A DIS.COURSE O F FREE-THINKING, Occafion'd by The Rife and Growth of a Sect Mundum tradidit hominum difputationi Deus. Eccl. 3. 11, Vulg. Nil tam temerarium, tamque indignum fapientis gravitate 'Tis a bard Matter for a Government to fettle Wit, Characteristicks, vol. 1. p. 19. LONDON, Printed in the Year M, DCC. XIII. CONTENTS Ntroduction. pag. 3 SECT. I. Free-Thinking defin'd. P. 5 6 Ift Argument to prove that it is every Man's 6 2d Argument, taken from Free-Thinking being SECT. II. 25 That it is our Duty to think freely on those 32 111 |