It were a pity, if all this outcry should draw no customers. Here they come. A hot day, gentlemen! Quaff, and away again, so as to keep yourselves in a nice cool sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful, to wash the dust out of your throat, if... American Monthly Knickerbocker - Page 3751837Full view - About this book
| Mary Edwards Calhoun - 1915 - 670 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...heat without and fire within, you would have been burned to a cinder or melted down to nothing at all, in the fashion of a jelly-fish. Drink and make... | |
| Franklin Thomas Baker, Ashley Horace Thorndike - 1918 - 432 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful, to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...wise man, have passed by the taverns, and stopped at 25 the running brooks and well-curbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat without and fire within, you would have... | |
| Franklin Thomas Baker, Ashley Horace Thorndike - 1918 - 432 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful, to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...wise man, have passed by the taverns, and stopped at fiery fever of last night's potations, which he drained from no cup of mine. Welcome, most rubicund... | |
| William Holmes McGuffey - 1920 - 390 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...the taverns, and stopped at the running brooks and well curbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat without and fire within, you would have been burnt to a cinder,... | |
| William Holmes McGuffey - 1879 - 374 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...the taverns, and stopped at the running brooks and well -curbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat without and fire within, you would have been burnt to a cinder,... | |
| Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1982 - 1546 pages
...sweat. You, my friend, will need another cup-full, to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I, have passed by the taverns, and stopped at the running-brooks and well-curbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat without and fire within, you would have been... | |
| Richard Edwards - 1867 - 368 pages sweat. You, my friend, will need another cupful, to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see...the taverns, and stopped at the running brooks and well curbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat without and fire within, you would have been burned to a cinder,... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1859 - 798 pages
...throat, if it be as thiek there as it is on your eow-hide shees. I see that you have tradged half a seore of miles to-day, and, like a wise man, have passed...the taverns, and stopped at the running brooks and well-eurbs. Otherwise, betwixt heat witheut and fire within, you would have been burnt to a einder,... | |
| 1837 - 546 pages
...sweat. You, my friend, will need another cup-full, to wash the dust out of your throat, if it be as thick there as it is on your cowhide shoes. I see that you hare trudged half a score of miles, to-day : and, like a wise man, have passed by the taverns, and... | |
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