LIFE, REAL AND UNREAL. BY FRANCES FAY. WRITTEN FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, AND REVISED BY PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, No. 316 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW YORK: No. 147 NASSAU ST......BOSTON: No. 9 CORNHILL. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of No books are published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION without the sanction of the Committee of Publication, consisting of fourteen members, from the following denominations of Christians, viz. Baptist, Methodist, Congregationalist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Reformed Dutch. Not more than three of the members can be of the same denomination, and no book can be published to which any member of the Committee shall object. LIFE, REAL AND UNREAL. CHAPTER I. THE IMBITTERED HEART. Life hath much of grief and pain All brows are shaded by sorrow's cloud, But the gifted one, oh! who can tell How his pulses beat and his heart-strings swell! His secret pangs, his throbbing wo, None but himself and his God may know. 66 'WILL you take a ramble over the hills with me, this afternoon, Mary?" said my friend Harriet Wallace to me, on a bright, sunny morning in autumn. "A ramble over the hills with you!" I exclaimed; "and in broad daylight, too? Yes, gladly. It will, indeed, be a strange event.' "Well, I confess I should much prefer a ramble in some ghost-haunted glen, by moonlight, with my own thoughts for company. But 7 |