious anecdote of, Peterborough, Lord, Eulogium of, on Fenelon, Philosophers, French, of various sentiments, Pluralities of livings, very common, Pomfret's Poems, quotation from, quotations from, a believer, Page 219 219, 220, 237 93 309, 310 280 237 324 91 7 49, 204, 248, 249, 269, 294 137 Pope, of Rome, duration of, 'anecdote of, 135 337 cruelly treated by the French, Popes, of Rome, number of, in all, however virtuous, to go into perdition, Popery, a grievous curse to Christendom, Pope, William, infidelity and awful death of, Porson's account of Gibbon's history, Porteous, Bishop, quotation from, on the Atonement, Discourses of, on Redemption, recommended, on a Future State, recommended, 18 122 275 251 Prayers, for the King, too frequently repeated, 261 Prebends, Canons, &c. some account of, 77 Preferment, large, not necessary to our usefulness, Priestly, Dr. considers all lively religion as enthusiasm, Priests, by their folly, the curse of Christendom, 24,600 of, murdered in France, Prophecies, a wonderful chain of, in scripture, 174 144 277 191 166 a remarkable one, concerning the French, 254, 255 Propertius, Propertius, quotation from, Prussia, Frederic, King of, egregiously mistaken, Psalmist, a great admirer of the law of Moses, Puritans, History of, by Neal, recommended, Pythagoras, excellent precept of, Page 270 302 244 146 293- Raleigh, Sir Walter, dying advice of, Rank, men of, sometimes the pest of a neighbourhood, Rectories, number of, 310 177 339, 351 75 Reformation, prevented the clergy from amassing the wealth of Europe, 168 of England, essential to the salvation of the coun- Religions, of the world, should be compared, 276 Renty, Mons. de, read three chapters daily on his knees, 289 Repentance, death-bed, very dangerous, Reyner, a bankrupt, afterwards honourably paid his debts, Rittenhouse, David, a philosopher, yet a believer, 41 330 Ridley, Bishop, able to repeat much of the bible, Robert, King of Sicily, preferred his bible to his kingdom, 241 Rochester, Earl of, conversion and wickedness of, Bishop of, against all reform, Rome, destruction of, predicted, 297 302, 303 5 324 242 335 35, 38 89 136, 137 Romaine, Rev. William, read nothing but; the bible for 30 years, 300 61 268 269 Rousseau, Roscommon, Earl of, passage from, applied to the bible, glorious death of, Rowe, Nic. Esq. died in the faith, Rousseau, extraordinary life and death of, Rush, Dr. a philosopher, yet a Christian, S. Sabbath, profaned, and lost, Salmasius, dying lamentation of, Saville, Sir George, some account of, Scaliger, a fine stanza, admired by, Scarlett, New Testament of, for universal restitution, Scott, Rev. Thomas, conversion of, answer of, to T. Paine, quotation from, Scotland, kirk of, some account of, Sheffield, Duke of Bucks, lines on the death of, Sherlock, Bishop, quotations from, 227 45 66 314 195 39 185, 186 78 236 299 57, 243 313 9 231 26 92, 177, 256, 274 50 Pref. 9 Dr. on the Test Act, on Divine Providence, recommended, Shepherd, of Salisbury Plain, read his bible daily for 30 years, 156 199 301 Sidney, Sir Philip, dying advice of, 290 Slavery, in ancient times, common and cruel, Spirit, Holy, operation of, defended by Bishop Pearson,' 315 Stars, number of, discoverable, 325 Stackhouse, Rev. T. on the objections to the bible, Steel, Sir Richard, on the death of three infidels, Sterne, Lawrence, Sermon of, on Conscience, Stillingfleet, Bishop, endeavours reformation, Origines Sacræ of, strongly recommended, Struensee, Count, conversion of, Page 50 262, 301 310 273 103 147 304 - 39 Subscription, to the 39 Articles, a great hardship, 153, 161 154 when we go to College, very wrong, does a Bishop in England believe fully his own 162 Susannah, Countess of Suffolk, read the bible over twice a year, Tacitus, on the three States in a Government, Taylor, Bishop, a rare character, Temple, Sir William, Burnet's account of, Tennison, Archbishop, endeavoured reformation, Testimonies, Heathen, to the birth of Christ, Theology, difficulties in, 224 88 66 147 109, 110 103 clergy often unfriendly to, Toplady, triumphant death of, Tribes, ten of the Jews, now in the East, Tronchin, Dr. confirms the bad end of Voltaire, Turk, fall of, Turreau's history of the Vendean war, Tyre, prophecies concerning, conclusive, Unbelievers, creed of, U. Universities, English, income of, Urick, John, great diligence of, in prayer, 219 Tollet, an apostate priest, a blood-hound, 224 284, 285 193 16 331 229 108 100 76 4.4 88 Vander- |