SELECT WORKS OF THE BRITISH POETS, IN A CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES FROM BEN JONSON TO BEATTIE. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL NOTICES. BY DR. AIKIN. TENTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: A. HART, LATE CAREY & HART, No. 126 CHESTNUT STREET. II. II. Of Walking the Streets by Day 289 III. Of Walking the Streets by Night 294 215 Sweet William's Farewell to Black-eyed Susan 297 A Ballad, from the What-d'ye-call-it... Fable. The Goat without a Beard.. Fable. The Universal Apparition A Fairy Tale, in the ancient English Style. 221 Fable. The Hare and many Friends.. ib. with respect to Happiness... 368 IV. Of the Use of Riches.... A. PHILIPS. ib. |