A HISTORY OF IRELAND, FROM THE EARLIEST ACCOUNTS TO THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE UNION WITH BY THE REV. JAMES GORDON, RECTOR OF KILLEGNY IN THE DIOCESE OF FERNS, AND OF CANNA IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. Nobis in arto & inglorius labor. Non tamen sine usu fuerit introspicere illa primo aspectu levia, TACITUS, Dublin : PRINTED BY JOHN JONES, 90, BRIDE-STREET, 1805. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAP. XXVII. Contests of Ormond and the clergy Clanricarde's protector Mifcellaneous tranfactions-Cromwel's of the Castle and its reduction. Page 1 CHAP. CHA P. XXVIII. English affairs and reflexions on revolution-Restoration of Charles the fecond-Violent diffenfions-Declaration of fettlement-Reftoration of epifcopacy-Difcontents -A parliament-Debates in London on Irish affairs -Act of fettlement- ·Difcontents from the execution of the act of fettlement-Confpiracies- Defeat of the confpiracles-Bill of explanation- -Conceffions of different parties-Detection of abufes-Defalcation from the claims of adventurers and foldiers-Nominees CHA P. XXIX. Act prohibiting the importation of Irish cattle into England-Difcontents-Subscription of beeves- Commercial affairs-Intrigues against Ormond- Change of politics—Berkley-Theological question— Remonftrance-Anti-remonftrants-Alarms of the proteftants-Catholic petition-Addrefs of the English parliament-Adminiftration of Effex-- Conduct of Ormond-Attempt of Blood-Reftoration of Ormond to the lord lieutenancy-Popish plot Defective evidences- -Oliver Plunket Steadiness and caution of Ormond-Death of Offory |