Eclectic Review, MDCCCXVI. JANUARY-JUNE. NEW SERIES. VOL. V. Φιλοσοφίαν δε ου την Στωικην λεγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικήν, η την Επικουρείο, τε CLEM. ALEX. Strom. Lib. 1. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOSIAH CONDER, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. SOLD ALSO BY DEIGHTON AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE; AND OLIPHANT, WAUGH, AND INNES, EDINBURGH. Ali Bey's Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, &c. Athaliah: a Sacred Drama. Translated from the French of Racine Bakewell's Letter, addressed to the Chairman of the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to Inquire into the State of Madhouses Bellamy's Jonah. The Seatonian Prize Poem, for the Year 1815. Bickersteth's Scripture Help, designed to assist in reading the Bible profitably Brown's History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen Bugg's Spiritual Regeneration not necessarily connected with Baptism Bullar's Refutation of the False Assertions against Dissenters, as connected Duncan's Essay on the Nature and Advantages of Parish Banks Elphinstone's Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies 457,556 Gisborne's Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester Glover's Thoughts on the Character and Tendency of the Property Tax Good's Trauslation of the Book of Job Griffin's Memoirs of Capt. James Wilson Gurney's, the Rev. W. Serious Address to the Clergy of the United Kingdom, Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, on the Subject of the Attack made by his Lordship upon the British and Foreign Bible Society Letter by One of the Clergy to the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, M. A. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland: containing an Account Lewis and Clarke's Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across Mant's Two Tracts, intended to convey correct Notions of Regeneration Page 429,538 Morell's Studies in History; containing the History of Rome Notes intended as Materials for a Memoir on the Affairs of the Protestants of 1 Observations on the Laws relating to Private Lunatic Asylums Ode (Second) to Napoleon Buonaparte, partly a Parody on that of Lord Byron Parsey's Deserted Village restored: The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. For the Year Preston's Review of the present ruined condition of the Landed and Agri- Private Hours of Napoleon Buonaparte Resolutions and Statements relative to the Persecution of the French Pro- Scott's, John, Paris Revisited, in 1815, by Way of Brussels 211 429 Prescience, or the Secrets of Divination: a Poem Second Report of the London Society for the Improvement and Encourage- Sharpe's Report from the Committee appointed to consider of Provision Siege of Corinth a Poem. Parisina: a Poem Sismondi's Considerations sur Genève dans ses Rapports avec l'Angleterre, etc. 472 Watkin's, the Rev. H. G. Friendly Hints to Female Servants Hints and Observations, serious, addressed to Heads of Families Wilks's Essay on the Signs of Conversion and Unconversion in the Ministers of Williams's, Miss H. M. Narrative of the Events which have taken Place in Williams's, Thos. Moral Tendency of Knowledge ECLECTIC REVIEW, FOR JANUARY, 1816. Art. I. The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq. with Memoirs of his Life and Writings; composed by Himself; illustrated from his Letters, with occasional Notes and Narrative. By the Right Hon. John Lord Sheffield. A new Edition, with considerable Additions, 5 vols, Svò. pp. xlviii, 2928. Price 31. 5s. London. Murray. 1815. THERE is something, at first sight, extremely embarrassing to the critic, in such an appearance as that of the present Publication. It is not given to the world as a new work, but purports to be no more than a new edition of an old one; of one which made its appearance many years ago, in a quarto form. That work, as is generally known, was so favourably received, that the public may well be supposed sufficiently acquainted with its contents, no longer to stand in need either of the critic's judgement, to influence or to deter from the purchase, or of the production of select passages, to serve as specimens of the style, or as substitutes for the work itself, to those readers who, from whatever motive, might choose to be satisfied with splendid portions instead of the whole. But, though it is no more than a new edition of an old work, it is, however, one, improved, according to the title, with considerable additions, which additions are supposed to amount to about one third of the former publication. Of these additions, then, at least, the reader of a review might expect to meet with some more particular notice. It would, however, be no easy matter, in many cases, to distinguish, in an extensive series of narrative composition, what has been added, from the information originally given, incorporated as both are through a considerable portion of the work. And even to distinguish accurately the addition of several letters to and from Mr. Gibbon, from those formerly published, would require a more minute comparison of both editions, than is easily instituted, or would be likely to reward the time and pains necessary to be bestowed on it.' But, should even these difficulties be surmounted, and the VOL. V. N.S. B |